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Official: ISI Fan Club


DG ISI Pasha (right) next to Gen. Ashfaq Kayani on the USS Abraham Lincoln talking with Michael Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
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ISI still rules Pakistan. Gilani & Zardari are just puppets. Musharraf just before his departure was clever enough to appoint Kiyani As COAS and Pasha, who was architect of Kargil as ISI chief. This guarntees no GOVT inquiry in Kargil will be ever held. Also when Gilani agreed to send Pasha to India at behest of Manmohan. But ISI & Mly quickly intervened & Gilani had to change his desicion. In Pakistan ISI is more sacred than religion no politician can ever open his mouth against it. Kiyani when he was former head of ISI was in touch with LET. Originally LET camp was in Muzaffarabad which he moved to Karachi.Pasha was instrumental in crafting Mubai operation.Several months ago, ISI was placed under the Ministry of Interior, rather than the military. However, due to a fierce reaction from the army and from then-president and retired General Pervez Musharraf, the decision was reversed. Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the LET, including the training of the mission's members at PNS Iqbal (a naval commando unit in Karachi) and at Mangla Dam near the capital Islamabad. The chief of the Jamaatut Dawa, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, was in Sukkur, a city 363 kilometers north of the southern port city of Karachi, on November 26 and was scheduled to travel to Karachi. But after the Mumbai attack on November 27, he was urgently summoned to Rawalpindi, the garrison city twinned with Islamabad, to attend a high-profile meeting held in the Office of Strategic Organization. The Mumbai attack relied on local al-Qaeda-linked militants (Indian Mujahideen) such as Abdus Subhan Qureshi (Tauqir). He had cased the Jewish community center that was attacked and where several people were killed. His information was that it was being used by Israeli intelligence - Mossad. That the LeT was behind the Mumbai attack is now virtually beyond doubt. Just this week, US director of national intelligence Mike McConnell blamed LeT for the attack, the first time a US official publicly blamed the group. "The same group that we believe is responsible for Mumbai had carried out a similar attack in 2006 on a train and killed a similar number of people," said McConnell, speaking at Harvard University. "Go back to 2001 and it was an attack on the Parliament," he added

Democracy to survive system needs complete transparency & accountability. This is a sham democracy controlled by ISI. Now ISI has perpetrated another big blunder by carrying out attack on Mumbai, it has changed world opinion against Pakistan and made GOVT and Pakistani media not credible. First duty of Journalists is to follow the truth where ever it may lead. pakistani media also afraid to speak against Military or ISI just like all politicians. ISI also patronized Al Qaeda and Taliban. This association has caused Pakistan dearly and destabilized Pakistan and posed existential threat. Musharraf encouraged Mehsut to carry out Bhutto's assassination. In 71 ISI misadventure in East Pakistan led to break up of the country. In short ISI is nothing but disaster but nobody wants to admit it because of fear.
Does anyone know how large the ISI really is? In terms of manpower and budget? Does it represent 5%, 10% whatever of the Pak Defense budget? I know that for years the CIA's budget was a secret. Even now I'm not sure one can decipher how much the US spends on the CIA, NSA, NRO and the various service branch intelligence units (Army, Navy, AF) that participate in political intelligence. It was something of a shock to many of us to learn that the NSA outspent the CIA. Does the ISI provide theater intelligence to individual Pak service branches or does each service branch have its own intelligence unit for that?
Does anyone know how large the ISI really is? In terms of manpower and budget? Does it represent 5%, 10% whatever of the Pak Defense budget? I know that for years the CIA's budget was a secret. Even now I'm not sure one can decipher how much the US spends on the CIA, NSA, NRO and the various service branch intelligence units (Army, Navy, AF) that participate in political intelligence. It was something of a shock to many of us to learn that the NSA outspent the CIA. Does the ISI provide theater intelligence to individual Pak service branches or does each service branch have its own intelligence unit for that?

Guys, don't tell TruthSeeker anything, he's a CIA agent working undercover trying to get sensitive information out of Pakistanis!:cheesy:
Just kidding!
I'm interested in knowing aswell how large the ISI really is.
Same goes for CIA.
Maybe it's meant to be a secret?

Btw Asim, what you said about Indian guys going after Pakistani girls....
That makes me puke.:angry::argh:
ISI is pak's premeir Inteligence agency... I am a big Fan of it...

Within Pakistan it is unquestionably the single most powerful institution. It is answerable to nobody and allegedly controls a huge pool of financial and human resources - its a state within the state, as Benazir Bhutto put it. Some accounts claim that its so powerful, it has the ability to corrupt its chief.

As far as damage to India is concerned, it has had far less success than claimed. It has not achieved any strategic victories in any campaigns. Punjab is free of Khalistani terrorists, and India is waging a "war of attrition" in Kashmir - using its considerable financial and military resources to wear down the insurgents. Random terrorist attacks (Mumbai included) cause short-term damage, but no overall change in position on real issues.

In Afghanistan, it has obviously been more successful due to it past experience with fomenting resistance. But the US/Nato presence has limited its orbit of influence to mostly southern provinces where the Taliban has made a come-back.

And in a bizarre twist, the ongoing "hammer-and-anvil" campaign involves Pak Army acting against Taliban elements that ISI itself created...so ISI success in Afghanistan is being undone
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The isi is directly responsible for the slaughter of innocents in the suicide bombings they have a hand in BBs death and do not act In the interests of the nation they do as they plz because they don't face the consequences in their lavish mansions
and you base all this on what??? tell me if the ISI was so in league with the taliban then why would they go and bomb them does that makes sense
Welcome rokhanyousafzai @ RAW fan..post this in Indian forum u'll get lots of love.
you know if i was in ISI i would have loved the publicity INDIAN MEDIA GIVES US....AFTER SHARUKH KHAN i think ISI is the BIGGEST thing....so much credit to ISI i am flattered.....
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