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Obama frustrated with Pakistan: Expert

US President Barack Obama ,

Question for you..

Dont you have balls to come to Afghanistan in day light?

is it something you are afraid off ?
Obama has visited Afghanistan 3 times actually. Are you sleeping?

In Afghanistan, Obama pledges cooperation, vows to 'finish the job' - CNN.com

Taliban threat is being overplayed by some people in Pakistan. Taliban is also in a helpless position.

Their are both Taliban sympathizers and haters in Pakistan. Do not be surprised.
Dear Obama , You are frustrated now after you are having you *** kicked by the Taliban & they are your Enemies , Think of what we went trough & are still going through , When you killed our own soldiers , killed our civilians , violated our sovereignty & you were our Friend ( So Called) .

So , Dear Sir Honorable Barak Obama , GO TO HELL.


Major US military bases in Afghanistan:

Military Bases in Afghanistan - US Military Bases

When Taliban knocks out one, give me a PM.

And the progress of ANA:

U.S. GAO - Afghanistan Security: Afghan Army Growing, but Additional Trainers Needed; Long-term Costs Not Determined

Of course, there are issues in Afghanistan. However, situation is no so grim as it is made out to be.
One thing is clear, if you look at Obama's entire team. Experts, administration and even Pentagon high ups, they are all anti-Pakistan people.

It's like day and night someone is buzzing in his ears, "Be anti-Pakistan, be anti-Pakistan".

John Allen, Petraeus, Dempsey, Panetta and even Clinton. No one is a friend of Pakistan rather antagonistic.

The people who were, like McCrystal - were removed.
its a funny thing that a super power is frustrated..btw how is American partnership in Afghanistan any different than Soviet backing of Afghan communist party? History repeats itself..we shall start cozying up with the Russians now..few years down the line these Afghans will need another savior.
One thing is clear, if you look at Obama's entire team. Experts, administration and even Pentagon high ups, they are all anti-Pakistan people.

It's like day and night someone is buzzing in his ears, "Be anti-Pakistan, be anti-Pakistan".

John Allen, Petraeus, Dempsey, Panetta and even Clinton. No one is a friend of Pakistan rather antagonistic.

The people who were, like McCrystal - were removed.

Okay, let me ask this: How does one get pro-Pakistan views to be heard effectively at those levels?
US President Barack Obama ,

Question for you..

Dont you have balls to come to Afghanistan in day light?

is it something you are afraid off ?

well i have been told 100s of time by indians here on this forum that you being most powerful person on planet earth, and you visited a country where you have 1000s and 1000s of your army personal. still you need to come in night time??

Come on MR PRESIDENT, thats is very shameful act in the name of security... that is showing your and your country weakness ....


No wonder British Pakistanis are so messed up :D

Okay, let me ask this: How does one get pro-Pakistan views to be heard effectively at those levels?

USA needs to get Saudi Arabia and China to put pressure on Pakistan to end its double game.
Okay, let me ask this: How does one get pro-Pakistan views to be heard effectively at those levels?

Lobbying, bribing, manipulating.

All things our enemies have done more successfully than us.

Or we can just do everything they want us to, sell the country off to them and do their bidding. That will work too.
Lobbying, bribing, manipulating.

All things our enemies have done more successfully than us.

Or we can just do everything they want us to, sell the country off to them and do their bidding. That will work too.

So if our enemies play the game better than we do, our choices clearly are either to play the game better than them (and quickly), or lose the match.

It seems a pretty clear choice to me.
donot worry about this ...aise komen he phir se saee tarahan se zinda hoty hein.
So if our enemies play the game better than we do, our choices clearly are either to play the game better than them (and quickly), or lose the match.

It seems a pretty clear choice to me.

Why not make the game longer, until you get better at it?:)

I am not sure why we smell bad but cannot comprehend how you became an elite member and why are you being tolerated....people like you are definitely going to make this forum stink....have some shame man!!!
I am not sure why we smell bad but cannot comprehend how you became an elite member and why are you being tolerated....people like you are definitely going to make this forum stink....have some shame man!!!

LOL forget it, that was a big L on his forehead. There are plenty of things random people say about Pakistani's and muslims but lets not go there...

Why not make the game longer, until you get better at it?

Tis' 11 years but it went from bad to worse..without leaving a silver lining at the edge of the cloud.
Why not make the game longer, until you get better at it?:)

Sure, if that is a possibility afforded to us while we try to improve on the fly. It may or may not be possible. I do not know but hope that is the case here.

I am not sure why we smell bad but cannot comprehend how you became an elite member and why are you being tolerated....people like you are definitely going to make this forum stink....have some shame man!!!

A suggestion: Please report any offensive post, and then ignore it. I am sure it will be taken care of by the Mods when they get round to it at some point.
Dearest Obama - you really are a full of manure. You have the audacity and nerve to voice "frustration" over our nation?
Have a little think and perhaps look at your nations recent record in Afghanistan and you may point the finger elsewhere when it comes to your shortfalls.
Your army has an incredible line of misdoings recently including p1ssing on the dead, keeping body parts for souveniers, having pictures taken as trophy pics and of course the massacre of innocent civilians. Don't you think the world has a right to be frustrated with your antics?
You massacre innocent soldiers on 26/11 and not even voice a formal apology? - Don't you feel like a little weasel when you make speeches that wrench of hypocrisy?

I suggest you go back home and get your boys to write another speech - this time look in the mirror and start with your own nations misdemeanors before looking like a fool in public. - You really have a nerve....
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