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NYC bus ads asking 'Leaving Islam?' cause a stir

Nah.. Im not the whining type and you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how uninformed and moronic it may be.
Nah.. Im not the whining type and you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how uninformed and moronic it may be.

Is that the best argument you can come up with Oh Great Preacher of the Ancient Temple of Mcdonalds
can a mod close this thread? the bus has reached the expiriy date
But leaving Islam results in the death penalty? Obviously someone who is leaving Islam is going to need legal help.
But leaving Islam results in the death penalty? Obviously someone who is leaving Islam is going to need legal help.

Do you really want to go in to that.... I think a separate thread should be created for that issue and this one be closed
"Whoever changed his (Islamic) religion, then kill him" Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:57

I don't see whats the big deal and why Muslims are creating such a big hubbub about this ad. Does it hurt your feelings? Can't believe that people can also leave islam?

Do you really want to go in to that.... I think a separate thread should be created for that issue and this one be closed

My post is on topic. People who leave Islam are going to be labeled "to be killed"
"Whoever changed his (Islamic) religion, then kill him" Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:57

I don't see whats the big deal and why Muslims are creating such a big hubbub about this ad. Does it hurt your feelings? Can't believe that people can also leave islam?

I don't know the authenticity of the quoted hadith but I know for sure that is not mentioned anywhere in the Holy Quran.... death to apostates I mean.

I have no problem with people leaving Islam.... Islam is not a mouse trap where one can enter but not leave alive.
But this was not the intention of the Ad
I don't know the authenticity of the quoted hadith but I know for sure that is not mentioned anywhere in the Holy Quran.... death to apostates I mean.

I have no problem with people leaving Islam.... Islam is not a mouse trap where one can enter but not leave alive.
But this was not the intention of the Ad

Do not doubt that there are many, many Muslims out there that are ready to kill apostates. Even here in the United States, apostates have to keep it a secret from their own parents.

Also, about the Hadith,

Volume 9, Book 84, Number 57:
Narrated 'Ikrima:

Some Zanadiqa (atheists) were brought to 'Ali and he burnt them. The news of this event, reached Ibn 'Abbas who said, "If I had been in his place, I would not have burnt them, as Allah's Apostle forbade it, saying, 'Do not punish anybody with Allah's punishment (fire).' I would have killed them according to the statement of Allah's Apostle, 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'"

Do not doubt that there are many, many Muslims out there that are ready to kill apostates. Even here in the United States, apostates have to keep it a secret from their own parents.

But apostates like Salman Rushdie, ALi Sina, Taslima NAsreen and Irshad Manji are having the times of their lives.
Not all apostates can afford bodyguards, now can they?

With all the publicity and gov support they get....they dont have too.. they just have to be bold enough to do one outrageous act..... In comes the cavalry for their rescue.

Tell me
Would a similar add ....
"Leaving Judaism" be tolerated like that
I seriously doubt that

Bokhari has related, on the authority of Braa bin Aazib, that in the treaty of Hudaibiyyah, the Holy Prophet, peace be on him, agreed with the pagans of Mecca that if anyone of them became a Muslim and came to Medina, he would be returned to the Meccans, but that if a Muslim departed from Medina and joined the Meccans, they would not be under obligation to return him to the Holy Prophet (Bokhari, Egyptians edition, Vol. II, p. 76).
Its not big deal - US professes Freedom of religion - which means freedom to leave and practise any faith. Whats wrong with the Ad?
I've stated a hypothetical situation, so there's no question of evidence.
Right...So now it is a hypothetical situation.

Anyway, many of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay have been found innocent, now I consider that as a good evidence of what I've said.
First you said there is no evidence, now you say there is. Make up your mind. Further, the prisoners at Gitmo are not charged with any crime relating to religion. So you failed.

Where is your evidence that people in the Muslim states force the minorities to accept Islam?
Keyword search 'islam forced conversion' seems to work pretty good.
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