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Offensive signatures!!

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Now that you raised it as point here, I was assuming something Hinduphobic in his signature.

Just read it, nothing but cyber-macho gas, not worth a thread
Go ahead and encourage such troll and their "cyber macho" signatures.
first I am sorry I am prejudiced to think that this forum is no place for fairer sex

secondly I didnt know about your gender
and finally your gender is of no importance or consequence to me, I am interested in seeing what people write.
That should mean I sounded like a tom boy to you.Thank you!!!
And yes men do get intimidated when their citadel comes under fire from the opposite gender. We dont live in the stone age anymore,females can be as interested in defence forums as their male counter parts,alas it might take you centuries to understand this.
In the previous forum layout mods could change avatars/signatures of other members.. dont know about this format though. Better wait for admin.

In your own signature you are calling out 3 members. How is this no different?
@levina what is with Indians being rotu/world-class-cry-babies today?

Just a while ago this she man had thrown a tantrum.

Plus @Areesh 's signature is NOT offensive. He has been a member since 2010, s he has been kicking Indian trollolololollolololololololololololololololololololololololollololo's butts since.

You need to develop a thick skin or learn more big words :bunny:

Go ahead and encourage such troll and their "cyber macho" signatures.

That should mean I sounded like a tom boy to you.Thank you!!!
And yes men do get intimidated when their citadel comes under fire from the opposite gender. We dont live in the stone age anymore,females can be as interested in defence forums as their male counter parts,alas it might take you centuries to understand this.

You took the poor guys meaning at 180 degree value. Oh boy. Flying off the handle are we?
@levina : What exactly is offensive about that sig? Maybe you haven't heard the expression "kicking ***" - it is commonly used, and is not considered offensive.
He's been kicking Bharati *** since years. You only complain now? :rolleyes:
Yes because I saw it just last nite.
In the previous forum layout mods to change avatars/signatures of other members.. dont know about this format though. Better wait for admin.

In your own signature you are calling out 3 members. How is this no different?
@Armstrong @Roybot @arp2041
Know that their names exists in my signature.
Though said it half in jest,but I still mean it, when the jokes cracked by these members (who happen to be my friends) 're taken seriously by other members on the forum and is used to taunt me. And thats exactly the reason I have what I have in my signature.
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Plus @Areesh 's signature is NOT offensive. He has been a member since 2010, s he has been kicking Indian trollolololollolololololololololololololololololololololololollololo's butts since.
In reality he has been getting his *** kicked by "Bhartis", but he has every right to be deluded about it.:D

Well then why the silly idiotic thread? If you believe he is deluded then let him be.
Don't ask me, ask the OP.
Okay then let me post a similar signature,and I am so sure I would face the mod's hammer immediately.
You haven't answered my question of what is so offensive about it.
Well then why the silly idiotic thread? If you believe he is deluded then let him be.
Let me see your reaction after i
post a similar signature with your nationality in it.:coffee:

You haven't answered my question of what is so offensive about it.
Okay then it might not be offensive to you if I say I am kicking your @$$ since last 2 years???
Go ahead and encourage such troll and their "cyber macho" signatures.

That should mean I sounded like a tom boy to you.Thank you!!!
And yes men do get intimidated when their citadel comes under fire from the opposite gender. We dont live in the stone age anymore,females can be as interested in defence forums as their male counter parts,alas it might take you centuries to understand this.
sister you need to calm your nerve and increase tolerance, if you find any scope to give sweet revenge taste, do not leave it and give treatment with kill joy just like me :sarcastic:
Let me see your reaction after i
post a similar signature with your nationality in it.:coffee:

Okay what would be offensive if I say I am kicking your @$$ since last 2 years???

Sure man, it is not offensive. would probably make for a good *** kicking on the forums though. So you best be prepared.

Rest assured i wont be crying or opening a thread to groan.

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