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Official British Brexit thread.

@mike2000 is back @waz

Why are you being harsh toward Italy ?
This country was the third contributor to the EU budget after Germany and France with €14,3Bn. (According to the european comission for 2014.)

(PS : Royaume-Uni = UK.)

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Their contribution to the EU budget stood at 12%. While for the UK it stood at 10%.

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FYI,France is the second country that receives the most funds after Poland,but it doesn't mean we are a poor crappy country greece alike.

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Italy is nowhere to be a poor/crappy country with a GDP of more than €1.650 billion....
of course their economy struggled because of the crisis,but they are recovering,slowly,but surely.. @MarkusS

lol So now you are finally playing good cop huh??
where were you when he was making denigrating remarks about my country and our Queen?? I didnt see you intervene then, you silently dodged it.lol
Now that we have put him in his place you now intervene as the good cop. lol Good one. Nice game you are playing here.
I have tried to avoid insulting him and his country as much as i could, including that Romanian dude who called our great nation a banana republic. Never mind that he lives off this banana republic. lol
Anybody who makes UNPROVOKED denigrating remarks about my country will be paid in kind, doesn't matter whether he is European or Asian or from the middle east. If he starts an unprovoked fight he should be ready to finish it.:)
So you should have told him off for making such remarks, but you kept quite and now you intervene when we reply? lol Good referee you are. :)

As for your other infos, we were talking about net contribution as we are the second largest net contributor after Germany.. No point in giving 1trillion if you get back 999 billion back. lol
.............. But you get €6,1Bn in rebates and France is your first contributor with €1,6Bn.
Italy is the second with €1,165Bn. :) @MarkusS

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So,that's why your net contribution would be ~€11Bn as showed in the graphic in my last post.
Remember the 'I want my money back' from Maggie ?

Yes, but what about more in the way of rebates? Why should we receive less and less each year?
It's about net, it's no good giving vast amounts of money away and getting most of it back. Our case, we gave a vast amount away and got small amounts back.

What you dont understand is that we live in the 21st century. In a world of giants. Europe must speak with one voice. What you do is fragmentation. We have no future alone. How can you not see this?

You betray europe in evry sense. For what?

We will speak with one voice with our real friends. We will come to know who they are soon. We didn't fragment anything. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we came with simple demands, which were ignored and we were mocked. The rest you saw for yourself.
Yes, but what about more in the way of rebates? Why should we receive less and less each year?
It's about net, it's no good giving vast amounts of money away and getting most of it back. Our case, we gave a vast amount away and got small amounts back.

With what you spend,get back and rebates,you have a deficit of ~€5Bn,while countries like Germany and France have a deficit of €15,5Bn and €7,160Bn....
Just so you know,you aren't the one losing the most.


(According to the european commission.)
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Yes, but what about more in the way of rebates? Why should we receive less and less each year?
It's about net, it's no good giving vast amounts of money away and getting most of it back. Our case, we gave a vast amount away and got small amounts back.

We will speak with one voice with our real friends. We will come to know who they are soon. We didn't fragment anything. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we came with simple demands, which were ignored and we were mocked. The rest you saw for yourself.

Who cares anyway, what is done is done, our people have already spoken, we have to accept the results whether we like it or not. That's what democracy stand for, i.e tolerance and acceptance towards what the majority of people want, whether we agree with them or not. In such situation, even if the remain side had won, the leave side will have been as bitter as the remain side is today.
At the end of the day, emotions will calm down and cools head will prevail. All these talks now are just emotions nothing else. Give it a couple months when our new P.M has been elected,market stabilised, and a new deal signed then things will get back to normal and a negotiated deal will be reached. Both sides have so much to lose in case they dont reach a deal and they both know it. So a deal will be reached at the end of the day.
However, our new leader will take its time to iron out new trade deals, laws/regulations before invoking article 50.
Market will stabilize very soon after uncertainty and some time as always. Everything will be back to business as usual. Not the end of the world. We are still a european country but not just in the E.U. like Norway anf Switzerland.

Our stock market has already bounced back to a 10 month high anyway, gaining back all the lost we uncurred recently plus extras. :) Though there will still be uncertainty and hick ups these coming weeks though, but we will bounce back with time as always. We have faced far worse situations in the past and we still recovered.:)

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I dont understand when you make such big statements even after completing your university education?

Because you forget that knowing stuff and understanding things are very different.
And one also needs morals to pick good & that ain't a given in this case either; check :

I wish your people the worst

Peace out, Tay.

I would feel disgusted if i had to shake hands.

With the aforementioned incestuous old hag? Don't think you'll ever be allowed anyhow!

The Uk was the plaque of europe

Quick then :

Snap out of it Markus, you're having an episode, Tay.
Who cares anyway, what is done is done, our people have already spoken, we have to accept the results whether we like it or not. That's what democracy stand for, i.e tolerance and acceptance towards what the majority of people want, whether we agree with them or not. In such situation, even if the remain side had won, the leave side will have been as bitter as the remain side is today.
At the end of the day, emotions will calm down and cools head will prevail. All these talks now are just emotions nothing else. Give it a couple months when our new P.M has been elected,market stabilised, and a new deal signed then things will get back to normal and a negotiated deal will be reached. Both sides have so much to lose in case they dont reach a deal and they both know it. So a deal will be reached at the end of the day.
However, our new leader will take its time to iron out new trade deals, laws/regulations before invoking article 50.
Market will stabilize very soon after uncertainty and some time as always. Everything will be back to business as usual. Not the end of the world. We are still a european country but not just in the E.U. like Norway anf Switzerland.

Our stock market has already bounced back to a 10 month high anyway, gaining back all the lost we uncurred recently plus extras. :) Though there will still be uncertainty and hick ups these coming weeks though, but we will bounce back with time as always. We have faced far worse situations in the past and we still recovered.:)


Norway and Switzerland pay heavy sums into the Eu and have to allow freedom of movement just have no voting rights.

And there wont be negotiations before the Uk declares article 50.
Norway and Switzerland pay heavy sums into the Eu and have to allow freedom of movement just have no voting rights.

They will get a free trade for which they will pay structural funds,but they will get nothing in return and would still have to allow free movement,nothing much will change.... just that they won't have any say or votes in the decisions taken by the EU.
If they thought,they would get a special treatment,well they are wrong.

And there wont be negotiations before the Uk declares article 50.

They are wasting everyone's time,we respect their decision but it's time to trigger the article 50 and make the Brexit a REALITY.

lol So now you are finally playing good cop huh??
where were you when he was making denigrating remarks about my country and our Queen?? I didnt see you intervene then, you silently dodged it.lol
Now that we have put him in his place you now intervene as the good cop. lol Good one. Nice game you are playing here.
I have tried to avoid insulting him and his country as much as i could, including that Romanian dude who called our great nation a banana republic. Never mind that he lives off this banana republic. lol
Anybody who makes UNPROVOKED denigrating remarks about my country will be paid in kind, doesn't matter whether he is European or Asian or from the middle east. If he starts an unprovoked fight he should be ready to finish it.:)
So you should have told him off for making such remarks, but you kept quite and now you intervene when we reply? lol Good referee you are. :)

As for your other infos, we were talking about net contribution as we are the second largest net contributor after Germany.. No point in giving 1trillion if you get back 999 billion back. lol

Am I talking to a prepubescent boy or an adult ? What's with all these 'lol'.
I couldn't stay and see you guys denigrating an entire country and people with so much BS.

Off topic, but Queen Elizabeth is not the official head of state of India. Jurno needs to check his facts.

Nor she is for Pakistan and the african countries cited. Her role nowadays is mostly symbolic anyway.
They will get a free trade for which they will pay structural funds,but they will get nothing in return and would still have to allow free movement,nothing much will change.... just that they won't have any say or votes in the decisions taken by the EU.
If they thought,they would get a special treatment,well they are wrong.

They are wasting everyone's time,we respect their decision but it's time to trigger the article 50 and make the Brexit a REALITY.

Am I talking to a prepubescent boy or an adult ? What's with all these 'lol'.
I couldn't stay and see you guys denigrating an entire country and people with so much BS.

Nor she is for Pakistan and the african countries cited. Her role nowadays is mostly symbolic anyway.

Junker already banned all EU comitees to negotiate anything with the UK before the UK announced Article 50.

Merkel already said there will no cherry picking for the UK.

I think what the british dont understand is that we are equal. They believe they are somehow entitled for a special relationship or that their decission is more important than our well being. They want all positive aspects of the EU without the burdens. Thats idiotic because if the EU would allow this, it would end.

They are either in or out. Boris Johnson knows the negative effects. Thats why he ran away like a coward now.
They will get a free trade for which they will pay structural funds,but they will get nothing in return and would still have to allow free movement,nothing much will change.... just that they won't have any say or votes in the decisions taken by the EU.
If they thought,they would get a special treatment,well they are wrong.

They are wasting everyone's time,we respect their decision but it's time to trigger the article 50 and make the Brexit a REALITY.

Am I talking to a prepubescent boy or an adult ? What's with all these 'lol'.
I couldn't stay and see you guys denigrating an entire country and people with so much BS.

So you can see him denigrate our country but you can't stand us denigrating his country just because you are on the same side this time isn't it? :D The so called 'Good cop' indeed:enjoy:.
If anything you are the one acting like a child dude.
Anyway he started it and it's between us, don't see why you get involved. Let him handle himself, you are not his spokesman, he is a an adult (probably bigger than you) :pop:
Who cares anyway, what is done is done, our people have already spoken, we have to accept the results whether we like it or not. That's what democracy stand for, i.e tolerance and acceptance towards what the majority of people want, whether we agree with them or not. In such situation, even if the remain side had won, the leave side will have been as bitter as the remain side is today.
At the end of the day, emotions will calm down and cools head will prevail. All these talks now are just emotions nothing else. Give it a couple months when our new P.M has been elected,market stabilised, and a new deal signed then things will get back to normal and a negotiated deal will be reached. Both sides have so much to lose in case they dont reach a deal and they both know it. So a deal will be reached at the end of the day.
However, our new leader will take its time to iron out new trade deals, laws/regulations before invoking article 50.
Market will stabilize very soon after uncertainty and some time as always. Everything will be back to business as usual. Not the end of the world. We are still a european country but not just in the E.U. like Norway anf Switzerland.

Our stock market has already bounced back to a 10 month high anyway, gaining back all the lost we uncurred recently plus extras. :) Though there will still be uncertainty and hick ups these coming weeks though, but we will bounce back with time as always. We have faced far worse situations in the past and we still recovered.:)


Agreed bro.
The bottom line is we will do what is in our interest. The freedom of movement issue has been ruled out from every candidate who is standing for the leadership race, it was the number one issue for most of our voters.
Other nations are lining up for deals, we should deal with our closest and dearest first i.e. Canada, Australia, NZ, USA, and the rest of the commonwealth. Once the deals are inked, we will negotiate from a far more stronger position.
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Agreed bro.
The bottom line is we will do what is in our interest. The freedom of movement issue has been ruled out from every candidate who standing for the leadership race, it was the number one issue for most of our voters.
Other nations are lining up for deals, we should deal with our closest and dearest first i.e. Canada, Australia, NZ, USA, and the rest of the commonwealth. Once the deals are inked, we will negotiate from a far more stronger position.

What these EU muppets do not realise is that the EU is becoming less and less relevant every year.

10 years ago, 50% of UK exports went to EU, now it is down to 40% and this trend will continue. Apart from Western countries like US,Canada and Australia, the UK can now fully engage with the fast growing economies of Asia, Africa and South America.

If they want to live in this fantasy reality where the world never changes, then there is indeed no hope for them.
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What these EU muppets do not realise is that the EU is becoming less and less relevant every year.

10 years ago, 50% of UK exports went to EU, now it is down to 40% and this trend will now continue. Apart from Western countries like US,Canada and Australia, the UK can now fully engage with the fast growing economies of Asia, Africa and South America.

If they want to live in this fantasy reality where the world never changes, then there is indeed no hope for them.

Agreed, South America is massively keen on beef and fruit exports. I can see wholesale food prices falling massively for a start. Good news for our low income groups.
Of course Africa and Asia await in the wings.
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