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Offensive video against British Pakistanis and Islam

All religions grow up .. they will have to .. happened in the 12th century in the 15th along with the 18th. Things are speeding up now since the introduction of fireworks and semi conductors. .. Life does not take religion in its time table. Having no religion is also a new religion .. They have their fundamentalists as well.. Proving that their is no god is a waste of time for the majority of atheists and agnostics.. A lot of religious data has been debunked in the last 100 years and isn't being advertised. The reason being no one really cares if religious people continue to believe whatever they want if it doesn't harm anyone. Rather than just making people mad with selective text quoting, they should work on their debating skills in destroying religious arguments, which this guy doesn't seem to do. He is attacking the select few with his rants. But then again his target audience is not muslim. "unwanted mass islamic immigration" could also soon turn to "unwanted mass hindu immigration".
I didn't watch the video but is this guy a typical Western "atheist" like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens or Bill Maher?

All these so-called "atheists" (many of them half-Jewish) rip into Islam and Christianity but don't have the intellectual honesty or guts to apply the same standard to Judaism and Jews. This despite the fact that rabid Jewish extremism is at the core of the single most critical conflict of our times.

And they completely support wars.That clown hitchens supported Iraq War.

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Bl[i]tZ;2736452 said:
Actually it is very hypocrite of British press to refer all these Child molesters in Britain as Asians in their articles even dragging Indian, Japanese, Korean and Chinese immigrants into the scope while putting a single reference at the end of the article that all arrested men were Pakistani immigrants.
Yeah - Indian Loves Kids!
Nineteen percent of the world's children live in India,[164][165] which constitutes 42 percent of India’s total population.[166]

In 2007 the Ministry of Women and Child Development published the "Study on Child Abuse: India 2007."[164] It sampled 12447 children, 2324 young adults and 2449 stakeholders across 13 states. It looked at different forms of child abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse and emotional abuse and girl child neglect in five evidence groups, namely, children in a family environment, children in school, children at work, children on the street and children in institutions.

The study's[164] main findings included: 53.22% of children reported having faced sexual abuse. Among them 52.94% were boys and 47.06% girls. Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar and Delhi reported the highest percentage of sexual abuse among both boys and girls, as well as the highest incidence of sexual assaults. 21.90% of child respondents faced severe forms of sexual abuse, 5.69% had been sexually assaulted and 50.76% reported other forms of sexual abuse. Children on the street, at work and in institutional care reported the highest incidence of sexual assault. The study also reported that 50% of abusers are known to the child or are in a position of trust and responsibility and most children had not reported the matter to anyone.
Child sexual abuse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SHOCKINGLY, over half the children in the country share Anjana's anguish. India has the dubious distinction of having the world's largest number of sexually abused children with a child below 16 years raped every 155th minute, a child below 10 every 13th hour, and one in every 10 children sexually abused at any point in time. These figures resoundingly break the silence that surrounds sexual abuse of children and perpetuates the evil.


Parents in the world's largest democracy are reportedly paying surgeons $3,200 to turn their young daughters into young sons. What's behind this "social madness"?

India's 'shocking' child sex-change epidemic - The Week
I was quite confused as well when I visited the UK.

Over there, I am not considered an "Asian"... but rather a "Chinese" specifically. You can see the same thing if you read the British media, they use the word Asian almost exclusively for South Asians.

Similarly in US, Indians are recognized as "different" (for the lack of a better word) from what the term Asian usually refers to.
I guess many Indian members love watching videos like like these. Little wonder their views about Muslims are so skewed

Here is how some Hindus view their religion

Start watching from 2:06

That show is bloody funny i watch it all the time but its a comedy so not serious and we dont share that view. Raj in real life is dating a former Miss India but in that he can't even speak to hot chicks lol.

UK Pakistani's do less better compared to UK Indians in all sectors be it Education, Salary and less prison population that is a fact.
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He is correct in most points like UK media airbrushing the issues of Honor killing in UK by muslim families, raping of young girls by Muslim gangs and rightly asks why should they be referred only as "Asians" thus grossly slandering the law abiding Hindu and Sikh community who dont indulge in such crimes ?

What's wrong in his question..? Why should the other communities be associated with such disgusting behaviour for the sake of political correctness on the part of UK media ?

Also he is right in naming Islam as more than just a spiritual faith..it's a political idealogy.

But then again his target audience is not muslim. "unwanted mass islamic immigration" could also soon turn to "unwanted mass hindu immigration".

No it will not turn to. And there are many reasons for that.
The guy is a joker and sensationalist:

First point: Tying together Islam and Honor Killings- Though some Muslims have been involved with honor killings many more have not. Also honor killings have been committed by many non-Muslims as well such as Sikhs and Hindus for example.

Second Point: Tying together Islam with Gangs, Thugs and Rapists- Though some Muslims have been involved in these gangs many more are not. It is almost laughable to say there are no Sikh Gangs or Hindu rapists.

He continues on hating Islam, and accuses of all Iranians of wanting to kill Jews. If it isn't obvious that this guy is a psychopath and a narcissist, then I would suggest you to schedule an appointment with a therapist immediately.

He then insults the culture of Pakistan, which is ironically greater than his own. I mean the Europeans have just figured out to wash their behinds in the past half a century.

He makes a reference to Islam as being cultural terrorism which is quite laughable. I believe it is Western Nations that are invading smaller countries and imposing their culture upon the people.

I.E. Religious freedom and tolerance are acceptable in Western society as long as it not justifying Islam. Lolz

He goes on to attempting to quote the Quaran and does so inaccurately and completely out of context. Irony is he is accusing of Muslims to spreading propaganda.

Boy the list goes on and on.

Seems he is butt-hurt that many of the so called Natives of ANGO-Land are converting to Islam.

His daughter probably ran away with a Muslim and converted and he is venting. Of course he is entitled to his opinion as am I.

Nothing to see here other than a pathetic and bigoted man that has no purpose in life other than to bash Islam.
He is correct in most points like UK media airbrushing the issues of Honor killing in UK by muslim families, raping of young girls by Muslim gangs and rightly asks why should they be referred only as "Asians" thus grossly slandering the law abiding Hindu and Sikh community who dont indulge in such crimes ?

What's wrong in his question..? Why should the other communities be associated with such disgusting behaviour for the sake of political correctness on the part of UK media ?

Also he is right in naming Islam as more than just a spiritual faith..it's a political idealogy.

No it will not turn to. And there are many reasons for that.

A 27-year-old man wanted by Interpol in connection with a serial rape case and murder of a teenager in the UK was arrested by the CBI late on Monday night from the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA). The accused identified as Aman Vyas was headed for Bangkok when he was detained by Immigration officials at the IGIA.

A CBI team was rushed to the airport to verify the identity of the person and it was found that Vyas in order to avoid arrest was fleeing to Bangkok. According to the investigating agency, Aman Vyas was wanted in connection with the rape of three foreigners and murdering a woman.

“In 2009, he had gone to the UK on a student visa for three years but fled from there after he was found involved in rape of three girls. He is alleged to have committed these offences in 2009,” said a CBI official.

Son of a leading businessman from Meerut, Vyas was hiding in various cities after he came to India. The UK police had got a red notice issued through Interpol against him. The CBI was asked to locate Vyas after which pressure was mounted by the agency in Meerut and other places.

“Due to mounting pressure, he decided to flee to another country. We have also seized his passport, cash and other documents,” added the official.

The agency said Vyas has been put in the IGIA lock-up.

“He will be produced before a magistrate on Tuesday morning. We have also informed the authorities at Interpol and a process to extradite him will soon begin,” the officer added.

Man wanted for UK rape, murder held - Indian Express

Yea shut the hell up dude.

Grow up.
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Exceptions don't make a rule.

It's time for you to self-introspect rather than instinctively go defensive.

Google "Hindu gangs involved in raping in UK" and "Muslim gangs involved in raping in UK" to see the difference.

What you are referring to is media hype, because for the same incident of the so called "Muslim Gang" being re-written and re-posted, I can post dozens of individual crimes committed by Sikhs and Hindus. This isn't a mud-slinging fest, so that's why you need to grow up and get out of this warped mentality that you are showing.

There are no Hindu gangs in UK conducting rape whoever said that is talking out thier backside.

There was case of Pakistani asian lads in north of England who were charged for raping minor girls but they now in jail.

Nine men from Derby are jailed for grooming up to 100 for sex | Mail Online

BOOHOOHOO Bharati. Will you please grow up now?
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What you are referring to is media hype, because for the same incident of the so called "Muslim Gang" being re-written and re-posted, I can post dozens of individual crimes committed by Sikhs and Hindus. This isn't a mud-slinging fest, so that's why you need to grow up and get out of this warped mentality that you are showing.

Well again this defensiveness wont do anything to change the reality. Self-introspection would.

My point stands. The UK media must not be cowardly/politically correct to an extreme and attribute what one particular community does to all Asians. If a Pakistani does something, say it was committed by a Pakistani. Why should an Indian also be stereotyped for none of his crimes ?

Why should other communities bear the burden or wrath for crimes committed pre-dominantly by people of one community ? How is that fair ?
Pat Condell has his hatred of Islam also Christianty I do agree with what Chinese Dragon stated however Pakistanis have failed to integrate themselves into British society thus creating several identity's, also they cannot follow the laws of the land and poppy burning and soldiers graves and the constant flow of immigrants from Pakistan that cannot integrate themselves of follow the laws of the land of gang rape is making it worse for Skilled Immigrants.
Ok after all the evidences I've posted I will let the readers come to the conclusion that Bharatis on this forum live in a state of self denial and false reality. I'm done here folks.
What you are referring to is media hype, because for the same incident of the so called "Muslim Gang" being re-written and re-posted, I can post dozens of individual crimes committed by Sikhs and Hindus. This isn't a mud-slinging fest, so that's why you need to grow up and get out of this warped mentality that you are showing.

BOOHOOHOO Bharati. Will you please grow up now?

he is Sikh not Hindu
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