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Obama: India Limits FDI, needs reform !

all the down grades and crap is because america wants its companes to enter indian markets. anyways india will only open fdi, if it thinks its own companies have reached the world stage and can compete them in every sector.
And FDI in retail is not the solution for food storage.That is a dumb excuse.Our leaders suck,thats the reason for food storage,better management of such would be a better solution coz India has no dearth of good managers.
Well India is a agriculture and small industry based economy. And we do know how many hands work in-between for the cereals and vegs to reach from the farm to our local store,and they live on that income.
though I agree with your point, we also have to see the other side of the story about farmers, because of the middle men the syndicate they have formed has resulted in these middle men deciding the price of the agri produce that the farmer works hard and ends up taking the least price.
I am a farmer my self and the coconut and banana what i produce in my farm is only taken at my farm for a price that is only 1/3 of the market price. the middle men earn more that what i earn just by playing broker. is it not injustice to the farmer who toils in the sun to make that produce so that some one else with lesser effort makes the most out of some elses hard work.
There are pros and cons to FDI in INDIA, but to me from the farmers prespective FDI is required in retail from the middle men prespective and shop owner prespective its not needed.
comparing these two the farmers are the bigger community and yes they are the ones who toil in the sun, so FDI should be allowed for the sake of them
though I agree with your point, we also have to see the other side of the story about farmers, because of the middle men the syndicate they have formed has resulted in these middle men deciding the price of the agri produce that the farmer works hard and ends up taking the least price.
I am a farmer my self and the coconut and banana what i produce in my farm is only taken at my farm for a price that is only 1/3 of the market price. the middle men earn more that what i earn just by playing broker. is it not injustice to the farmer who toils in the sun to make that produce so that some one else with lesser effort makes the most out of some elses hard work.
There are pros and cons to FDI in INDIA, but to me from the farmers prespective FDI is required in retail from the middle men prespective and shop owner prespective its not needed.
comparing these two the farmers are the bigger community and yes they are the ones who toil in the sun, so FDI should be allowed for the sake of them

u r right sir, but i will like to ask u why farmers don't form their association and supply their product directly to market as in case of AMUL milk......i first used to believe that most farmers are illiterate so they can't think of it or can be easily supressed or threaten by the goons of these middleman....but farmers like u should take the intiative....
all the down grades and crap is because america wants its companes to enter indian markets. anyways india will only open fdi, if it thinks its own companies have reached the world stage and can compete them in every sector.

I am sorry but I dont buy this logic ... was it the same case in 1991 ??? Were the Indian companies in full throttle to face the western companies head on back then ???
Competition creates quality and opportunity and not a closed socialistic approach !
u r right sir, but i will like to ask u why farmers don't form their association and supply their product directly to market as in case of AMUL milk......i first used to believe that most farmers are illiterate so they can't think of it or can be easily supressed or threaten by the goons of these middleman....but farmers like u should take the intiative....
There is a kisan sangh in every state, the question is are the kissans voice given importance by the government. Just for the purpose of collecting tax from people who drink and to take bribe from the 9 sprit companies in TN, the TN government is not allowing liquor procurment from coconut and palm trees. these indian made forign liqours are the most poisonus where as the liqour that is got directly from palm or coconut trees is not poisonus in any means, yet the indian made forign liqur is allowed but not the liqor from palm and coconut trees that will benifit the farmers in every way.
The kissan union is just a union of farmers who mentally are oriented to one party or the other blindly and they do not question the leadership of the partys stand, neither do they revolt when the partys stand or policy is not in favour for them, rather they wait endlessly
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