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Obama Said to Invite Vietnam's President to Washington

Russia is insignificant, and I believe the Vietnamese are growing up /maturing to see that a total dependence on Russia is antagonistic for Vietnamese aspirations for regional plans as the premier power in continental south east asia. Vietnam understands that the United States' pivot is for long term and the consequence for this is America's increased interaction with regional players. There are rewards and blessings to cooperation with the United States, this includes military sales and investment(s). The Vietnamese see this. They are not stupid.

There is a saying, my friend. A man who eats only gruel doesn't know how prime rib tastes like. But once he tastes prime rib or skirt steak, he'll never go back to gruel again. :azn:

Here's to increased bilateral ties.

Don't the Democrats control the Senate right now? I thought you need the approval of the Senate to lift the arms embargo on Viet Nam. If the U.S is keep pressing Viet Nam for human rights before the arms embargo is lifted, then I'm afraid that the arms embargo will never be lifted.:disagree:
Russia is insignificant, and I believe the Vietnamese are growing up /maturing to see that a total dependence on Russia is antagonistic for Vietnamese aspirations for regional plans as the premier power in continental south east asia. Vietnam understands that the United States' pivot is for long term and the consequence for this is America's increased interaction with regional players. There are rewards and blessings to cooperation with the United States, this includes military sales and investment(s). The Vietnamese see this. They are not stupid.

There is a saying, my friend. A man who eats only gruel doesn't know how prime rib tastes like. But once he tastes prime rib or skirt steak, he'll never go back to gruel again. :azn:

Here's to increased bilateral ties.

I dont´t think Russia is insignificant. It has been still an important ally of Vietnam. The Russians can keep the Chinese in check (as the recent history suggests). You are right, the United States clearly as Nr #1 in the world plays a major role in our long term strategic thinking, especially in economic and military. But again, as I said previously Vietnam must act carefully not to atagonise other powers unnecessary.

In short, as for Vietnam, the question is not choosing Russia, China and America but rather how to increase our benefits and balance our interests with them. If Vietnam was an island like Japan and the Philippines protected by ocean, we would act tougher against China to defend our goals.
A Vietnam-USA alliance is a great idea. This gives China the perfect excuse to roll across the border with our armored divisions into Hanoi!
here are some video games you can play and ease our frustrations, kid.





Shellshock 2: Blood Trails
Vietnam, US establish comprehensive partnership


President Barack Obama welcome President Truong Tan Sang

The Presidents of Vietnam and the United States have decided to establish a comprehensive partnership between the two countries on the principles of respect for the United Nations Charter and international law as well as for each other’s political institution, independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The two Presidents reached the decision during their talks on July 25 at the White House during President Truong Tan Sang’s on-going official visit to the US.

President Barack Obama affirmed that the US attaches importance to the US-Vietnam relationship and Vietnam’s role in the region. He expressed wish that the relations between the two countries will continue to see strong development in the time to come.

The US continues to give importance to the Asian-Pacific region in its overall strategy, including the ASE AN’s central role in the forming regional architecture as well as in sub-regional cooperation mechanisms, he said.

President Obama also said the US wants to boost relations with ASEAN as well as other US partners in Northeast Asia.

President Sang affirmed that Vietnam welcomes the US strengthening cooperation with Asia -the Pacific for peace, stability and prosperity of the region. He stressed that Vietnam attaches importance to and hopes to continue boosting its relations with the US.

Vietnam, US establish comprehensive partnership -- Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)
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