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This might not be true but I herd that one of his family members are muslim. But who ever will come there foreign policy will be the same.
I think his father was Indonesian, raised Muslim in a Muslim family, but an atheist when he met Obama's mother. His paternal grandparents were Muslim.

I don't see any reason for any country's president to base their foreign policy on "Ummah" or religious/cultural affiliations. As the citizen of any nation, your first and foremost priority should be loyalty to your nation and its interests. US administrations do a damn good job of that - whether the policies they pursue are effective or not is a different issue, the intent is always furthering US interests.

That line of "Pakistan First" is what Musharraf has been trying to convey to the Pakistani masses as well, and its about time we all start listening.
I think his father was Indonesian, raised Muslim in a Muslim family, but an atheist when he met Obama's mother. His paternal grandparents were Muslim.

His father was a black Muslim Nigerian, and his mother a white Kansan. He lived in Indonesia where he went to school for a while.
His father was a black Muslim Nigerian, and his mother a white Kansan. He lived in Indonesia where he went to school for a while.

Thanks for the clarification Solid,

Am I correct that his father was an atheist as an adult?
I don't see any reason for any country's president to base their foreign policy on "Ummah" or religious/cultural affiliations. As the citizen of any nation, your first and foremost priority should be loyalty to your nation and its interests. US administrations do a damn good job of that - whether the policies they pursue are effective or not is a different issue, the intent is always furthering US interests.

That line of "Pakistan First" is what Musharraf has been trying to convey to the Pakistani masses as well, and its about time we all start listening.

Very much agree..In fact no country in the world does this, yet there is a substantial minority of Muslims (some on here) that believe Pakistan should have an "Ummah first, Pakistan second" policy. Why does it have to be Pakistan doing the lapdog role, that no other Muslim country in the world does?

However, I think Obama's vocal intention to bomb Pakistan is a stupid one. If he bombs Pakistan, it won't help the US troops, it will simply increase the resentment, create additional enemies, and loosen the grip of the federal government, as well as create instability that could suck the region into war. Therein lies the stupidity of the man..but stupid does sometimes win, so you never know.
Obama lost all respect in my eyes when he used Oprah Winfrey as a means to get support of African Americans. And so did she for being such a sell out.
There was no politcal argument, just "I am black, vote for me".

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