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Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

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This is a .pk, in any case this is a rumour from 2008, 2009 he has been absolved

give me something neutral. Since you cant let me help you

TG-192: Treasury Targets Al Qaida and Lashkar-E Tayyiba Networks in Pakistan

look for samjota

This is from Indian newspaper

Pak may bring up Lt.Col. Purohit’’s role in Samjhauta blasts at Interior Secretaries” meet

Islamabad, Nov.20 (ANI): Pakistan may raise the recent findings of the Maharashtra’’s Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) indicating a probable involvement of the Indian Army’’s Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit in the Samjhauta Express blasts incident during the scheduled meeting between Interior Secretaries of India and Pakistan to be held in Islamabad on November 25.

Purohit, presently under arrest in connection with the Malegaon blasts case, has been remanded by Nashik court Additional Judge H.K. Ganatra to judicial custody till November 29 as a prime suspect in the case.

The News has raised fingers on the ‘’sketches of suspects” released after Samjhauta Express blasts by the authorities under the government of India suggesting Pakistan being the perpetrator for the incident.

The Samjhauta train blasts tragedy took place on February 17, 2007 and killed 68 people, most of them Pakistanis.

Pakistan’’s Interior Secretary Kamal Shah will represent Pakistan while India will be represented at the talks by Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta.
Additional Secretary Azhar Chawdhury will represent the Pakistan’’s Foreign Office.

“The issue of the Samjhauta Express has been taken up with New Delhi in several meetings including during our talks on Anti-Terror Mechanism level. We have been asking the Indian side about more information on this tragedy and sincerely hope that they will be able to share their findings with us”, the Foreign Office spokesperson was quoted by The News as saying.

The spokesman said that in the past, officials had conceded that efforts to prevent drug-trafficking between the two sides had been successful. However, when it came to anti-terror efforts, acknowledging of wanted criminals by both sides, gun-smuggling and fake currency, the progress remained slow. “But even if it is a slow process it is a useful experience. After all, talking to each other about these issues is the only way”, he was quoted as saying.

In July 2007, India and Pakistan at the last such talks had set up three sub-groups to go into the contentious issues such as terrorism and extradition and deportation of wanted criminals from each other’’s territory. (ANI)

Pak may bring up Lt.Col. Purohit’’s role in Samjhauta blasts at Interior Secretaries” meet

And oh BTW the fake sketches which India released later proved that these were fake and the man instead helped the victims.
Wow...20 Minuets....15 Posts ....and we are back to Kashmir ...and India bashing....Way to Go......

Start from the north Pole ...and we will reach Kashmir...Start from south Pole and we will be back at Kashmir.....

Maybe sth has to be solved at the end.Another hand,that means we all love our motherlands.:coffee:
We are the epitome of non violence world over. India does not believe in violence. But if the Pakistanis choose to cross over things will change like tsunami in a hitherto quiet ocean.

actions speak louder than the words.

'Hindu terrorism' debate grips India

BBC News

A new and highly controversial phrase has entered the sometimes cliche-riddled Indian press: "Hindu terrorism".

As with the term "Islamic terrorism" and "Christian fundamentalism", this latest addition to the media lexicon is highly emotive.

It was in the aftermath of the 29 September bomb blast in the predominantly Muslim town of Malegaon in the western state of Maharashtra that the term "Hindu terrorism" or "saffron terrorism" came to be used widely.
That was because the state police's Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) arrested 10 Hindus following the blasts and has said that it wants to arrest several more.

One of those detained was a female priest, Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, aged 38, who has been accused by the ATS of being involved in the Malegaon blast. Her detention shocked members of the faith.
So too did the arrest of a serving Indian army officer, Lt-Col Prasad Srikant Purohit, who the ATS says is the prime accused in the case.
Police are investigating whether some of those arrested are members of a little-known Hindu outfit called Abhinav Bharat (Young India).

At least three of those held have some links with a prestigious college in the city of Nasik, the Bhonsala Military Academy.
ATS investigators have questioned two of the academy's former office bearers several times.

One of them was Col Raikar, who retired from the Indian army some months ago. Both he and Col Purohit served in the same unit of the army and became friends. The ATS claims the meeting in which the plan for the bomb blast was hatched was held in the Bhonsala school.

Another retired army officer, Maj Prabhakar Kulkarni, is also under arrest. He too was an office bearer at the school. In addition, the ATS says that at least one of the 10 suspects received military training here.
Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, Col Purohit, Maj Kulkarni and Col Raikar have denied any connection with terrorism, as has the Bhonsala Military Academy and its parent organisation, the Central Hindu Military Education Society (CHMES).

Founded in 1937, the sprawling Bhonsala campus is run by the CHMES, an organisation established in the 1930s by Dr BS Moonje, a former president of the militant Hindu Mahasabha (Hindu Assembly) organisation.
His vision was to militarise India to fight the British Raj.

Military-style training
As the name suggests, this is not an ordinary college.
Its aim, as its website claims, is to "encourage students to take up careers in the armed forces of the country".

Military training involves teaching students how to fire guns. The students are prepared for the National Defence Academy, the central government's premier military college.

The branch of the academy in the city of Nasik has many impressive buildings.
One of them is used to impart military-style training to students, aged 10-16 years.
Its secretary, Divakar Kulkarni, laments the fact that his school is getting a bad press these days.

He says that besides military training, students are taught Hindu philosophy and scriptures. Mr Kulkarni accepts it's primarily a school for Hindus, but he adds that there are two or three Muslim and Christian children in every class of 45 students.

'Tea and biscuits'
"Even Muslim students study the Bhagwat Gita and the Ramayana [Hindu scriptures]," he says proudly. So how does he respond to the ATS allegation that the bomb plot was hatched at a meeting in the academy?
"Col Raikar let out a hall to Abhinav Bharat for a meeting for two hours, but we don't know what transpired in the meeting," Mr Kulkarni said.

The ATS believes Col Raikar was also present in the meeting. But according to Mr Kulkarni he went there just for a few minutes "to ask if they wanted tea and biscuits".

The ATS says that it has also found the aims and objectives of Abhinav Bharat downloaded on the computers of the two men.

Mr Kulkarni insisted that there was a perfectly innocent explanation for this: "They downloaded the outfit's aims and objectives without knowing much about its work," he said.

Meanwhile, most Hindu organisations believe India's Congress party-led government is playing politics by defaming Hindus. They argue that the very term "Hindu terrorist" is not only a creation of the media but also a contradiction in terms - because the faith explicitly renounces violence.
"The government, with an eye on the general election next year, is trying to woo Muslims by maligning Hindus," says Datta Gaikward, chief of the right-wing Hindu Shiv Sena party in Nasik.

Hindu political parties are also staunchly defending Sadhwi Pragya Singh Thakur, the arrested female priest. They have hired lawyers to represent her and at every legal hearing in Nasik supporters of right-wing parties gather outside the court and shout anti-government slogans.

All eyes will be now be on the court proceedings - whenever they start in earnest - to find out whether "Hindu terrorism" really has taken root or not.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hindu terrorism' debate grips India
Arre bhai 84, yeh baasi khabar hai. It was a unfounded rumour. The US Dept of Treasury Link is July 1, 2009. Fresh hai.

Prove to me that the news from Indian article is just a rumor. Find an article that says it was a rumor.
You are going to be killed even if you are inside LoC peacfully protesting against Indian state terrorism so nevermind.

Hahaha,my brother,U r so funny.:yahoo:

lolz, until yest our neighbors requested for some neutral sources...

Indian media got new fans !!! ;-)
Samjhota Express blast: Col. Purohit provided explosives
pdated at: 1200 PST, Sunday, November 16, 2008
NEW DELHI: Indian Army Lieutenant Colonel PS Purohit procured the explosives used in the 2007 Samjhota Express train bombing and 2008 Malegaon blast, Indian police told a court in Nashik city on Saturday.
Maharashtra police said the colonel had obtained 60 kilogrammes of the explosive from Jammu and Kashmir in 2006 according to a witness in the Malegaon blast case. The court remanded the colonel in police custody until November 18.

Meanwhile, Hindu ascetic Sadhvi Pragya Singh and Lt Col Purohit tested negative in narco tests on direct involvement in the Samjhota Express bombing, but gave important clues about their clandestine network. The Mumbai Police ATS is now tracing two followers of Sadhvi and an Indore-based Hindu Jagran Manch that they believe are the ‘missing link’ in the Samjhota Express bombing, said a senior security official who is part of the investigations.

The suitcases that were used to blow up three carriages of Samjhota Express were traced to Indore, which has emerged as a hub of clandestine activities of Hindu militant groups.

Samjhota Express blast: Col. Purohit provided explosives
Now read the following S L O W L Y. Then take a print out and paste it on your mirror so that you can read it everytime you look in your mirror.
'No Evidence of Purohit Supplying RDX for Samjhauta Blast'
Mumbai | Jan 20, 2009

Maharashtra police on Tuesday said that it has no evidence that Lt Col Srikant Prasad Purohit, arrested for his alleged involvement in Malegaon blast, had supplied the RDX used in the 2007 Samjhauta Express train blast.

"While investigating the Malegaon blast case, we found one witness who said that Purohit had claimed to him that he (Purohit) had supplied the RDX used in Samjhauta train blast," Additional Director General of Police K P Raghuvanshi told reporters.

"There was only one witness who had made this statement," he said.

Haryana police had questioned Purohit on the matter and they would be able to speak on his possible involvement, the Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) Chief said.

"However, in our investigations no such evidence has been found," he said.

The ATS has not found any evidence of Purohit or the other ten members of the group involved in the Malegaon blast having played a role in any other blasts, Raghuvanshi said.

lolz, until yest our neighbors requested for some neutral sources...

Indian media got new fans !!! ;-)

Your very own indian media said Lt.Col. Purohit was involved in sumjhota express bombing then an indian comes here and says it was only a rumor.

so it means that indian media lacks every bit of credibility or its true that Lt.Col. Purohit killed innocent Pakistani citizens in sumjhota express bombing.

How can we be so sure that those indian commandos coming in Islamabad wont bomb a train in Pakistan like Indian Lt.Col. Purohit did.

Its best to cut off all relations with india. Pakistan doesnt need india if india wont talk about Kashmir.
Your very own indian media said Lt.Col. Purohit was involved in sumjhota express bombing then an indian comes here and says it was only a rumor.

so it means that indian media lacks every bit of credibility or its true that Lt.Col. Purohit killed innocent Pakistani citizens in sumjhota express bombing.

How can we be so sure that those indian commandos coming in Islamabad wont bomb a train in Pakistan like Indian Lt.Col. Purohit did.

Its best to cut off all relations with india.

why would we put our men in danger homer?
won't we use islamic militants?
evil yindoo :devil:
dear jana
why they are attacking on you????
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Prove to me that the news from Indian article is just a rumor. Find an article that says it was a rumor.

prove to me indian media saying "7 kadam pakistan khatam" is not rumor. and indian media claimed pakistan nukes are not safe. Accept that also

Jai hind
Jai Bharat.
Kashmir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Administered by---- Area--Population--% Muslim---% Hindu--% Buddhist---other
-India-------------- Jammu--~3 million--30%------ 66% –------------------4%
Kashmir Valley ------------~4 million----95% ------4%* – –
Ladakh ----------------~0.25 million-----46%-----------------50%--------3%
-Pakistan Northern Areas ~1 million------99% – – –
Azad Kashmir ----------~2.6 million-----100%

India is more than 80% HINDU and only Muslim majority STATE it controls is a disputed territory, KASHMIR.

Not only the people of Kashmir are closer to people of Pakistan, Kashmir itself is closer to Pakistan than India:

Wow...great theory....I would answer you though it has no relation with topic...
India is NOT officially a hindu state.....It is nowhere mentioned in our constitution that i Hindu can have more right than a non-Hindu. Add get your facts right, Kashmir is NOT a state. The full name is Jammu and Kashmir. But ofcourse ears only listen those things which they want to. The state comprises the area of Laddakh, Jammu and Kashmir. Jammu population is Hindu in majority whereas Laddakh people are mostly Buddhist. If you sum up, you might get unexpected result.:azn:

And how Kashmiri people is closer to Pakistan, well that thing is beyond my head.:undecided:
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prove to me indian media saying "7 kadam pakistan khatam" is not rumor. and indian media claimed pakistan nukes are not safe. Accept that also

Jai hind
Jai Bharat.

take your hindi bharati crap to a bharati forum.

your media said that the indian Lt.Col. Purohit was involved in sumjhota express bombing and an indian said its a rumor.

so it means indians even believe their media is crap.
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