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Obama to triple Pakistan aid to cripple terror

Aid is not paid back AFAIK - that is why it is called 'aid' and not an 'interest free loan'.

I recall a book i read some time ago about how aid to afica had to be paid back by these countries...there was a bit of a media story but then it died out....i think the book was by robert fisk.

I did a quick google and found this story

ISLAMABAD, Aug 18: Some economic experts have asked the PPP-led coalition government to conduct an independent and comprehensive public review of all the foreign aids and loans Pakistan has received so far before seeking any further financial assistance from any country or institution.

Speaking at a seminar on “Promoting aid effectiveness: enabling participatory democracy” jointly organised by the Actionaid Pakistan and Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) here on Monday, they said the aid-borrowing process, conditionalities by the donors and aid-utilisation should be made democratic, accountable, transparent and subject to parliamentary debates.

Muhammad Ali Shah from the Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum (PFF) said the financial aid offered by international financial institutions and developed countries was usually misperceived as grant. However, in fact all types of financial aids are basically loans on which the receiving states paid back heavy interest rates.
Govt asked to review foreign aid, loans -DAWN - National; August 19, 2008

I am no expert on the issue but i think its more to do with wordplay.
^^^ Actually there is a valid point here. 'Aid' is not necessarily 'grants' that do not have to be paid back. 'Aid' can also be in the form of loans that do have to be paid back., such as the IMF package we just obtained.

I suppose we shall have to wait and see what category the final US bill puts this 'Aid' into.
Hmm let's see if this passes the senate.
Pakistan should receive the money in order to further buy equipment to counter those terrorist dogs.
First see it then believe it, that's what you should do especially when dealing with the U.S.
I did get a strong response from the members, but all I did is highlight what the conclusion of the article was saying, never the less, the shift of US aid has shifted. The Aid that was coming to Pakistan, if you remember was Military previously, know it has become a non-military aid. The sole purpose is that United States feels that if given military aid that would be used for other purpose and not for the main cause.

Aid is money that requires not to be paid back that is correct, but the purpose of this Aid is more of a motivational value of fighting the terrorist in the country more so then actually required badly.
I did get a strong response from the members, but all I did is highlight what the conclusion of the article was saying, never the less, the shift of US aid has shifted. The Aid that was coming to Pakistan, if you remember was Military previously, know it has become a non-military aid. The sole purpose is that United States feels that if given military aid that would be used for other purpose and not for the main cause.

Aid is money that requires not to be paid back that is correct, but the purpose of this Aid is more of a motivational value of fighting the terrorist in the country more so then actually required badly.

The U.S. dragged or actually forced Pakistan into this war, as a 3rd world country and a developing economy, you can understand that our country can struggle with this, therefor, the Americans are obligated to provide us with financial support, afterall, our economy would be running better without the war in the northern area of our country, as money and resources are directed to the army.
However, it is a war we must fight now, because these militant pigs have targeted innocent Pakistani civilians, and if Indians abroad might be hit aswell by these skunks, then we must surely act upon it.
All I want is not to hear things like: "We're moving out of Peshawar because it's too dangerous" or "There was a blast near us and I was really afraid" from my family in Pakistan, it saddens me and angers me.
People should be able to live in peace without fearing for their lives or looking out for militant dogs who think they are the authority.
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There's no evidence, just allegations by NYT about the funds being diverted.

True, there's no evidence of GoP diverting non-military aid towards defence procurement.

But Obama is convinced Musharraf diverted military aid to prepare for war against India, as the below Fox interview (pre-election) shows. Watch the snippet at 6:20 onwards.

I can only assume any aid from the Obama administration will come with a lot of strings attached.
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True, there's no evidence of GoP diverting non-military aid towards defence procurement.

But Obama is convinced Musharraf diverted military aid to prepare for war against India, as the below Fox interview (pre-election) shows. Watch the snippet at 6:20 onwards.

3x7Byjkr4us[/media] - Obama says Pakistan used U.S. aid to prepare for war against India

I can only assume any aid from the Obama administration will come with a lot of strings attached.

this is why india's *** is burning
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