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Now, India's coaches to come with 'made in China' tag

Exactly !!!!!

The only sport in which the players are treated so grandly and made national heroes is currently cricket . After the Cricket World Cup Victory , or even a India-Australia series victory the public goes gaga on the Cricketers.

This never happens when say the Hockey team wins the Asia cup , or our shooters , boxers ( pugilists ), wrestlers or wieghtlifters achieve success at the world Championships etc .

The establishment of civil societies , in China is a very novel and effective idea . Believe this is something Indian Govt can learn .

All in all, Indian society needs to get excited about winning at sports (not just cricket)
That's where you're wrong, my friend. China's system works in the absence of a sports craze. If you look at the events that China wins medals in, often you'll not find a thousand people in the whole of China who plays them for fun. China is not a sporting nation, which is precisely why the government adapted the system of tracking youngsters into sports where they are selected by natural aptitude. There often wouldn't be interest in them otherwise.

Im not sure about the Chinese model, But Indian sports revolve around incentives....

For most people in India, "making a living" is the top priority....So any professions, whether it be doctors, lawyers, engineers or even sports has to be a source of income for people to indulge and train to be the best....and most Indians (if I may generalize) tend to look for the short term solution....

Cricket off late has become a sport that parents are willing to send their kids to train at mainly because of the boom in IPL and the fact that one can actually consider a career in cricket....
Boxing is another sport that I see picking up albeit slowly...

The point Im trying to make is that Indian Olympic Federation does a poor job at incentivizing youngsters and budding athletes to excel at sports...
a) the lack of popularity of various Olympic sports in India means that athletes have no sponsors many a times, hence end up lacking equipment , training facilities etc.
b) Those Olympians that have made a mark in the Olympics have not been compensated substantially to incentivize budding athletes to at least try to emulate them even if it is for the money (I dont think National pride is enough when a majority of India has no clue about many Olympic sports)
c) Olympic heroes have to be felicitated in a befitting manner....I dont think the Indian mindset has fathomed how big an honor it is (or how daunting a tast it is) to win an Olympic medal...

Frankly....Indian sports need an overhaul in my opinion....

The minute money enters a sport, it becomes the playground for politicians accompanied by the usual BS.....

I for one am glad that at least in an effort to match up to China, we are learning some of their tactics at popularizing Olympics.....
Hats off to China for what they have achieved in Olympics....the sport as well as creating a mark through the Beijing Olympics

That's where you're wrong, my friend. China's system works in the absence of a sports craze. If you look at the events that China wins medals in, often you'll not find a thousand people in the whole of China who plays them for fun. China is not a sporting nation, which is precisely why the government adapted the system of tracking youngsters into sports where they are selected by natural aptitude. There often wouldn't be interest in them otherwise.

We have some military training to make up for it and many actually play Ping Pong or badminton, for fun. But there's too much pressure at school, especially high school, to study. And in university everyone just drinks until they vomit or play 48 hours of games.

I think we should learn from South Korea and bring back conscription, at least for 6 months. At least then when fights break out between Chinese and foreigners, we can stomp them down easier. 3 weeks of military training is worthless.

Its not as bad, there are a few sports schools(academic life based around sports, instead of other way round) around in India if am not wrong. They started out quite well, but then as usual like other government projects got mired with corruption.

If i am not wrong, there is compulsory athletics for every school kid in China, just like American system. India needs something like that if it wants to win medals in Olympics.

And more schools like these are needed.
Motilal Nehru School of Sports

I actually have a classmate who attends Beijing Sports University. Sounds athletic right?

A very cute, short (<160 cm) and fat (>60 kg) girl with no athletic ability but quite good writing skills, and got in due to being rejected from every other university. Trust me these schools are jokes :lol:
In the past, before PRC returned to U.N., participating in sports events made China appear more in international stages. So winning matches during those events is a very honorable thing you can do for motherland during China's difficult time.

Considering our advantage and disadvantage, I think China has systematically linked winning sports to national pride and chose certain sports that are fit for Chinese, e.g. table tennis, diving, badminton, shooting and etc.

Nowadays, many parents send their children to participate sports just to strengthen their bodies, not for a career. However, even if a tiny portion of family who want a career for their children in sports, we will already have a lot supplies.

In addition, a lot of poor families may consider sports as a way out of poverty.

Furthermore, many sports have become so attractive for sponsorship and fame, e.g. tennis, basketball, soccer and etc. So becoming successful in those sports can also be an attractive path to make your career.

Aren't many kids in India want to become superstars in cricket to make more money as well?

Wasn't referring to a free society thing....it doesn't work that way in sports ---only achievable through incentives like the bold part .

My question is how did Chinese authorities change people's mentalities to taking up sports as a career ?

Like if this post is true ...

By Ephone
post no.6

How do you change general people's mindsets into accepting sports as an attractive career option ?
Money (e.g. prize from winning matches, sponsor endorsement, government/private monetary/material (e.g. house, car...) rewards...), fame... I think those are the incentives provided anywhere in the world, including China.

only the coaching methods are being shared as per the article , even if that system is shown to the GOI officials , I doubt it can be implemented in India ......end of the day its the young athelete choice , and at least in India he would prefer an academic career to atheletics .

Do the Chinese govt give any incentives for sports ?
I dont think it will make any difference.

The initiative has to come from the lower end( players side).

Hey, how many kids show interest in playing hockey, football, ......... compared to cricket?
I would say only 3-5% interested in playing in other games compared to a 95% interest showed in playing cricket.

The culprit here is galli cricket. Find a space of 10 yards, a small wooden plank and a rubber ball.......its called as entering the cricket age.
Playing cricket needs minimal or no infrastructure,while other sports needs a lot of infra. Be it hockey, football or gymnastics,.....
Got a Rs 100 ? anyone canbe a batsman,bowler,...

This mulling towards cricket is due to the lack of infrastructure at school levels.Every school for sure has atleast 1 or 2 hectares or empty ground.This is enough to play cricket and for 2 teams of 11 each.
Other thing is in india I understood is people willing to play team based games instead of solo ones. Unless your rich father sponsers your tennis/rifle shooting/gymnastics,.......
This way of playing team based games is kind of culture related.We want to achieve things together. A good eg: is found on Krishnastami. When people group together and climb all the way up to blow that earthern pot.

Also it lacks initiative from the gov side. No proper facilities.only 1@ of all students get reservation under sports quota. This just shows how unimportant this sports play in comman man life.
The GOI find importance in ST,SC,BC,ladies,....... and offer them way more than 20-33% each in reservations.this is their priority,cos at the end of the day they are the ones that vote and win for the party.

Also Finance. BCCI started being a trust to promote cricket in India. And now it is THE worlds richest cricket club.( even IT is after BCCI :P )Now a day cricket has been turned into business and a money making machine( read IPL).Also cricketers care much about thier endorsements and milking more from companies than sweating in the nets.Cricket is also getting infected with true sportiveness is gone due to new money making skills.

It takes atleast a decade to bringup sports in a significant fashion to win medals in triple digit in Olympics. This is also if GOI starts laying stone today and being more pro-active.

Other thing is eudcation being the main priority than compared to sports. A person starts getting IIT coaching from 6th grade itself. These educated parents put thier kids to the maximum level of making them nerds and geeks rather than players. Not even 1% of moms and dads want thier kids to be playing games for living.Other thing is financial security and also the same business tactics. And educated person can earn money by working for one of the million companies, then wot about a sportsman?
I myself rather want my kid to be a settled in business rather than playing sports. My view point is different to youngsters and similar to other parents.Sports can be a part time for relaxation and entertainment, it cant be a profession.

Sorry I am a little practical about money and what it can buy.Opinions differ in every case.

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