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NY Times: Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Mors


Nov 20, 2009
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United States
Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Morsi

Many say sudden improvements prove that opponents conspired against Mr. Morsi.

CAIRO — The streets seethe with protests and government ministers are on the run or in jail, but since the military ousted President Mohamed Morsi, life has somehow gotten better for many people across Egypt: Gas lines have disappeared, power cuts have stopped and the police have returned to the street.

The apparently miraculous end to the crippling energy shortages, and the re-emergence of the police, seems to show that the legions of personnel left in place after former President Hosni Mubarak was ousted in 2011 played a significant role — intentionally or not — in undermining the overall quality of life under the Islamist administration of Mr. Morsi.

And as the interim government struggles to unite a divided nation, the Muslim Brotherhood and Mr. Morsi’s supporters say the sudden turnaround proves that their opponents conspired to make Mr. Morsi fail. Not only did police officers seem to disappear, but the state agencies responsible for providing electricity and ensuring gas supplies failed so fundamentally that gas lines and rolling blackouts fed widespread anger and frustration.

“This was preparing for the coup,” said Naser el-Farash, who served as the spokesman for the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade under Mr. Morsi. “Different circles in the state, from the storage facilities to the cars that transport petrol products to the gas stations, all participated in creating the crisis.”

Working behind the scenes, members of the old establishment, some of them close to Mr. Mubarak and the country’s top generals, also helped finance, advise and organize those determined to topple the Islamist leadership, including Naguib Sawiris, a billionaire and an outspoken foe of the Brotherhood; Tahani el-Gebali, a former judge on the Supreme Constitutional Court who is close to the ruling generals; and Shawki al-Sayed, a legal adviser to Ahmed Shafik, Mr. Mubarak’s last prime minister, who lost the presidential race to Mr. Morsi.

But it is the police returning to the streets that offers the most blatant sign that the institutions once loyal to Mr. Mubarak held back while Mr. Morsi was in power. Throughout his one-year tenure, Mr. Morsi struggled to appease the police, even alienating his own supporters rather than trying to overhaul the Interior Ministry. But as crime increased and traffic clogged roads — undermining not only the quality of life, but the economy — the police refused to deploy fully.

Until now.

White-clad officers have returned to Cairo’s streets, and security forces — widely despised before and after the revolution — intervened with tear gas and shotguns against Islamists during widespread street clashes last week, leading anti-Morsi rioters to laud them as heroes. Posters have gone up around town showing a police officer surrounded by smiling children over the words “Your security is our mission, your safety our goal.”

“You had officers and individuals who were working under a specific policy that was against Islamic extremists and Islamists in general,” said Ihab Youssef, a retired police officer who runs a professional association for the security forces. “Then all of a sudden the regime flips and there is an Islamic regime ruling. They could never psychologically accept that.”

When Mr. Mubarak was removed after nearly 30 years in office in 2011, the bureaucracy he built stayed largely in place. Many business leaders, also a pillar of the old government, retained their wealth and influence.

Despite coming to power through the freest elections in Egyptian history, Mr. Morsi was unable to extend his authority over the sprawling state apparatus, and his allies complained that what they called the “deep state” was undermining their efforts at governing.

While he failed to broaden his appeal and build any kind of national consensus, he also faced an active campaign by those hostile to his leadership, including some of the wealthiest and most powerful pillars of the Mubarak era.

Mr. Sawiris, one of Egypt’s richest men and a titan of the old establishment, said Wednesday that he had supported an upstart group called “tamarrod,” Arabic for “rebellion,” that led a petition drive seeking Mr. Morsi’s ouster. He donated use of the nationwide offices and infrastructure of the political party he built, the Free Egyptians. He provided publicity through a popular television network he founded and his major interest in Egypt’s largest private newspaper. He even commissioned the production of a popular music video that played heavily on his network.

“Tamarrod did not even know it was me!” he said. “I am not ashamed of it.”

He said he had publicly predicted that ousting Mr. Morsi would bolster Egypt’s sputtering economy because it would bring in billions of dollars in aid from oil-rich monarchies afraid that the Islamist movement might spread to their shores. By Wednesday, a total of $12 billion had flowed in from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. “That will take us for 12 months with no problem,” Mr. Sawiris said.

Ms. Gebali, the former judge, said in a telephone interview on Wednesday that she and other legal experts helped tamarrod create its strategy to appeal directly to the military to oust Mr. Morsi and pass the interim presidency to the chief of the constitutional court.

“We saw that there was movement and popular creativity, so we wanted to see if it would have an effect and a constitutional basis,” Ms. Gebali said.

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Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Morsi

Morsi was not Martian bhai.

He was as Egytian as anyone else.

And if he could not gather different groups and setup effective government, then he was a failure.

No need to look for constipated conspiracy theories.

Morsi was not Martian bhai.

He was as Egytian as anyone else.

And if he could not gather different groups and setup effective government, then he was a failure.

No need to look for constipated conspiracy theories.


There is a parallel authority which is the Military that all these people are running to. As the cops and other establishments know who has bigger guns, then of-course they will undermine Morsi.
There is a parallel authority which is the Military that all these people are running to. As the cops and other establishments know who has bigger guns, then of-course they will undermine Morsi.

What do you think a politician has to do?

sit home and lay eggs?

Heck no.

He needs to figure out what are the key players in his country, and work day and night to make them work for the benefit of the country.

If a key player can get something done, then don't f@rk him and let him do the job.

However if the politician thinks he has become god by getting elected, and he can push people around, well, then may God be with him.

The MB was too reluctant to form a coalition Gov't, which angered the Egyptian political parties and the Egyptian people by large.

I'm talking about a REAL coalition Gov't ...
Morsi was not Martian bhai.

He was as Egytian as anyone else.

And if he could not gather different groups and setup effective government, then he was a failure.

No need to look for constipated conspiracy theories.

What do you think a politician has to do?

sit home and lay eggs?

Heck no.

He needs to figure out what are the key players in his country, and work day and night to make them work for the benefit of the country.

If a key player can get something done, then don't f@rk him and let him do the job.

However if the politician thinks he has become god by getting elected, and he can push people around, well, then may God be with him.


Eggs are not the issue here.

You are appearing as a person who has no understanding about issues related to dual authority in management or administration. In simple words you cannot have two bosses running a show.

This simply nagates the point of the representative form of govt. This was a farce to begin with.

Peace my brother.
.... In simple words you cannot have two bosses running a show.

There are multiple bosses in a democratic system (one is just for a show and not the reality).
For example: In the USA, it is executive, judiciary, and congress.
President may veto but he cannot make the law.

And this is a 250+ years old system.

In Pakistan, there are 4 "bosses", the executive, the parliament, the army, and the judiciary.

In UK the oldest democracy, you can replace army with the Crown.

In Egypt, as the system is new, there will be perhaps 5 or 6 "bosses" and not 3.

This is the point that Morsi failed to understand.

And he tried to be another Islamo-socialist Gamal.


This simply nagates the point of the representative form of govt. This was a farce to begin with.
If indeed it was a farce, then Morsi should have resigned from day1. But he didn't. that means he took it as realy. Then why can't you my dear. Why can't you?

Peace my brother.
peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.

There are multiple bosses in a democratic system (one is just for a show and not the reality).
For example: In the USA, it is executive, judiciary, and congress.
President may veto but he cannot make the law.

And this is a 250+ years old system.

In Pakistan, there are 4 "bosses", the executive, the parliament, the army, and the judiciary.

In UK the oldest democracy, you can replace army with the Crown.

In Egypt, as the system is new, there will be perhaps 5 or 6 "bosses" and not 3.

This is the point that Morsi failed to understand.

And he tried to be another Islamo-socialist Gamal.

If indeed it was a farce, then Morsi should have resigned from day1. But he didn't. that means he took it as realy. Then why can't you my dear. Why can't you?

peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.


My spirits are flying so high, I can even touch the sky !!!

The U.S system is nothing like the Egyptians. There are no different bosses in the Govt but different branches of the Govt performing separate duties.

1) The executive branch which is Obama.
2) Legislative which is the House and the Senate
3) Judicial Branch.

Clinton was impeached by the House, but Senate decided not to remove him from power. There is no military option to remove a President from office.

I don't think Morsi knew what he was in for.

If staff of any Egyptian governmental institutions refuse to execute lawful directives of the Govt, then of-course they should be relieved of their duties, however Morsi could not do that as they were getting support from the military. Employees of the energy companies refuse to supply fuel under some mysterious directives. All of these non-cooperation went away once Morsi was out of power.

I would wholeheartedly congratulate the protestor one more time if indeed it was a case of true spontaneous uprising against Morsi admin. That does not seem to be the case anymore.

I don't think him being MB is the issue, the statuesque will not let go of what made them wealthy and powerful. They would use some other way to get rid of the next President who gets on their way.

Military should only intervene when there is no other avenue left for remedy, that was clearly not the case here.

May you have high spirits too my brother !!!
The US has said that it will 'rethink' its position as if it was a coup or not.

This just keeps getting interesting.
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