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Obama won't be visiting Pakistan after his India's visit

You're right about that. He doesn't give a shit and neither do we.

Your leaders that recently strike a deal with them for aid.Links are already there.So I dont believe your second part of comment that you dont give ashit about them.
Still you need US in IMF and WB etc.
Oh he's ignored. He cannot read. Keeps saying things I never said. For example, I said Obama won't be visiting pakistan. And I said no president will visit till like 2019-2020. Yet he says I'm begging for Obama to come and holding a bowl.

Anyway, it was fun talking to him. Don't see many stupid people in real life, so it is fun to talk with one once in a while on Internet.

Oh and if you missed, he said many times "YOUR country." Guy loves pakistan so much yet doesn't say often "ours." Then tries to post random image of that guy with Obama to make us pakistanis feel jealous. Kids nowadays. Thought the winter break was over.

Of course, you never said that Obama's visit is going to change Pakistan's image in the world. Keep smoking that good stuff buddy. It's obvious as daylight that you consider the Americans as your saviour. Well, too bad for you they don't want to visit YOUR country.

Trust me, the honour is mine. I meet confused Pakistanis like yourself on a daily basis. You don't know what you want. You only cry about things which are irrelevant.

Don't you feel a little jealous though? Obama your great saviour ignoring your country and visiting India? More importantly, when are you going to do more as the Americans are demanding? Remember they are paying you to do so.

Yes, I say YOUR country. The Pakistan that you envisage isn't a Pakistan that I endorse nor want to be part of. My Pakistan doesn't beg from Americans for aid. Nor do I think that Pakistan's standing in the world will improve if Uncle Sam visits my Pakistan. My Pakistan is different than yours.

Your leaders that recently strike a deal with them for aid.Links are already there.So I dont believe your second part of comment that you dont give ashit about them.
Still you need US in IMF and WB etc.

So? The deal was struck by a bunch of corrupt leaders of Pakistan. I don't endorse the aid deal in any shape or form. In fact, the majority of ordinary Pakistanis don't yearn or beg for American aid. Corrupt Pakistani leaders do. Learn to make that distinction.

Secondly, what the hell you going on about Indian? The Americans do require Pakistani help in eliminating certain militant groups. Why else would they keep yelling to do more? Not only that, they require our supply routes to feed their soldiers. Get your facts right.
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Of course, you never said that Obama's visit is going to change Pakistan's image in the world. Keep smoking that good stuff buddy. It's obvious as daylight that you consider the Americans as your saviour. Well, too bad for you they don't want to visit YOUR country.

Trust me, the honour is mine. I meet confused Pakistanis like yourself on a daily basis. You don't know what you want. You only cry about things which are irrelevant.

Don't you feel a little jealous though? Obama your great saviour ignoring your country and visiting India? More importantly, when are you going to do more as the Americans are demanding? Remember they are paying you to do so.

Yes, I say YOUR country. The Pakistan that you envisage isn't a Pakistan that I endorse nor want to be part of. My Pakistan doesn't beg from Americans for aid. Nor do I think that Pakistan's standing in the world will improve if Uncle Sam visits my Pakistan.

So? The deal was struck by those corrupt leaders of Pakistan. I don't endorse the aid deal in shape or form. The majority of ordinary Pakistanis don't beg for American aid. Corrupt Pakistani leaders do. Learn to make that distinction.

Secondly, what the hell you going about Indian? The Americans do require Pakistani help in eliminating certain militant groups. Why else would they keep yelling to do more? Not only that, they require our supply routes to feed their soldiers. get your facts right.

But your army chief, PM does..why would your army chief spend 15 days in the US in the middle of a war when he is in the office if you don't think US matters?..your FO have been petitioning right, left and center in Washington to somehow convince Obama to make a stop in pakistan either on the way or after leaving India...now why is that?.
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But your army chief, PM does..why would your army chief spend 15 days in the US in the middle of a war when he is in the office if you don't think US matters?..your FO have been petitioning right, left and center in Washington to somehow convince Obama to make a stop in pakistan either on the way or after leaving India...now why is that?.

Yes, the PM, Army Chief, FO etc. all do, but the vast majority of Pakistani citizens don't. What do you think I just wrote in my previous posts? We don't endorse US aid in any shape or form. We don't endorse to take part in an American war in any shape or form. We don't care about the US nor do we care about Obama's visit. We got our own problems to deal with.

had it been during Dharna, patwaris would have said oh dharna ki waja say Obama papa nahi aa rahe...

These Noora's are so predictable.
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Of course, you never said that Obama's visit is going to change Pakistan's image in the world. Keep smoking that good stuff buddy. It's obvious as daylight that you consider the Americans as your saviour. Well, too bad for you they don't want to visit YOUR country.

Trust me, the honour is mine. I meet confused Pakistanis like yourself on a daily basis. You don't know what you want. You only cry about things which are irrelevant.

Don't you feel a little jealous though? Obama your great saviour ignoring your country and visiting India? More importantly, when are you going to do more as the Americans are demanding? Remember they are paying you to do so.

Yes, I say YOUR country. The Pakistan that you envisage isn't a Pakistan that I endorse nor want to be part of. My Pakistan doesn't beg from Americans for aid. Nor do I think that Pakistan's standing in the world will improve if Uncle Sam visits my Pakistan. My Pakistan is different than yours.

So? The deal was struck by a bunch of corrupt leaders of Pakistan. I don't endorse the aid deal in any shape or form. In fact, the majority of ordinary Pakistanis don't yearn or beg for American aid. Corrupt Pakistani leaders do. Learn to make that distinction.

Secondly, what the hell you going on about Indian? The Americans do require Pakistani help in eliminating certain militant groups. Why else would they keep yelling to do more? Not only that, they require our supply routes to feed their soldiers. Get your facts right.

We know they still need your cooperation.
But we can dictate our terms with US at any way we want.And that dictation will always increase with our economic growth.
So we can limit US engagement with Pakistan in certain sectors like weapon supplying.
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