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Obama welcomes Dalai Lama, to China’s anger

Dalai Lama is not demanding independence for Tibet. But he does not want Tibetans to be oppressed by CCP. The communist dictaturship knows that if Tibetans have human rights, the Han Chinese will feel they can also have human rights. This is why Chinese human rights activists like Liu Xiaobo Hu Jia etc support Dalai Lama.
But most Chinese are too brainwashed to understand.

dalailama is demanding for human rights???????? hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha what a joke! U should read something about Serfdom
of tibet history before bs brainwash.
You know the problem is that obama has a chip on his shoulder. Because he is a democrat a black and has a muslim middle name he thinks he has to go overboard on every issue to prove that he is more right wing than bush and co. By these actions he is polarising the world and the chinese are more likely to give him a good spanking. All they have to do is start dumping the us dollars. yes it will hurt chinese but not as much as it will hurt americans. And the american population is not used to hardship or people being kia. Chinese people like all in our neighbourhood have much higher toleration for suffering. So lets see what happens.

Do you guys have ever been to USA?

American people are very hard working in general. Their work routines are very hectic. Very few people in Pakistan work as hard. Nations do not become great with just talks.

Also, American business investment in China is enormous. I doubt that China would want to loose that. Easy for you to say to dump dollars.

It is just that China wants US to respect its policies on sensitive matters.
I have read quite a lot about serfdom and the history of Tibet. Dalai Lama was born into that society and he wanted to reform it. He was young when he fled in 1959 and naturally he has matured a lot since then. He has learned a lot about democracy and human rights in the West.
Chinese leaders have also learned some. At least it seems they understand that Mao Zedong was no saint, although they are rather unwilling to admit it - his portrait is still hanging over Tiananmen. So even if there are a lot that should be condemned in the Tibetan history, there are a lot more and of more recent date that should be condemned in Chinas history. Even today the people of China have to obey their communist masters.

from psych point of view, Obama is black, he from deep heart, wants to do such thing more, to prove that he is the right person to be a president, he is strong
he could send troops to Pak to kill Bin Laden, to prove he is good.
don't tell me previous presidents didn't know where Bin Laden is.
Obama will keep proving...
I have read quite a lot about serfdom and the history of Tibet. Dalai Lama was born into that society and he wanted to reform it. He was young when he fled in 1959 and naturally he has matured a lot since then. He has learned a lot about democracy and human rights in the West.
Chinese leaders have also learned some. At least it seems they understand that Mao Zedong was no saint, although they are rather unwilling to admit it - his portrait is still hanging over Tiananmen. So even if there are a lot that should be condemned in the Tibetan history, there are a lot more and of more recent date that should be condemned in Chinas history. Even today the people of China have to obey their communist masters.


You are out of your mind.
Dalai Lama ,a cruel slave owner will play up his bogus democracy to today's xizang .
the idiot is only an puppet under western world control.
this is old tricks from western world and an unmitigated lie.
so when you guy are ill make haste to visite a doctor , for you may recover.
I have read quite a lot about serfdom and the history of Tibet. Dalai Lama was born into that society and he wanted to reform it. He was young when he fled in 1959 and naturally he has matured a lot since then. He has learned a lot about democracy and human rights in the West.
Chinese leaders have also learned some. At least it seems they understand that Mao Zedong was no saint, although they are rather unwilling to admit it - his portrait is still hanging over Tiananmen. So even if there are a lot that should be condemned in the Tibetan history, there are a lot more and of more recent date that should be condemned in Chinas history. Even today the people of China have to obey their communist masters.


And soon you will be told that Sweden is a friend of China .... but Swedes with Nazi mentality dislike Sweden's obedience to China.

Ahh..... off course, your superior Sweden has millions of missiles pointed at your cities by Norway and Finland.

..... :laugh: Some members here would feel bad that I pre-empted them off their birth right :laugh:
obama wants more war before next general elections...but my bodyguard says no to war


is there a reason why you and some of your comrades keep posting this same, silly picture in different threads?
Your Knowledge of Econ is close to zero. The US has real short term interest rate at zero (the 4W is negative). Real growth is less than 2.5%, real inflation above 6% and real unemployment over 17%. QE3 hurts the poorest countries like India and Vietnam. China has subsidies and price controls.

and also a profit margin close to zero the reson for such growth in china is low demand high saveings witch allows the CBOC to make risky investments and dump liquidity into unnecessary projects that have a 40% fail rate. chinas lack of reciprocity with the world will be it ultimate demise. your people only work because a pegged yuan because of the $ to RMB conversion held down by china. to sum that up chinas local government credit bublble is HUGE. the next portion of your economy housing" is a mess prices so high no one can afford them. you must realise that the us is a demand economy china is a command economy working in a demand market following keynesian systems and transmission mechanism's . i eagerly await your rebuttal

Because what China says, must happen?

Admiral Mullen was in China recently to request Chinese help on containing N. Korea (among other things)

what incentive would China have to cooperate with the US and ''US-interests'' if the US backstabs China by visiting the DL --which seems to have been orchestrated as a way to snub China (talking about human rights and all ---when Obama was the one who promised to close down Gitmo Bay prison)

it's hard to make some sense out of nonsense. Obama and his advisors are total idiots; and that is why even many of the US allies are increasingly frustrated with the US.
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