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Obama backs Sharia law for Peace


Oct 19, 2008
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

One small step for Obama's Muslim roots, one giant step into the grave for women, kuffars, infidels, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs..........

This is the "change" President Hussein promised? The sanctioning of Sharia law? Sharia law's complete oppression and totalitarian rule - honor killings, wife beatings, death for apostates and hypocrites, women as chattel? ........Rubbing my non-believing eyes.

US privately backs Pakistan's 'Sharia law for peace' deal with Taliban Telegraph
American officials have privately backed Pakistan's "Sharia law for peace" deal with Taliban militants in the Swat Valley despite publicly criticising it as a "negative development".

The deal, under which Sharia law will be introduced in the Malakhand and Kohistan districts of Pakistan's North West Frontier Province if Taliban militants end their armed campaign in the Swat Valley, has been met with alarm by Nato chiefs and British and American officials.

Nato fears the deal would create a new "safe haven" for extremists, said a spokesman on Tuesday night, while a statement from Britain's High Commission in Islamabad said: "Previous peace deals have not provided a comprehensive and long-term solution to Swat's problems. We need to be confident that they will end violence, not create space for further violence."

President Barack Obama's special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan voiced the greatest concern about the strength of Taliban militants in Swat as he ended his first visit to the region since taking up his post.

"I talked to people from Swat and they were, frankly, quite terrified. Swat has really deeply affected the people of Pakistan, not just in Peshawar but in Lahore and Islamabad," he said, while a Defence Department official described the deal as a "negative development".

On Tuesday night however, US officials in Islamabad privately backed the deal as an attempt to drive a wedge between Swat's Taliban, which is focused on its demand for Sharia law, and the al-Qaeda-linked Taliban led by Baitullah Mehsud, the notorious commander who controls much of North and South Waziristan and other tribal areas along the Afghan border.

While they expressed fears that the deal might yet be sabotaged by some Swat Taliban militants who support al-Qaeda, they said that if successful, the deal would break up the alliance between the two groups, which has caused alarm throughout Pakistan and in Washington.

Of the two Taliban groups, Mehsud's is the most feared – he has been accused of masterminding the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and trained Osama bin Laden's son as one of his commanders – but it is the alliance with Swat Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah which alarmed Pakistanis in the country's main metropolitan centres.

Swat is less than 100 miles from Islamabad, just a few hours from where Fazlullah's men have bombed girls' schools and murdered opponents and those who have defied its fatwas against "immoral behaviour". They included a popular dancing girl whose body was dumped in the main square of the valley's largest city, Mingora, last month.

Fazlullah, who is known as "Maulana Radio" for the illegal FM stations he uses to broadcast his latest fatwas and justify recent Taliban murders, is the son-in-law of Maulana Sufi Muhammad, the leader of Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM), who once led thousands of militants to fight US forces in Afghanistan. Mr Muhammad has negotiated the Sharia law deal with local government officials and was on Tuesday night meeting Maulana Fazlullah to finalise their ceasefire.

Some senior Pakistan People's Party leaders have privately condemned the deal as "surrender", but government sources last night said it needed to bring peace to the valley, so that girls could return to school and business return to normal.

The valley had a long history of Sharia law, and its introduction was a popular measure among Swat's long-suffering people, they said.

American officials in Islamabad said they hoped it would divide Fazlullah's Swat Taliban and his father-in-law's TNSM from Baitullah Mehsud's Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

Thanks Obama:smitten:
this time americans have been quite cooperative. they are the ones who least criticised the move and rather tried to understand the ground situation
Brother please do not make the mistake of thinking Obama will do anything for muslms just on account of his roots. He is the President of USA and will do all in his power to further the interests of US, not of PAkistanand notof Islam. The job brings with it ground realities which he will have to follow if he is to survive.
As to the Sharia law, as I have explained earlier, it is a small step to ensure peace in a region which otherwise should not be a flash point needing the Army's attention allowing it to concentrate in the real regions where there is terror. Neither US nor anyone else should have any objections to it as it is in our constitution that all laws would conform to the Quran and Sunnah. So for all practical purposes it is no one's business whether we implement Sharia law or not.
We don't care what India or USA Thinks about our Peace deal, We just want this Civil war to be over let ends this killing of Brother by another Brother.

We want Peace in Pakistan no matter what approach we take and we Just don't Bother about International Concerns. There can be International Concerns if we deal with Taliban but These (people of swat) are our Local People who have some Judicial Demands so why not Discuss our Issues with them.

Please don't use this term to show that Obama has some soft part in his heart for Muslims. He is a Christian and Great Supporter of Israel that's what truth really is.
Brother please do not make the mistake of thinking Obama will do anything for muslms just on account of his roots. He is the President of USA and will do all in his power to further the interests of US, not of PAkistanand notof Islam. The job brings with it ground realities which he will have to follow if he is to survive.
As to the Sharia law, as I have explained earlier, it is a small step to ensure peace in a region which otherwise should not be a flash point needing the Army's attention allowing it to concentrate in the real regions where there is terror. Neither US nor anyone else should have any objections to it as it is in our constitution that all laws would conform to the Quran and Sunnah. So for all practical purposes it is no one's business whether we implement Sharia law or not.

Well said, I believe western countries practically following our values , that is reason they are ruling world ,Halaku Khan who killed million of muslims then coverted to islam and you know these turks then built most holy places of muslims.

They are as nation better then us , no muslim ruler praised this step all are sleeping, which is alraming sign.

Simmilar steps if US and family of world should take in Afghanistan , the extremist then have no place to sell their agenda and terrorism automatically elimated.
Please don't use this term to show that Obama has some soft part in his heart for Muslims. He is a Christian and Great Supporter of Israel that's what truth really is.

What ever his believe is, it is matter between him and God , we should look what he do practically ,we should appreciate his positive approach atleast.:agree:
If it pleases you, then the source doesn't matter :woot:

Islam teaches us to love non muslims , if they do any thing good we should appreciate them .

Remember one thing always islam spread through love not from sword.

But it allow us to kill snakes:agree:
His father was a Muslim and he has Muslims in his family, Obama knows that Sharia is not a threat.
There is already an understanding between US and Pakistan over this peace deal. Some experts are openly saying this now. Otherwise i do not think Zardari government can risk annoying US.
There is already an understanding between US and Pakistan over this peace deal. Some experts are openly saying this now. Otherwise i do not think Zardari government can risk annoying US.

Zardari have no understanding or sampathies with innocient killing in SWAT and FATA,when practically ANP failed in NWFP and PML taking MQM in confidence there was chance that PPP government who already lost their popularity in just one year ,collapse in center also, and senate election are also coming soon,

That is why he has taken this decionsion to save his skin,even US internally have concerns about this decision.
Im not sure what he means,then he may start bombs again saying they are terrorists!
U.S. defence secretary says Pakistan-style truce in Afghanistan acceptable
1 hour ago

KRAKOW, Poland — U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates says an agreement between the Afghan government and Taliban rebels along the lines of a truce concluded in neighbouring Pakistan may be acceptable.

Gates says some sort of political reconciliation will have to be part of a long-term solution in Afghanistan.

Earlier this month, Pakistani authorities and pro-Taliban rebels in the Swat valley in northwestern Pakistan concluded a pact aimed at restoring peace.

It allows the introduction of Islamic law in the area if militants lay down their arms.

The agreement sparked international concern.

Richard Holbrooke, the new U.S envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, said he was worried the peace deal was tantamount to a surrender by the authorities.

The Canadian Press: U.S. defence secretary says Pakistan-style truce in Afghanistan acceptable

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