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On Balochistan: “Stick it to the Pakistanis”, said Americans

stick with us mean
graves yard in Afghanistan
any type of invasion against us cause serious trouble for USA in Afghanistan
Well, one could wait and see what happens in Baluchistan, if matters are beyond one's understanding at present. Sometimes waiting helps, no point in getting upset.

Hmmm sure, but don't re-open borders and make the lives easier for the people who wanted to "stick it to the Pakistanis".
Hmmm sure, but don't re-open borders and make the lives easier for the people who wanted to "stick it to the Pakistanis".

Easier said than done, given the historically and technically difficult border to secure, and the terrain and cross-border tribal connections.
Easier said than done, given the historically and technically difficult border to secure, and the terrain and cross-border tribal connections.

Haha, you know I was talking about Americans right - Americans are not infiltrating into Afghanistan through Pakistan, we are sending them off on big convoy of trucks.
Haha, you know I was talking about Americans right - Americans are not infiltrating into Afghanistan through Pakistan, we are sending them off on big convoy of trucks.

Let's wait and see what happens! ;)
nice move by usa (sweet talk) has to do something with ground supplies.:rolleyes:
Before friends of pakistan losing batting in america, friends of america have already lost battle in pakistan, long time ago.
No matter how much pro americans in pakistan try, they are perceived as enemies of pakistan.
It was only a matter of time that such feeling is reciprocated.

That is because America's Hearts and Minds policy with respect to Pakistan is drawn up by people who no nothing about the country. Historically speaking, dislike for America stems from their desertion of Pakistan after the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, we were left with a destroyed Afghanistan facing a civil war and about 6 million refugees, to top it all off, we were slapped with sanctions and had to face two droughts in those sanction years.
The average Pakistani doesn't care how much aid you give to the government or how many reforestation projects you start on mountains. I'm not saying they aren't good deeds that should be appreciated, I'm saying they in no way influence the common man. America's approval rating was highest during the 2010 floods because people got to see a lot of America right in front of them and they thought: "These people aren't half as bad as we thought they were". American helicopters, pilots, relief workers, doctors, flour, rice. It was all in front of the common man and he felt that someone cared. And the love was reciprocated, children made cards, adults brought gifts, people invited them to dinner in shabby tents since their homes were no more but they did all they could to try and repay the favour. I myself saw people cheering a Chinook and two blackhawks as they flew over us in Sitara Market in Peshawar, the particular market is 25 feet from Khyber Agency.
Much of the goodwill however was lost, Raymond Davis, OBL and Salala have tilted the public favour against America for obvious reasons.
Point being that it's not that Pakistanis can't be won over, we certainly were won over before the Pressler Amendment was invoked, it can be done again but by increasing people to people contact and not by any other way.
My 2 cents........
Having met Christine Fair personally at Wesleyan University, Middletown Connecticut; although she was "supportive" of Pakistan with respect to the Congressional hearing on Balochistan, she is for the most part, quite anti-Pakistan. She is infuriated by the Pakistan security establishment (ISI, Pakistan Army), blinded by the popular/common (baseless) perception that they support the Taliban. I actually confronted her on some issues I took with her, with regards to some of the things she said at a US Senate hearing that were factually incorrect, with plenty of logical fallacies.

Here is a link to that thread:

.......... She is infuriated by the Pakistan security establishment (ISI, Pakistan Army), blinded by the popular/common (baseless) perception that they support the Taliban.................

Perceptions are all-important in politics, are they not?
Before friends of pakistan losing batting in america, friends of america have already lost battle in pakistan, long time ago.
No matter how much pro americans in pakistan try, they are perceived as enemies of pakistan.
It was only a matter of time that such feeling is reciprocated.

America's relationship with Pakistan is like a bank manager who puts a large tip in the jar at the local coffee shop, even as he is texting with his other hand to approve a mega construction project which will force the coffee shop to be evicted.

To be pro-America in Pakistan is to deliberately ignore the larger geopolitical game that America is orchestrating and which is squarely against Pakistan's interests.
Having met Christine Fair personally at Wesleyan University, Middletown Connecticut; although she was "supportive" of Pakistan with respect to the Congressional hearing on Balochistan, she is for the most part, quite anti-Pakistan. She is infuriated by the Pakistan security establishment (ISI, Pakistan Army), blinded by the popular/common (baseless) perception that they support the Taliban. I actually confronted her on some issues I took with her, with regards to some of the things she said at a US Senate hearing that were factually incorrect, with plenty of logical fallacies.

Here is a link to that thread:


May be you haven't understood her POV....She is one of the few Americans who actually are neutral... May be you people are used to the likes of Robin Raphel...
Pakistan does not need to react to the NONBINDING DECLARATION by small number of these Congressman. It has no impact on US pakistan relations or any legal implications. Any jerk can stand up and say anything, it has no value unless a resolution is passed by a majority of congress and signed into law.

India has a large INDIAN CAUCUS in US Congress and every now and then they create a problem for us. But unless it is approved by a majority vote it has no value.
That is because America's Hearts and Minds policy with respect to Pakistan is drawn up by people who no nothing about the country. Historically speaking, dislike for America stems from their desertion of Pakistan after the defeat of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, we were left with a destroyed Afghanistan facing a civil war and about 6 million refugees, to top it all off, we were slapped with sanctions and had to face two droughts in those sanction years.
The average Pakistani doesn't care how much aid you give to the government or how many reforestation projects you start on mountains. I'm not saying they aren't good deeds that should be appreciated, I'm saying they in no way influence the common man. America's approval rating was highest during the 2010 floods because people got to see a lot of America right in front of them and they thought: "These people aren't half as bad as we thought they were". American helicopters, pilots, relief workers, doctors, flour, rice. It was all in front of the common man and he felt that someone cared. And the love was reciprocated, children made cards, adults brought gifts, people invited them to dinner in shabby tents since their homes were no more but they did all they could to try and repay the favour. I myself saw people cheering a Chinook and two blackhawks as they flew over us in Sitara Market in Peshawar, the particular market is 25 feet from Khyber Agency.
Much of the goodwill however was lost, Raymond Davis, OBL and Salala have tilted the public favour against America for obvious reasons.
Point being that it's not that Pakistanis can't be won over, we certainly were won over before the Pressler Amendment was invoked, it can be done again but by increasing people to people contact and not by any other way.
My 2 cents........

Nicely said sir, but how can OBL episode tilt public favour against the Americans. OBL was USA's no 1 terrorist...He was living nearby a military establishment in Pakistan. Isnt it right that US took him out without the knowledge of Pakistan since they were suspicious of ISI and Military.The public should make the Govt answer why this terrorist was living in the heart of the city and no one knew. They should ask the govt why it did not catch OBL and hand it over to the US. If they had done this, Americans would not have to come in stealth choppers and make a tamasha out of everyone in Pak establishment.
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