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Nuclear Arms race triggered by Gillard !

Civilian ???? Then why is India REFUSING to sign the NPT ??????

The world knows the reason India is refusing to sign the NPT is because she wants to use the Australian Uranium to crank out more nukes to contain China (Big Daddy USA ordered India to do so)

you should first read the history behind non-signing of NPT...
your only existence in this forum is find India bashing news and start troll..

For MOD.. please take care of this guy.. he is making this good forum in to trash garbage:hitwall: bin..
@ all Indian:: please try to ignore this guy hafizzz. MOD's are in love with this guy. Don't forget this is an Pakistani forum. Forum rules are applicable to Indians only. Don't forget this is defencepk. most of guys here hatred towards India. Moderators are supposed to maintain quality of forum. But in this forum every thing will be reverse.
pakistanis..dont be such cry babies...actually you cant afford to be cry babies because no one cares what you cry about...so move on.....
The article written is by green extreme lefty in Australia. the sum total of his viewership is 50 people plus hafizz :P

It is fraught with misunderstanding....

misunderstanding that fails to take note that Pakistan has tripled up nuclear weapons production, while India has not made a move to do so at all. as such the nuclear material is only for civilian purposes. India has stated that its weapons stockpile numbers is fine for what it's policies are- i.e. used for defensive purposes and not offensive reasons.

Misunderstanding that India is FOR SIGNING THE NPT! Every clause but one! Clauses that says only people who can be a part of NPT have to agree to denuclearize the weapons if they had a weapons developed after, what was it 1967 or later, was it? India agrees ith all other non poleriferation clauses within. Hell! is follows/followed that doctrine for decades , from the get go, even without signing of such pledges.

Misunderstanding of equating Pakistan and Israel on the same level as India. In the former's case its proliferation of nuclear weapons is / was state sponsored act and in the latter's case, they don't even acknowledge having nuclear weapons unlike India.
pakistanis..dont be such cry babies...actually you cant afford to be cry babies because no one cares what you cry about...so move on.....

Really.....Not long ago these very Australians were making your cousins cry a river. !!
Why India is begging Uranium from all over the world according to Indian sources you have one of the world largest Uranium reserves. :lol:

Uranium reserve found in Andhra Pradesh could be world's largest : South News - India Today
Nuclear-boost: Uranium mine in Andhra could be among largest in world - Times Of India

Guys the answer to india asking the world for uranium despite the fact that india has huge reserves is that the quality of uranium found in india is too low. Even if we process it to the reactor grade, the cost of such fuel will be too high than the uranium we can procure from the international market.

Processing uranium for a few weapons can be done and afforded at high costs but for commercial use such processed uranium is too costly especially compared to the cost in international market.

So this is the reason why india has to ask uranium from other nations despite having large reserves.
Guys the answer to india asking the world for uranium despite the fact that india has huge reserves is that the quality of uranium found in india is too low. Even if we process it to the reactor grade, the cost of such fuel will be too high than the uranium we can procure from the international market.

Processing uranium for a few weapons can be done and afforded at high costs but for commercial use such processed uranium is too costly especially compared to the cost in international market.

So this is the reason why india has to ask uranium from other nations despite having large reserves.

One honest reply from an indian.
Really.....Not long ago these very Australians were making your cousins cry a river. !!

Well, is that 'the touché' reply you could come up with?
Our cousins cried LOUDER against racist attack and made an impact.
But is your crying. whining, somersault parades in a virtual thread making any difference to Aussie Uranium policy towards India? Nope.
Lifting of ban on uranium exports to India has huge implications for Australia

Author: Ross Louthean
Posted: Thursday , 17 Nov 2011

With American President Barack Obama flying out of Australia today after a whirlwind 27 hour visit, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard must now put some hard lobbying into her plan to overturn a ban on supplying uranium to India.

This US President's visit was a sequel to a meeting of Pacific Nations, Australia and the US in Hawaii that led to wonderful talk about new relationships, and prompted Gillard on her return to Australia to say she wanted the ban on supplying uranium to India lifted.

The Australian Labor Party (ALP) ban, not necessarily supported by the Liberal Party opposition, relates to India not having signed any nuclear non-proliferation treaty

That has sparked anger from the left wing of Federal ALP and sent the Green Party feral, given its stance on wanting all uranium mining banned and even coal mining in Australia - a big vertebrae in the country's economic backbone - shut down.

Political commentators are saying Gillard is trying to show she is not anti-mining (a hard case after introducing a carbon tax and planning a super tax on iron ore, magnetite and coal mining) and also distancing herself from the obvious perception of groveling to the Greens, so as to stay in power. The carbon tax was an about-face on electoral promises but demanded by the Greens, and that party also wants heavier taxes on mining.

Today the big Australian legal firm Minter Ellison commented on what may happen with lifting the ban on supplying uranium to India. Its Energy and Resources partner Andrew Thompson said lifting the ban could see interest from Indian and other foreign private and State-owned enterprises (SOEs) looking for uranium exploration and development opportunities in Australia.

Thompson said The Australian Government recently refined the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) policy for foreign SOEs investing in uranium exploration and development into a two staged approvals process.

"This reversal comes as welcome news to Australian mining companies that are currently restricted by the policy. It will see an increase in uranium export markets, as well as opportunities for foreign direct investment and increased capital for Australian uranium projects.

"Australian uranium explorers and producers would benefit from India's increasing use of nuclear energy, which is expected to grow from 3% to 40% of total domestic electricity consumption by 2050."

ALP policy currently bans the export of uranium to nation-states that are not signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), including India, North-Korea, Taiwan, Israel and Pakistan, as a means to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Minter Ellison said the proposed ALP policy change outlined by Gillard and led by Federal Minister for Resources and Energy, Martin Ferguson, is expected to be successfully passed at the ALP National Conference that begins on December 2 in Sydney.

Andrew Thompson said this change will present new opportunities for uranium mine developers as well as existing producers such as BHP Billiton, which has recently received Federal Government approval for its A$30 billion expansion of the copper-uranium reserves at South Australia's Olympic Dam mine.

Uranium exploration and mining are currently permitted only in South Australia, Northern Territory and Western Australia, while exploration (but not mining) is permitted in Queensland through the policy of the reigning ALP State Government.

Mineweb.com - The world's premier mining and mining investment website Lifting of ban on uranium exports to India has huge implications for Australia - URANIUM | Mineweb
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