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" Obama is lying about Pakistan "


Feb 19, 2007
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Monday, May 4, 2009

On 1 May 2009, ahmedquraishi.com/ tells us Obama Is Lying About Pakistan

Main points:

A. The US government is carrying out a psy-op aimed at damaging Pakistan.

B. Money and weapons from U.S.-occupied Afghanistan are being used to help warlords and their hired mercenaries inside Pakistan, people whom the Americans call ‘Taliban’.

C. On 24 April 2009, Pakistan’s Army chief General Ashfaq Kayani “condemned pronouncements by outside powers raising doubts on the future of the Country.”

D. Obama, at a press briefing on completing 100 days in office, unveiled “what essentially amounts to a declaration of war against another country.”

“It seems Washington is trying to nudge the Pakistani military again to seize power.”

E. Fox News reported on 30 April 2009 that General David Petraeus has told U.S. officials the next two weeks were ‘critical to determining whether the Pakistani government will survive.’


F. Mr. Husain Haqqani, the Pakistani ambassador in Washington, should tell the American people the following truths:

1. The US government is carrying out an anti-Pakistan media campaign, similar to that which preceded the US invasion of Iraq.

2. The US government is training separatists inside Pakistan and backing those who advocate the breakup of Pakistan.

3. The USA has failed to bring peace to Afghanistan.

4. The USA and UK want India to fight China and stabilize Afghanistan.

5. In 1972 India launched a unilateral invasion of Pakistan.

6. The Afghan ‘Taliban’ have never operated outside Afghanistan. They are defending themselves against occupying forces.

7. Eliminating the Afghan Taliban Is Not Pakistan’s Responsibility: “It is America’s responsibility to bring the Pashtun in Afghanistan into the power structure and defuse tensions.”

8. So-called Pakistani Taliban Are No Threat To America.

I have said it before Pakistan lacks a lobby...like Israel and India....without a lobby pakistan will never succesfully fight its case and will always be left looking like the culprit....silence is taken as acceptance of the blame....
There was a very famous quote in a movie named "The Hills Have Eyes", where one soldier's speaks the following: "Presidents are paid so that they can lie, that's their ******* job".

Ohh, and that was a US soldier who said that, makes me think, that he was right:cheesy:
1. The US government is carrying out an anti-Pakistan media campaign, similar to that which preceded the US invasion of Iraq.

2. The US government is training separatists inside Pakistan and backing those who advocate the breakup of Pakistan.

This is going to require at least some proof, or some sort of explanation of why he thinks so. Mere statements do not serve any purpose. In short - RANT.

3. The USA has failed to bring peace to Afghanistan.

How is that even remotely related to the problems faced by Pakistan?

4. The USA and UK want India to fight China and stabilize Afghanistan.

So Pakistan does not want to stabilize Afghanistan? Or - does Pakistan have any problem with India stabilizing Afghanistan?

5. In 1972 India launched a unilateral invasion of Pakistan.


6. The Afghan ‘Taliban’ have never operated outside Afghanistan. They are defending themselves against occupying forces.

OK - So now Afghan talibs have been turned into a bunch of freedom fighters, fighting against 'external oppression'? And what about the evil nexus they had with Al-Qaeda?

7. Eliminating the Afghan Taliban Is Not Pakistan’s Responsibility: “It is America’s responsibility to bring the Pashtun in Afghanistan into the power structure and defuse tensions.”

Did anyone talk about it being Pakistan's responsibility? All you need to do is take care of your own land which you don't seem to be capable of.

8. So-called Pakistani Taliban Are No Threat To America.

If their spokesperson is saying US & India are their biggest enemies, they probably are. Don't you think they are threat to you as well?
Monday, May 4, 2009

On 1 May 2009, ahmedquraishi.com/ tells us Obama Is Lying About Pakistan

Main points:

A. The US government is carrying out a psy-op aimed at damaging Pakistan.

And what you say about boosting the aid? I didn't know US is that rich, it helps and damages a nation at the same time just for fun?

B. Money and weapons from U.S.-occupied Afghanistan are being used to help warlords and their hired mercenaries inside Pakistan, people whom the Americans call ‘Taliban’.

Proofs, my friend!

C. On 24 April 2009, Pakistan’s Army chief General Ashfaq Kayani “condemned pronouncements by outside powers raising doubts on the future of the Country.”

And happily accepts when US says "Kiyani is better than Zardari!"

D. Obama, at a press briefing on completing 100 days in office, unveiled “what essentially amounts to a declaration of war against another country.”

“It seems Washington is trying to nudge the Pakistani military again to seize power.”

A child can tell you about guts in GoP. What if US said it openly? After all, they are paying Pakistan in billions.

E. Fox News reported on 30 April 2009 that General David Petraeus has told U.S. officials the next two weeks were ‘critical to determining whether the Pakistani government will survive.’

How about this -
Petraeus denies saying next two weeks critical for Pak govt

Rest is already explained...
There was a very famous quote in a movie named "The Hills Have Eyes", where one soldier's speaks the following: "Presidents are paid so that they can lie, that's their ******* job".

Ohh, and that was a US soldier who said that, makes me think, that he was right:cheesy:

"The Hills Have Eyes", this phrase is turniong true in case of US's so called war against terror. As they are fighting taliban in hilly areas ;):whistle::lol:
abdulrafi perhaps it would be best put it this way to you:

If you are so armoured by ahmedquraishi.com and its content, then stop trying to provide a poor attempt at point noting the content of that blog and provide some points with sources, which that blog lacks.

Simply don’t re hack a hacked blog and try to make it look like something else.

Mr. Quraishi is anti US and anti nearly everything else, stay there and join that rant not here.

Obama Is Lying About Pakistan

Really? So when he says you face grave danger from within (terrorists) he is lying? Interesting!

A. The US government is carrying out a psy-op aimed at damaging Pakistan.

And objective being? How does creating panic in minds of the common citizen of Pakistan help US in attaining its objectives? Please dont go on about breaking of Pakistan without fully understand the fallout from the same.

B. Money and weapons from U.S.-occupied Afghanistan are being used to help warlords and their hired mercenaries inside Pakistan, people whom the Americans call ‘Taliban’.

So in essence you want to say TTP is actually Afghani. Wonder how they seem to enjoy so much support in the local populance of NWFP/FATA, a fact attested to by many members of this forum? So you mean to imply that foreigners actually rule Swat? And GoP made 'peace' with them by ceding own territories? What was PA raised for then?

C. On 24 April 2009, Pakistan’s Army chief General Ashfaq Kayani “condemned pronouncements by outside powers raising doubts on the future of the Country.”

Obama is lying about this too?:woot:

D. Obama, at a press briefing on completing 100 days in office, unveiled “what essentially amounts to a declaration of war against another country.”

Can you back this up with quotes/example?

“It seems Washington is trying to nudge the Pakistani military again to seize power.”

Fail to understand how Obama is lying in this issue?

E. Fox News reported on 30 April 2009 that General David Petraeus has told U.S. officials the next two weeks were ‘critical to determining whether the Pakistani government will survive.’

what has this to do with lying? and its a fact, had GoP not acted in time by ordering PA to launch operations, their credibility would have been irreversibly damaged.

1. The US government is carrying out an anti-Pakistan media campaign, similar to that which preceded the US invasion of Iraq.

So does that mean US wants to invade Pakistan?

2. The US government is training separatists inside Pakistan and backing those who advocate the breakup of Pakistan.

Till few hours back it was RAW, now US? For gods sake please decide whom you want to blame.

3. The USA has failed to bring peace to Afghanistan.

A long drawn out process. You have failed in FATA/NWFP too.

4. The USA and UK want India to fight China and stabilize Afghanistan.

There shall be no fight. Only India is being backed as pre-eminent power to counter growing chinese clout, something Indians also know.

5. In 1972 India launched a unilateral invasion of Pakistan.

I didnt see any fight over this. how did India "invade" pakistan? Bollywood?

6. The Afghan ‘Taliban’ have never operated outside Afghanistan. They are defending themselves against occupying forces.

Yes. But they base themselves in Pakistani areas (that is if you still consider FATA as yours)

7. Eliminating the Afghan Taliban Is Not Pakistan’s Responsibility: “It is America’s responsibility to bring the Pashtun in Afghanistan into the power structure and defuse tensions.”

Yes, too big a task actually for Pakistan. No one is asking you to enter afghanistan, instead all are asking you to keep away and not allow any bases for the same on Pakistani soil.

8. So-called Pakistani Taliban Are No Threat To America.

Right. They are no threat to Pakistan also?
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