nothing to do with sarcasm,
check out the memoirs of late Akbar Bughti, I have many differences with him but he was never shy in saying what he did and what he thought.
we will give life for our guests and our friends but those who backstab us and use us will get the worse from us. we dont discriminate in age or gender when we pounce.
the harsh and punishing environment of Balochistan has thought us to wait and wait and wait and wait
and then pounce our enemy we might not drink the blood from the skulls of our enemies because its gross but we do take off some limbs as trophies before partition one Baloch went all the way up to kalkata and after killing the fraudster he cut his penis off and shoved it his mouth along with the money.
he was captured and hanged by the Gora sarkar but his act made sure that Daal khors as we call the rest of the Indians lost the appetite for conning us.
I am just the messenger. I shared what I read and what I knew
every race has its own skeletons in the closet