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Official and Unofficial Aviation Art


Pakistan Air Force (PAF) JF-17 Thunder.
Aviation Art by Group Captain Syed Masood Akhtar Hussaini
PAF Falcons - Picture Gallery - Aviation Art by Group Captain Syed Masood Akhtar Hussaini


THE PAF "FALCONS" MAKE HISTORY: February 2, 1958, was a significant day in the history of aviation as well as that of the Pakistan Air Force. On that day, for the first time a formation of 16 fighters (F-86 Sabres) performed a loop during an air display at Masroor Air Base, Karachi. The painting is partly symbolic, depicting the leading elements of the 16 "Falcons" (their call sign) taking off from the runway at Masroor. In the background is an impression of the 16 Sabres in immaculate formation as they looked after having joined up, climbing vertically for a loop. The team was led by the renowned fighter pilot and wartime leader of the Pakistan Air Force, Wing Commander M.Z. Masud, who was later awarded Hilal-i-Jurat in the 1965 war.

The Team:
Wing Commander M.Z. Masud
Squadron Leader Nazir Latif
Squadron Leader S.U. Khan
Squadron Leader Ghulam Haider
Squadron Leader S.M. Ahmad
Squadron Leader Aftab Ahmad
Squadron Leader M. Sadruddin
Flight Lieutenant Sajjad Haider
Flight Lieutenant A.U. Ahmad
Flight Lieutenant Hameed Anwar
Flight Lieutenant Munirruddin Ahmad
Flight Lieutenant M. Arshad
Flight Lieutenant Jamal A. Khan
Flight Lieutenant A.M.K. Lodhi
Flight Lieutenant Wiqar Azim
Flight Lieutenant M.L. Middlecoat

THE PAYBILLS - PAF's FIRST JET AEROBATICS TEAM: In 1952, No 11 Squadron, Drigh Road (now Faisal) Air Base, formed an aerobatics team with the curious name "The Paybills," that happened to be the squadron's call sign. This was the PAF's first jet aerobatics team, flying the squadron's Attackers. The painting shows the formation flying over Manora. This team was led by F S Hussain, the renowned flyer and aerial acrobat of his time.

The Team:
Squadron Leader F S Hussain
Flight Lieutenant M Z Masud
Flying Officer A U Ahmed
Pilot Officer Jamal A Khan

NO 14 SQUADRON - FURIES OVER BURI GANGA: In March 1954, Furies of No 14 Squadron flew from Peshawar to Dhaka in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) on a training flight. The painting shows the Furies passing over the river Buri Ganga (Old Ganges) that flows by the capital city. Few of the pilots could have then foreseen that their squadron, re-equipped with F-86s, was destined to make Dhaka its home for seven years (1964-1971). Courageously fighting two wars from its Tejgaon Air Base in 1965 and 1971 - and outnumbered 10:1 in both - this squadron was to add glorious chapters to its history by destroying 20 enemy aircraft.

The Squadron emblem, a black scimitar, painted near the canopy, still adorns the F-7s that No 14 Squadron flies today.

FREIGHTERS SUPPORT FLOOD RELIEF OPERATIONS - JULY 1954 - EAST PAKISTAN: During the early 1950s, the PAF purchased 81 Bristol Freighter transport aircraft. The Freighters were lumbering and noisy, but useful. They undertook an extensive range of transport and communications tasks in Pakistan for more than 10 years. The painting shows relief goods being unloaded at Chittagong airfield. The Freighters were phased out in 1966 and replaced by the C-130s.

DAKOTA: Among the earliest equipment of the Pakistan Air Force, when it came into existence in 1947 after partition, were the few Dauglas C-47 Dakotas transferred from the former Royal Indian Air Force. These were used to start the crucial Valley Flights to Pakistani outposts in Azad Kashmir. The Dakota retired from the PAF in 1955.

BRISTOL FREIGHTERS ON A MAINTENANCE DAY - AUGUST 1957 - CHAKLALA: The silver Freighters with a blue fuselage line and green propeller spinners belonged to No 12 VIP Squadron. The camouflaged Freighters with the red spinners flew with No 6 Squadron, while the Transport Conversion Squadron had their spinners painted brown.

PREPARING FOR A WORLD RECORD - FEBRUARY 1958 - MAURIPUR (MASROOR) AIR BASE: Cramped for space, the selected pilots from several F-86 squadrons gather at Mauripur Air Force base. They would practise for several weeks under the leadership of Wing Commander M Zafar Masud for a grand air display in which the world's first loop in a formation of sixteen jets would set a record.
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