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Obama overrated India's progress, analysts say

Water Car Engineer

Sep 25, 2010
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United States
Some in India say they're living in a country nowhere near as accomplished as President Obama says. Chronic poverty, government bureaucracy and education problems persist despite high-tech gains, they say.

Reporting from New Delhi — During his State of the Union address this week, President Obama urged Americans to reboot the country's struggling economy through innovation, education, a streamlined government and a can-do spirit, citing impressive achievements in India and China.

But some in India say they're living in a country that's nowhere near as accomplished as the one outsiders might imagine after hearing Obama. Although it has a wellspring of talent propelling its growth, India is also grappling with persistent problems such as chronic poverty, cumbersome government bureaucracy and the difficulties of educating the masses in a country of 1.1 billion people.

"President Obama has been way too generous praising innovation in India, or China for that matter," said Suhel Seth, managing partner of Counselage India, a New Delhi-based consultancy helping companies crack the Indian market. "India needs to shore up in all the areas the U.S. is talking about.... It's risk-averse with a culture of copying. That's why many of our finest minds work abroad."

India has many outstanding minds and a reputation for producing world-class engineers. But a review this month of a three-year government program called INSPIRE, which offered scholarships to about 10,000 top science students, found that 85% of the scholarships went unused. The suspected reason: Students are increasingly bypassing science for business in search of a quick buck.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, an economist by training, this month criticized the grip that he said vested interests have on scientific innovation in India.

"Liberate Indian science from the shackles and deadweight of bureaucratism and in-house favoritism," he said.

India's high-tech corridors may be world class, but many rural areas, where 70% of its population lives, lag far behind.

Late last year, Subho Ray, the head of a Mumbai-based Internet trade group, commissioned a study on rural awareness in seven Indian states, including Maharashtra, which includes Mumbai. The results: 84% of villagers had never heard of the Web.

"Sixty years ago, they would've said they didn't know what a bus was," Ray said. "For Obama, yes, there's Bangalore. But equally true are people who don't know what the Internet is."

Many in India consider government reform, with an emphasis on streamlining, key to generating widespread improvements.

"India is world's red tape superpower" read a headline in Thursday's Hindustan Times after India, followed closely by China, topped the list of the most "overregulated countries in the world" in a survey this week. About 1,370 executives surveyed by the Hong Kong-based Political and Economic Risk Consultancy complained of complex Indian regulations, onerous standards and cumbersome rules for changing money or securing tourist visas.

Rajiv Kumar, head of the New Delhi-based Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations think tank, offered a personal example of what he considered intrusive government. Late last year, his 80-year-old mother found herself paying fines to avoid imprisonment and settle a complaint that she had left water sitting in a planter after she refused to pay bribes to anti-malaria officials, Kumar said.

"They're trying to rid the city of malaria and the people implementing it turn it into an income generator," Kumar said. "There's a desperate weakness of governance."

A joke making the rounds is that "Bangalore grew while Delhi was sleeping," suggesting that high-tech companies have prospered in spite of the government. Businesses can expect to wait nearly 200 days to secure a construction permit, four years to enforce a contract and seven years to shut down a company, a World Bank assessment found.

India and the United States both face slower decision-making in a democracy compared with an ascendant China. Autocratic governments are able to bulldoze homes overnight to build a railroad, Obama said Tuesday.

Here in the world's biggest democracy, vested interests, an 1894 land acquisition act and raucous politics mean even basic infrastructure projects can take decades.

Whereas the U.S. suffers with 9.4% unemployment, India would be delighted with such numbers in a country where 93% of workers are in the "informal sector," off the government radar and often scraping by with odd jobs.

"The U.S. talks about India's advantage relative to China on democracy," said Harinder Sekhon, a U.S.-India specialist at the New Delhi think tank Observer Research Foundation. "But if young Indians don't have access to jobs, it could be a very serious problem."

The nation has waged a successful "Incredible India" image campaign, presenting the land stereotypically associated with poverty, Mother Teresa and spiritual gurus as a high-tech bastion, said Santosh Desai, former head of the McCann Erickson advertising firm in India. "Of course, this is a vast simplification," he said.

India should be seen as a partner who can provide the U.S. with back-office help, some analysts said.

"I get alarmed when I see India bracketed with China, it's just not in the same league," Kumar said. "This elephant and tiger business, at best we're a very junior elephant that's ensnared itself."

India development: India progress overrated, analysts say - latimes.com


Beware of the really really annoying clapping...
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Interesting article .... It surely discusses the facts .... We should all ignore all this Tiger Vs Elephant BS etc face the ground reality.

There's nothing wrong in learning from ppl who succeeded ....

US is always trying to make the best out of any situation .... There are already many puppets dancing for em ....

We should definitely observe the ground realities and always act which favor's our interests and growth.
LOLz even a kid would spell out the truth for everybody on this. Everybody knows the buttering that went on during his visit, and also i don't think out of 10 people not even one or two are interested in this game of elephant or tiger vs dragon thing.
I think all the vows from US are just for their own benefits ,they currently need india ,someone whom they can bank on against China.
US got big defence market and India has got potential for big deals .if we see the countries with top defence budget .Apart from US there is China at the top then Russia,UK,France,Saudia,Germany and India etc (the rank might be bit fragile ) China has no chance of getting US equipment so do Russia and we all know UK ,Germany and France are self-sufficient to a large extent when it comes to defence and Saudia is already buying bulks from US the only two countries with such big budget who still havenot come up with something like self dependency are Saudia and India and both these countries have big potential to make US extract lot of $$$

And Obama's recent visits and makhan baazi kind of stuff is a clear evidence of US trying to penetrate in indian markets and specially defence
"I get alarmed when I see India bracketed with China, it's just not in the same league," Kumar said. "This elephant and tiger business, at best we're a very junior elephant that's ensnared itself."

I think Obama and other Americans tend to bracket India with China out of a fear for China and what it represents. They in some ways just can't explain China. America and the west have fashioned a very specific set of criteria to be successful in the world. China by ignoring these, is defying their logic. The new paradigm they then came up with is that of the developing world versus the developed world.

They then can explain away China's success as not being a result of its unique society or system of organization (which they find abhorrent), but rather China is doing well because it is a developing nation along with a democratic, comprehensible India. They do this without really coming up with a meaningful definition of what it means to be a developing nation.
I think Obama and other Americans tend to bracket India with China out of a fear for China and what it represents. They in some ways just can't explain China. America and the west have fashioned a very specific set of criteria to be successful in the world. China by ignoring these, is defying their logic. The new paradigm they then came up with is that of the developing world versus the developed world.

They then can explain away China's success. China is successful not as a result of its unique society or system of organization (which they find abhorrent), China is doing well because it is a developing nation, without defining what a developing nation should be.

I think they are more like erecting the world against China by portraying negative image of China.They are giving everyone a false illusion that China is going to crush everyone and making them pretend China is their enemy and by doing so they are serving their own purpose,reality is US is more threatened of China rather than anyone else .

This is their old habbit to make world stand by them by spreading false illusions and pretending to be the most innocent of all ,thats what they did prior to their attacks on different countries
I think they are more like erecting the world against China by portraying negative image of China.They are giving everyone a false illusion that China is going to crush everyone and making them pretend China is their enemy and by doing so they are serving their own purpose,reality is US is more threatened of China rather than anyone else .

This is their old habbit to make world stand by them by spreading false illusions and pretending to be the most innocent of all ,thats what they did prior to their attacks on different countries

Luckily most nations of this world aren't that stupid. Example, the ASEAN has just sign a cooperation agreement with China, despite, US efforts to turn the region against China over the S. China sea. How smart India will be, remains to be seen.
Luckily most nations of this world aren't that stupid. Example, the ASEAN has just sign a cooperation agreement with China, despite, US efforts to turn the region against China over the S. China sea. How smart India will be, remains to be seen.

India has always had an independent foriegn policy. I doubt that will change.
Interesting article .... It surely discusses the facts .... We should all ignore all this Tiger Vs Elephant BS etc face the ground reality.

There's nothing wrong in learning from ppl who succeeded ....

US is always trying to make the best out of any situation .... There are already many puppets dancing for em ....

We should definitely observe the ground realities and always act which favor's our interests and growth.

Seeing the recent defence deals we made with them, i think that we are following what is best for us.
Luckily most nations of this world aren't that stupid. Example, the ASEAN has just sign a cooperation agreement with China, despite, US efforts to turn the region against China over the S. China sea. How smart India will be, remains to be seen.

That would depend on how intelligent China will be. It is not the U.S. scaring India, it is the Chinese pushing India into the arms of the U.S. True actually for the rest of Asia, very few are buying the "peaceful rise of China" story. Chinese actions in the last year are primarily the cause for countries in the region to take a fresh look at the U.S. All China needed was to reassure India & show some movement on matters concerning India's interests for things to have calmed down. India would not have openly opposing China if it had not been given cause. That would have been a masterstroke for China, since without India, the rest of the asian branch of the anti-China alliance would be very weak & might have run up against India's own plans for the Indian Ocean region.

While Obama may have overstated India's rise, China/Chinese are guilty of understating the same.
While Obama may have overstated India's rise, China/Chinese are guilty of understating the same.

Maybe you think so, but people have different perspectives.

When India becomes one of the top five largest economies, or as influential as a P5+1 member, then maybe people will start to change their minds.

But you have to actually reach that point first.
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