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Olive and olive oil production in KSA

Eid Mubarak to you too bro. Insha'Allah you and your family had a good one.

Yeah, you're definitely right about the geographic-historical connection with the Levant and the natural topographic link between them. Turkey, Syria and Jordan are the biggest producers in the region and considering how blurred the line is between Jordan and Northern Saudi Arabia, this thread makes complete sense and I assume the potential for Saudi olive oil is big and can't see why it'd be much different than Levantine oil in quality.

I completely agree with you about the majesty of the tree and its groves. Whenever I see a tree, especially in the Middle East, I remember God and get images of history. There's something exceptional about the olive tree and how it connects us to the land and our past. I think it's more pronounced in Jordan, Palestine and Sinai than it is in the northern Levant (Lebanon, Syria) due to the backdrop, which is more 'Biblical' for lack for a better term.

The rice surprised me though; had no idea. Watching that video though, saw similarities with sections of the Nile Delta in terms of atmosphere and soil. Again, goes to show just how diverse and big the country is. Hope they figure out a way to deal with the water problems and get the new generation to be interested in farming it. Would be a loss for the industry to die out.

Brother, you have perfectly described my worries and my exact words and I am happy whenever I see fellow Arabs who value the same as I do and have similar aspirations. Many people are very ignorant about KSA and the Arab world as a whole despite it playing an absolutely critical role in world history, the history of religions and is home to so much culture, natural beauty etc. Which is a shame. They know not much aside from the educated people in the world. Unfortunately many of our own criminals are to blame for some of our new image.
I hope that my writings and that of thousands of other Arabs, yours etc. will clear such misconception and hatred from some people.

Northern KSA is very similar to the Levant. I would even say that most of Hijaz is in terms of culture, DIALECT, historical connection etc. Even landscapes. After all this is not so strange because we are direct neighbors and there is no wonder that even Prophet Muhammad (saws) 1400 years back had close ties to the Levant and a special affinity due to the close ties between Hijaz and Levant on all fronts.:)

Making people want to do farming will be a very difficult project because most Arab youth do not want to do manual jobs and just want to earn big money doing as little as possible. Thankfully there are some people who are still trying to preserve all this and I hope that they will succeed although on some fronts it looks difficult.

Palestinians, Jordanians have helped the olive sector in KSA by training women etc. You can read this in this thread.:)

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Olive oil from Al-Jawf (100% organic)








Olive harvesting from this late November (30th November) in Al-Jawf. The harvest of 13 million olive trees






Excellent article about Al-Jawf - one of the centers of olive production in KSA. Some amazing
historical details as well.

Unsung Crossroads

Written and photographed by David W. Tschanz

Even among historians of the Arabian Peninsula, al-Jawf is not a name that comes tripping off the tongue. The oasis at the edge of the northern curve of Saudi Arabia's Great Nafud desert is hardly as well-known as other historical sites in the kingdom—the carved-rock tombs at Mada'in Salih, for example. But al-Jawf is where the trade routes met that once linked Mesopotamia, Persia and Syria with Arabia and Yemen, and enough has happened here to make good the claim of Al-Jawf Museum Director Hussein al-Khalifa, who tells visitors that al-Jawf's weather-beaten, mud-brick ruins are "the richest historical site in Saudi Arabia."

The name al-Jawf, which means "the hollow" or "the depression" in Arabic, is relatively modern. Strictly speaking, it applies to the entire southeastern portion of Wadi al-Sirhan, an elongated depression that extends northwest toward the border with Jordan. Today al-Jawf is also the name of the local province, or amirate. In practice, however, al-Jawf has become synonymous with one of Saudi Arabia's oldest inhabited towns and its environs, formerly known as Dawmat al-Jandal.

Dawmat al-Jandal means "Dawma of the stone," and the name comes from the local belief that the town was first settled by Dawma, son of Ishmael and grandson of the prophet Abraham. Yet archeologists have found abundant evidence that long before Ishmael's time—believed to be the early second millennium BC—al-Jawf's fresh water and fertile soil had proved attractive to settlers. In 1986 and 1997, Saudi-sponsored expeditions uncovered shaped pieces of flint and bone implements that confirmed that humans had inhabited this region as long as 750,000 years ago. With these finds, al-Jawf became one of the oldest known inhabited sites in modern Saudi Arabia, after the nearby village of Shuwayhitiyah. (See Aramco World, July/ August 1992.)

During the Chalcolithic, or Copper, Age, approximately 6000 years ago, the population of al-Jawf laboriously erected 54 groups of squared-off stone pillars, some of which measured up to three meters (9'6") in height. Called al-rajajil ("the men") today, the pillars appear to the casual observer to be randomly placed, although a bird's-eye view shows that they are placed in roughly parallel east-west lines.

Their significance is no more certain than that of the more famous megaliths at Stonehenge, or the dolmens of Jordan. Although Saudi archeologist Khaleel al-Muakiel believes it is likely al-rajajil were used not only for religious purposes but also as a "meeting place for people from the surrounding areas, probably a political center," he agrees this can be no more than speculation. A 1977 dig at the base of one set of pillars found neither votive offerings, grave goods nor bones of sacrificial animals, any one of which would have bolstered the hypothesis that the stones had had a religious function or meaning.

The construction of al-rajajil may also have been related to trade. Because of al-Jawf's natural resources and strategic location, major roads connecting the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Mesopotamia and Syria crossed at al-Jawf. One, the oldest land route in recorded history, ran north from Yemen along the Red Sea through Madi-nah, Al-'Ula and Mada'in Salih. It then turned northeast to al-Jawf, then north again toward Damascus and Turkey. The other major road linked Yemen with Mesopotamia. By traveling north and northeast to al-Jawf, then east, the road avoided the harsh sands of the Great Nafud to the south and the less passable terrain of Wadi al-Sirhan to the north.

By the early first millennium BC, al-Jawf was a well-established trading city. Assyrian records from Nineveh, covering the years 744 to 633 BC, tell of five powerful queens who ruled north Arabia from Adummatu, their name for al-Jawf. One queen, Te'elhunu, is mentioned as the high priestess of Ishtar, the Sumerian goddess of fertility, love and war, whose religion was among the most widespread of the ancient world. Al-Jawf was the site of an important temple of Ishtar, one commensurate with the city's regional status, and so great was her following in al-Jawf that the Assyrian records refer to the inhabitants simply as "followers of Atarsamain," Ishtar's local name. It is likely the other queens may have served dual roles as well, for in such a setting a priestess of Ishtar may have been well positioned to exert political power.

The main business of al-Jawf, however, was business. Centuries of merchants met, bought, sold and exchanged here in a steady flow of commerce. Pilgrim traffic drawn to Ishtar's temple was, of course, good for business. Fertile soils made al-Jawf a breadbasket surrounded by drier, harsher lands. In time, the city grew famous and wealthy.

But notoriety and riches also attracted the gaze of more powerful neighbors to the north. Assyrian records, some dating back to the 11th century BC, provide detailed descriptions of al-Jawf—another testament to its significance. Another document, dating from 845 BC, contains the first known use of the word Arab.

The Assyrians viewed al-Jawf as a prize, and they made it a tribute-paying vassal state. Its wealth can be inferred from the payments the eighth-century BC Assyrian kings Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II demanded: no less than the amounts exacted from Egypt's pharaoh or the Yemeni king of Saba.

Al-Jawf's inhabitants chafed under the Assyrian yoke and rebelled several times, but each time the Assyrians crushed them. On one occasion the Assyrians then carried al-Jawf's idols off to Mesopotamia. In a society that made no distinction between the statue and the god itself, this was a devastating act of psychological warfare, as it left al-Jawf's population believing they were bereft of divine protection.

During another rebellion in the seventh century BC, the Assyrian king Esarhaddon had the ringleaders brought to his capital. His punishment was typical of those the Assyrians recorded, partly in order to inspire fear in their opponents: "I put dog collars on them and bound them to the left side of the Metalworker's Gate in Nineveh."

The cycle of rebellion and suppression must have severely damaged al-Jawf economically, as well as in other ways. The last Assyrian king, Ashurbanipal, boasted that in one campaign in the late seventh century BC, he hauled so much booty off to Nineveh from al-Jawf that camels "filled up completely the entire extent of [Assyria]. I formed flocks and distributed camels as if they were sheep. Camels were bought ... for less than one shekel of silver in the market place. The tavern-keeper received camels, even slaves, as a gift; the brewer for a hapu of beer, the gardener for a basket of fresh dates."

The respite that came to al-Jawf with Ashurbanipal's death in 627 BC and the collapse of the Assyrian empire was shortlived. In the first years of the sixth century BC, the Chaldean armies of Nebuchadrezzar n sacked al-Jawf, at the same time that, as the Biblical book of Jeremiah records, he "smote Qedar and the kingdoms of Hasor." A later Neo-Babylonian ruler, Nabonidus, did the same in 552 BC.

Severe as these blows were, al-Jawf I remained a natural market city and, though frequently belea guered, it continued to flourish. When the Persians, under Cyrus,, supplanted the Chaldeans in 539 BC, they did not occupy al-Jawf. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, they simply demanded a heavy tribute of 1000 talents—on the order of 26 metric tons—of frankincense.

In the first century of our era, al-Jawf enjoyed a significant period of prosperity as part of the Nabataean commercial empire. (See Aramco World, September/ October 1991.) The Nabataeans, based in Petra, expanded al-Jawf's farms and date-palm groves. Nabataean hydraulic engineers—perhaps the best the ancient world ever produced—harnessed the area's water supply through a network of ditches, channels and wells, some of which are still in use today. For example, at Bi'r Saysarah, engineers carved a conical well into a low-lying hillock, and today a staircase, hewn into the sheer-rock side, descends to where a small square tunnel connects the well to the irrigation system that still serves the surrounding area.

The Nabataeans were also apparently the first to begin construction of Qasr Marid, today al-Jawf's most visually impressive archeological site. The circular, walled fortress, with four conical towers, is perched on a rocky hill overlooking Daw-mat al-Jandal. Though it has been rebuilt several times, its foundation stones bear Nabataean inscriptions.

In the third century, Qasr Marid was put to its severest test. By then, the Romans had eclipsed the Nabataeans, and Palmyra, in today's Syria, was a Roman colony. At a moment when Emperor Claudius Gothicus was distracted by invading Goths and internal problems, Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra, revolted and marched on the critical crossroads in 269. Though the Palmyran blow fell heavily, Qasr Marid proved impregnable, and Zenobia's ambition was thwarted.

For the next 500 years al-Jawf moved off history's main stage. Throughout the early seventh-century conflict between the Byzantines and the Sassanid Persians, al-Jawf remained a regional trade center under Byzantine rule, but it ceased to be a strategic prize. Although the Byzantines finally defeated Persia in 629, the Byzantine empire was nearly exhausted. Emperor Heraclius, rather than attempting expansion into Arabia through the gate of al-Jawf, chose to appoint a local official, Ukaidir al-Kindi, to oversee the frontier city and collect its taxes on the emperor's behalf. Heraclius did not realize that al-Jawf's gate could swing both ways.

In the seventh century, the rise of Islam again changed the city's fortunes. In 626 the Prophet Muhammad led his first expedition against Byzantine territory through Dawmat al-Jandal. It was not a campaign of conquest but rather an attempt to stop Byzantine harassment of caravans bound for Madinah. Four years later a second expedition, led by Khalid ibn al-Walid, forced al-Kindi to switch allegiances, and al-Jawf became part of the new Islamic state.

In the aftermath of the Prophet's death in 632, several local tribes around al-Jawf joined the riddah, or apostasy rebellion. Al-Kindi was among them, and Khalid ibn al-Walid returned in 633 to put down the insurrections.

According to local tradition, the second caliph, 'Umar ibn al-Khattab, passed through al-Jawf in 638 on his way from Madinah to Jerusalem. During his brief stay in the city, he authorized the construction of a mud-brick mosque that today is among al-Jawf's most prized sites. The exact date of the mosque—said to be 638— is not beyond dispute, but it is one of the oldest intact mosques in the Islamic world. The minaret is unique: Its square shape, tapered sides and windows at each story, and the arch that allows a street to pass through its base, do not conform to any known style.

Islam brought yet another period of economic revival to al-Jawf as pilgrims from greater Syria and other regions began to pass through on their way to and from Makkah. Al-Jawf's position between Damascus and Makkah also led to its selection as the site for an initial meeting, in February of 658, between representatives of rival claimants to the caliphate of Islam, 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Prophet's son-in-law, and Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, the governor of Syria who later became the founder of the Umayyad dynasty. Known as "The Arbitration," the event is one of the most significant in Islamic history, for it presaged the shift in power from Makkah to Damascus.

The ninth century brought decline again when Zubaida bint Ja'far, wife of the Abbasid ruler Harun al-Rashid, constructed a road designed to speed pilgrims' and traders' travel between Baghdad, the Abbasid capital, and Makkah. The new road, called Darb Zubaida, rerouted trade and pilgrim traffic far south of al-Jawf. The city that had been a commercial crossroads found itself suddenly reduced to being a regional agricultural center, a status it has held now for just more than a millennium.

Al-Jawf makes cameo appearances , in several chronicles written in the late 19th century. Its location on what was then the border between Ottoman Syria and the Arabian Peninsula made it a preferred entry point for southbound European explorers, including Ulrich Jasper Seetzen, Charles Doughty, Lady Anne Blunt, Alois Musil and Captain William Shakespear. But by this time, alJawf and the mud-brick ruins of Dawmat al-Jandal had been overshadowed by neighboring Sakakah, some 40 kilometers (25 mi) to the northeast.

Early in that century, rulers in Sakakah, in an effort to signal the rising prominence of their town, constructed Qasr Za'bal, a mud-brick fortress crowning a rock outcrop approachable only by way of a spiral trail that wound several times around the hill. H. St. John Philby, an early 20th-century visitor, wrote that it "reminds one of the medieval fortresses along the Rhine."

Today, al-Jawf and Sakakah together form an important agricultural hub. Though the forbidding sterility of the Great Nafud lies just a few kilometers away, al-Jawf is one of the few places in Saudi Arabia that grow Mediterranean crops, such as olives and oranges, in addition to grapes, pomegranates, pumpkins and an abundance of wheat, the area's major cereal crop. The oasis also supports more than half a million date palms, and some 300,000 more are approaching productive maturity.

Al-Jawf's role in the historical development of Saudi Arabia is only slowly beginning to be appreciated. There are decades of study and digging yet to be done. Yet over the millennia, if the history of this small oasis teaches one lesson, it is confirmation of the ancient wisdom that both quiescence and glory are fleeting, and that the future comes ever as a surprise. Even if another "golden age" never comes for al-Jawf, this unsung crossroads has seen enough history to rank high among the jewels of Saudi Arabia's historical treasure.

A free-lance writer and historian, David W. Tschanz is also an epidemiologist in Saudi Aramco's medical organization. He has led more than half a dozen trips to al-Jawf for the Arabian Natural History Association of Dhahran.

This article appeared on pages 24-31 of the March/April 1998 print edition of Saudi Aramco World.

Saudi Aramco World : Unsung Crossroads

@Arabian Legend @JUBA @Full Moon @Altamimi @Rakan.SA @BLACKEAGLE @Ahmed Jo @Falcon29 @Halimi @ebray etc.
@al-Hasani Very nice:tup:
In Iran, green olive plants are mainly located in Qazvin and Gilan in huge production while black olive is planted in Khuzestan, Ilam and Fars in small number.and unfortunately, the black one is more delicious:(.maybe its only my own observation.

It seems you have black olive in KSA mostly.:tup:
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@Al-Hassani Very nice:tup:
In Iran, green olive plants are mainly located in Qazvin and Gilan in huge production while black olive is planted in Khuzestan, Ilam and Fars in small number.and unfortunately, the black one is more delicious:(.maybe its only my own observation.

It seems you have black olive in KSA mostly.:tup:

You are very welcome, Kollang.

Thanks for that information.

Actually green olives are more popular in KSA and personally I prefer them as well because I think that they have more of a taste. I especially like them with garlic and basilica. Blacks are great as well. But as always with food it depends on the quality in this case of the olive and how it has been cultivated. Same with olive oil. I for instance prefer virgin olive oil and also olive oil with lemon taste etc.

Olives in KSA taste very similar if not identical to olives in nearby Levant (Jordan, Syria, Palestine). Most of the olives in KSA grow in the Northern Provinces, Northern Najd and also the mountainous areas of Hijaz. Some also in the Southern Provinces but also in the mountains there and highlands only from what I know about.

We also use something called Kofteh (also eaten in Levant) which are dried herbs. It consists of savorg, leek, tarragon, mint, coriander and parsley (all of the herbs dried) to accompany dishes with olives.

I personally think that it is a great shame that people in KSA, Arab world and probably also the ME as a whole are leaving agriculture because they do not bother to work in this sector and because some look down on it. Much of the blame must also be put on the regimes as they are not supporting farmers enough. Most people working on farms in KSA nowadays (there are over 1 million in KSA) are foreigners.

People seem to me not to appreciate nature much anymore (goes for most of the modern world) and they prefer stupid new shopping malls etc. Thankfully there are still many traditional souqs and local markets in KSA that are well and alive but they might die one day. Let them stay in the big cities (shopping malls) so they cannot pollute the traditional markets. Iran better prevent those malls from becoming too many as they are likely to destroy the small businesses!
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You are very welcome, Kollang.

Thanks for that information.

Actually green olives are more popular in KSA and personally I prefer them as well because I think that they have more of a taste. I especially like them with garlic and basilica. Blacks are great as well. But as always with food it depends on the quality in this case of the olive and how it has been cultivated. Same with olive oil. I for instance prefer virgin olive oil and also olive oil with lemon taste etc.

Olives in KSA taste very similar if not identical to olives in nearby Levant (Jordan, Syria, Palestine). Most of the olives in KSA grow in the Northern Provinces, Northern Najd and also the mountainous areas of Hijaz. Some also in the Southern Provinces but also in the mountains there and highlands only from what I know about.

We also use something called Kofteh (also eaten in Levant) which are dried herbs. It consists of savorg, leek, tarragon, mint, coriander and parsley (all of the herbs dried) to accompany dishes with olives.

I personally think that it is a great shame that people in KSA, Arab world and probably also the ME as a whole are leaving agriculture because they do not bother to work in this sector and because some look down on it. Much of the blame must also be put on the regimes as they are not supporting farmers enough. Most people working on farms in KSA nowadays (there are over 1 million in KSA) are foreigners.

People seem to me not to appreciate nature much anymore (goes for most of the modern world) and they prefer stupid new shopping malls etc. Thankfully there are still many traditional souqs and local markets in KSA that are well and alive but they might die one day. Let them stay in the big cities (shopping malls) so they cannot pollute the traditional markets. Iran better prevent those malls from becoming too many as they are likely to destroy the small businesses!
Very well said:tup: we face the same problem too.


By the way, It seems that apart from lizard and kale pache (sheep's head) Iranians and Saudis have the same taste.:lol:
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@al-Hasani @kollang

In Gaza we own some land that has green olive plants, not just that but peppers, cucumbers, teen(Hasani you know this :lol:), and many other things. And you can make it on spot, it tastes really good if done well. Some organic ones made by other peoples there taste too dark. But, yeah for most part we eat green olives with food. I don't remember black ones being used for anything. :)

I haven't tried Saudi olive oil in the states since all of it is usually from Lebanon, Tunisia, or Palestinian territory.
@al-Hasani @kollang

In Gaza we own some land that has green olive plants, not just that but peppers, cucumbers, teen(Hasani you know this :lol:), and many other things. And you can make it on spot, it tastes really good if done well. Some organic ones made by other peoples there taste too dark. But, yeah for most part we eat green olives with food. I don't remember black ones being used for anything. :)

I haven't tried Saudi olive oil in the states since all of it is usually from Lebanon, Tunisia, or Palestinian territory.

Palestine is very famous for its olive oil (some of the best in the world) alongside with the entire Levant. Actually if you take a look at this thread (further back) you will see articles that I posted about Palestinian women teaching Saudi Arabian women in the nearby Northern Regions how to handle olives in the best way and with pickling etc. (lol).

Yes, green olives are by far the most popular olives in the Arab world from my experience. Here in Copenhagen most ME shops are owned by Arabs or Turks (there are a few Iranians as well but less so) and not long ago I bought some Moroccan olives and they tasted lovely too. They were cut in 2 halves and had no stones in them (is that the English word for it?) They were green too but had a taste of garlic and basilica which is my favorite.

Also Hazzy I assume that you also eat olives with Kofteh right?

Yes, Saudi Arabian olives are mostly exported to the ME and Europe. But they are harder to get than Palestinian, Lebanese etc. and less known. They are very similar in taste though if not identical and that's not strange as the Northwestern Regions of KSA are part of the historical Levant or Greater Levant.:)

Remember to eat your olives Hazzy and Kollang and health will accompany you.:lol:
Palestine is very famous for its olive oil (some of the best in the world) alongside with the entire Levant. Actually if you take a look at this thread (further back) you will see articles that I posted about Palestinian women teaching Saudi Arabian women in the nearby Northern Regions how to handle olives in the best way and with pickling etc. (lol).

Yes, green olives are by far the most popular olives in the Arab world from my experience. Here in Copenhagen most ME shops are owned by Arabs or Turks (there are a few Iranians as well but less so) and not long ago I bought some Moroccan olives and they tasted lovely too. They were cut in 2 halves and had no stones in them (is that the English word for it?) They were green too but had a taste of garlic and basilica which is my favorite.

Also Hazzy I assume that you also eat olives with Kofteh right?

Yes, Saudi Arabian olives are mostly exported to the ME and Europe. But they are harder to get than Palestinian, Lebanese etc. and less known. They are very similar in taste though if not identical and that's not strange as the Northwestern Regions of KSA are part of the historical Levant or Greater Levant.:)

Remember to eat your olives Hazzy and Kollang.:lol:

I eat green olives with pretty much every Arab cuisine. Even simple breakfest like cheese. :lol:

By Kofteh you mean the smaller ones with potatos that are oven baked? Yes I do. :)

NVM, koftah is different than Kaftah. I rarely eat it besides at restuarants. :)

But, the Kaftah that is at restuarants I eat the 'Mkhlalal' there. I tried wood grilled Syrian kaftah, apparently the Homs Kaftah. Bro, it's amazing, I could eat that thing all day every day. :D

In Arab world we pretty much take any vegatable and salt it up to eat with our foods. Same in Palestine, Palestine does this with a lot of vegtabales. Even carrots and stuff:



The Syrian one looks like this sort of(One I ate is wider and trust me delicious):



Iraqi we have looks like this:

I was talking about the herbs. Savorg, leek, tarragon, mint, coriander, parsley, oregano, basil, thyme, sumac, sesame etc. to accompany dishes with olives bro .

Za'atar etc. Of course also HUMMUS. Nobody can dare to forget that.


In all seriousness I love kaftah as well. You should try the Hijazi variant.;)
Like other I'm also surprised.

I usually buy olive oil imported from Turkey. It's available in local super market. I love Saudi dates. Best of the best.
Like other I'm also surprised.

I usually buy olive oil imported from Turkey. It's available in local super market. I love Saudi dates. Best of the best.

Not many people outside of the Arab world know much about KSA bro. You should visit some of the threads that I and others have made about KSA and you would be much more surprised. This is nothing.

Anyway olives are native to Northern KSA and are almost identical to nearby Levantine olives found in Jordan, Palestine, Syria which are famous for being among the best if not the best.

I concur with the dates part.
Not many people outside of the Arab world know much about KSA bro. You should visit some of the threads that I and others have made about KSA and you would be much more surprised. This is nothing.

Anyway olives are native to Northern KSA and are almost identical to nearby Levantine olives found in Jordan, Palestine, Syria which are famous for being among the best if not the best.

I concur with the dates part.

Inshallah will do. How far is this place from Jeddah?

My uncle is teaching in Abdulaziz university. This guy becoming rich. No tax and no rent. He evan get free airfare every year. He is begging me to shift over KSA.

How is biomedical engineering field in KSA.
Inshallah will do. How far is this place from Jeddah?

My uncle is teaching in Abdulaziz university. This guy becoming rich. No tax and no rent. He evan get free airfare every year. He is begging me to shift over KSA.

How is biomedical engineering field in KSA.

KSA is a huge country (13th biggest in the world) with some serious distances between the various historical regions and provinces. People drive like mad as well. That's not a wrong stereotype but that goes for the entire ME and non-Western world from my appearance but KSA sometimes take it a step further.:lol: It's actually not a laughing matter as dozens of people die every single day due to this.

Only about 1300 km.:lol: That's the distance from Copenhagen to Southern France (almost)!

That's great. I hope that he is doing well and likes living in Jeddah.

From what I know about (mind you I have lived outside of KSA for half of my life now although I visit several times a year and whenever I can) then the best option are private companies.

Or are you a student? If that's the case then the best I can recommend if you want to stay around Jeddah is KAUST.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We should really take the discussion in this thread;

Arabic Coffee shop | Page 298

You are welcome to ask all the questions you want to and if I can answer them I will and so will other Saudi Arabian users.

Just visit the Arab section of the forum. Not many of us Arab users here compared to our actual numbers (450 million) and most of the gang have left for another forum. So you are not certain of getting many replies from people knowledgeable about that field and who live in KSA and who might help you. You are probably elder than me as I am in my early 20's. So probably not a student anymore as I initially thought.

Anyway since you got a uncle that teaches at King Abdul-Aziz University he should be able to help you out with everything.
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KSA is a huge country (13th biggest in the world) with some serious distances between the various historical regions and provinces. People drive like mad as well. That's not a wrong stereotype but that goes for the entire ME and non-Western world from my appearance but KSA sometimes take it a step further.:lol: It's actually not a laughing matter as dozens of people die every single day due to this.

Only about 1300 km.:lol:

That's great. I hope that he is doing well and likes living in Jeddah.

From what I know about (mind you I have lived outside of KSA for half of my life now although I visit several times a year and whenever I can) then the best option are private companies.

Or are you a student? If that's the case then the best I can recommend if you want to stay around Jeddah is KAUST.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We should really take the discussion in this thread;

Arabic Coffee shop | Page 298

You are welcome to ask all the questions you want to and if I can answer them I will and so will other Saudi Arabian users.

Just visit the Arab section of the forum. Not many of us Arab users here compared to our actual numbers (450 million) and most of the gang have left for another forum. So you are not certain of getting many replies from people knowledgeable about that field and who live in KSA and who might help you. You are probably elder than me as I am in my early 20's. So probably not a student anymore as I initially thought.

Anyway since you got a uncle that teaches at King Abdul-Aziz University he should be able to help you out with everything.

Wow, that's hell of a ride.

I graduated sometime ago and now working. If I get serious then I might look into it.

I'm planing to perform umrah in coming year inshallah. I'll look into it while visiting KSA.

Wow, that's hell of a ride.

I graduated sometime ago and now working. If I get serious then I might look into it.

He used to teach in Najran university and recently moved to Jeddah.

I'm planing to perform umrah in coming year inshallah. I'll look into it while visiting KSA.
Wow, that's hell of a ride.

I graduated sometime ago and now working. If I get serious then I might look into it.

I'm planing to perform umrah in coming year inshallah. I'll look into it while visiting KSA.

Yes, it is. It's easier to use domestic flights if you are traveling far.

That's good to hear. Just saw the age that you have given on PDF after I wrote to you initially so I imagined that you were not a student anymore.

Insha'Allah you will get the opportunity but be warned. Expansions are ongoing in both Makkah and Madinah.

I have covered this too. See this thread below:

"Makkah and Madinah News and Updates"

Najran? That's on the other way 1000 km south of Jeddah.:lol: A great historical province with ancient history and a beautiful one at that with very welcoming people. People from Najran are well-known for their hospitality in KSA.

Especially the Bani Yam clan.

Anyway got to go so take care. Ask questions in that thread I linked to.
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