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Now India is expanding its embassy in Islamabad

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As I read through the thread, I have as yet been able to descern the "why" answered in the posts from our forum members.

Why is the increase in size necessary? What upcoming events will the larger embassy serve? What about these unfoldoing events have caused concern to even our most trusted ally?

Indo-Pak relations are poised at a major cross roads. An opportunity that has only seldom presented itself. If Pakistan does a proper renunciation of its proxy war against India, refines its jihadi seminaries, stops open collection of chanda for anti India jihad, then the area would cater to increased needs of trade/transport facilitation.

On the other hand if Pakistan wants to retain the strategic element of its jihadi foreign policy then it is for more spies, more snooping devices.

Either way India is placing its bets right.
Why are the least trusted countries being allowed to expand their embassies and being allowed to bring in their commandos, security guards, and marines into Pakistani soil and not friendly countries like China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and other friendly countries of Pakistan?

Because the least trusted countries read Indo-US are trusted by current set up :angel:
Indo-Pak relations are poised at a major cross roads. An opportunity that has only seldom presented itself. If Pakistan does a proper renunciation of its proxy war against India, refines its jihadi seminaries, stops open collection of chanda for anti India jihad, then the area would cater to increased needs of trade/transport facilitation.

On the other hand if Pakistan wants to retain the strategic element of its jihadi foreign policy then it is for more spies, more snooping devices.

Either way India is placing its bets right.

On another note.

India should stop funding terrorists in Pakistani province Balochistan.

India should change its proxy war against Pakistan on internationa diplomatic level.

India should close down all its training camps in Afghanistan which are being used against Pakistan.

Stop expanding your weapons and nuclear weapons which are excelerating armed race in the region.

India should stop state terrorism in Held Kashmir.

Allow UN and international Human Rights bodies to hold Plebiscite in Held Kashmir so that India Pakistan should be at peace at last
Ask the people in the streets of Karachi, who is Pakistan's best friend. The reply will be China.
How am I going to get there? Thanx to frosty relations. If I get there only then I can ask.

Afghanistan was never our responsibility after we helped them get the Soviet invaders out of Afghanistan,
If it was not your headache, then why did you rush in? for $$$?

Pakistan was a developing young nation back then and still is
and will be for a loooong time, if it does not mend its ways.

, but every country wants a good relation with its neighbors, well maybe except India.
What? You mean to say you don't want good relations with India? Care to explain your utter lack of co-operation on that front? Do you think trade with India nullifies the 3 nation theory? Are you still so insecure? Vajpayee tried somewhat to assure your ilk at Lahore.

The same way Kashmir will come about one way or the other so dont bark at Pakistan if Pakistan hastens the process.
East Pakistan -> Bangladesh 12 days
Kashmir ? 20 years and still counting. Are you sure you are sending your jihadis to the right address?
Indo-Pak relations are poised at a major cross roads. An opportunity that has only seldom presented itself. If Pakistan does a proper renunciation of its proxy war against India, refines its jihadi seminaries, stops open collection of chanda for anti India jihad, then the area would cater to increased needs of trade/transport facilitation.

On the other hand if Pakistan wants to retain the strategic element of its jihadi foreign policy then it is for more spies, more snooping devices.

Either way India is placing its bets right.

Only unless Kashmir is free from Indian opression.

As I said in my previous post, dont bark at Pakistan if Pakistan decides to hasten the independence of Kashmir from indian rule.
Indo-Pak relations are poised at a major cross roads. An opportunity that has only seldom presented itself. If Pakistan does a proper renunciation of its proxy war against India, refines its jihadi seminaries, stops open collection of chanda for anti India jihad, then the area would cater to increased needs of trade/transport facilitation.

On the other hand if Pakistan wants to retain the strategic element of its jihadi foreign policy then it is for more spies, more snooping devices.

Either way India is placing its bets right

Close, but no cigar. After all, Pakistan had to approve the request and they did, so what else might be brewing? For instance the case of disputed Kashmir remains on the boil and so long as the Indian is belligerent about that, there is little likelihood of moving forward -- UNLESS, there is reason to believe that the Indian is saying something else in private (maybe Holbrooke is more successful than it seems)
(think regionally)
If it was not your headache, then why did you rush in? for $$$??

Do you think the soviets would spare us if it was in neighboring Afghanistan?

and will be for a loooong time, if it does not mend its ways.

India is also a 3rd world developing nation.

What? You mean to say you don't want good relations with India? Care to explain your utter lack of co-operation on that front? Do you think trade with India nullifies the 3 nation theory? Are you still so insecure? Vajpayee tried somewhat to assure your ilk at Lahore.

Whats the point, even if we are friends for a year or 2, something like mumbai or samjhota express happens so why be friends in teh first place?

East Pakistan -> Bangladesh 12 days
Kashmir ? 20 years and still counting. Are you sure you are sending your jihadis to the right address?

East Pakistan was thousands of miles away from West Pakistan infact it was closer to India than West Pakistan and yes we will never forget about Kashmir until it is free from indian oppresion.
India should stop funding terrorists in Pakistani province Balochistan.
Somewhere on this forum an address for the Balochi Govt in exile has been posted. It points west from Pakistan.

India should change its proxy war against Pakistan on internationa diplomatic level.
You mend your ways and on a quid pro quo India should tone down its diplomatic opposition.
India should close down all its training camps in Afghanistan which are being used against Pakistan.
Close down what you run in Pak-Occupied-Kashmir, Punjab, FATA among others
Stop expanding your weapons and nuclear weapons which are excelerating armed race in the region.
India has to maintain deterrence vis-a-vis ChinoPak. Do the math the ratios may surprise you.
India should stop state terrorism in Held Kashmir.
What never started can't be stopped.
Allow UN and international Human Rights bodies to hold Plebiscite in Held Kashmir so that India Pakistan should be at peace at last
there is no provision of plebiscite after what happened in 1971.
Only unless Kashmir is free from Indian opression.

As I said in my previous post, dont bark at Pakistan if Pakistan decides to hasten the independence of Kashmir from indian rule.

Pakistan is trying same with Jehadi outfits and so called terrorist/freedom fighters, Operation Gibraltor :blah::blah: for so long with no success. We dont bark we bite right in a$$ if anyone tries daring in our allies. At times people loose their a$$es because of that.
Pakistan is trying same with Jehadi outfits and so called terrorist/freedom fighters, Operation Gibraltor :blah::blah: for so long with no success. We dont bark we bite right in a$$ if anyone tries daring in our allies. At times people loose their a$$es because of that.

The only terrorists are Indian army who've murdered and raped thousands of thousands of Kashmiris.

Take a look at the Kashmir section of this forum.




One thing you must know about MUSLIMS is that we have patience and we will always take the side of Kashmiris and will never forget about Kashmir. I know you Indians want us to forget about Kashmir, but we cant until Kashmir is free from indian rule even if it takes 62 more years.
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The only terrorists are Indian army who've murdered and raped thousands of thousands of Kashmiris.

Take a look at the Kashmir section of this forum.

One thing you must know about MUSLIMS is that we have patience and we will always take the side of Kashmiris and will never forget about Kashmir. I know you Indians want us to forget about Kashmir, but we cant until Kashmir is free from indian rule even if it takes 62 more years.

Yes you can wait as long as it suits you. We dont have issues. Keep on waiting. :yahoo:

The simple logic here is anyone who tries to spill Indian blood with the act of terrorism shoot him right between the eyes and one who support him shoot him twice. :sniper:

Any threat to Indian federation would be dealt with force. We dont care if it is Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or a Christian. We dont bias terrorists with religon. We just take them as threat to innocents.
^ For us Indian army and police are terrorists who kill thousands in Indian Occupied Kashmir, and we dont care about relations with India, India is not in a strategic area. We have border with China, Middle East, and Central Asia.. all the important regions we want to do trade with. We have a rail link to Turkey (Europe).

India is in the inner core of South Asia it has no strategic value.

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