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Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

Well said.

A piece of somewhat better news is that the body has been recovered intact Alhamdullilah.

The aircraft didn't hit in a complete nose dive. It was a belly hit.

Janaza of Wg. Cmdr Nauman Akram is to be held at AHQ, Islamabad at Maghrib.
Bro, is it true that he ejected in the last moment but had serious head injuries ?
Update: Some people are saying the pilot was trying to move away his troubled jet from the population area,that's why he was unable to eject.
But it doesn't seem like that in those videos.
The fighter was already above jungle area when the jet was already working fine.And that steep dive doesn't show the pilot was doing anything to move the jet away from populated area.
Your thoughts?
Best way to honor the fallen pilot would be to do a missing man formation on the 23rd. No aerobatics no funny stuff.
Aerobatics are part of training it is / was basically designed to teach how to avoid AAM and to perfect dog fights.

Because of single accident and without proper investigation we should not say any thing about the incident.
Update: Some people are saying the pilot was trying to move away his troubled jet from the population area,that's why he was unable to eject.
But it doesn't seem like that in those videos.
The fighter was already above jungle area when the jet was already working fine.And that steep dive doesn't show the pilot was doing anything to move the jet away from populated area.
Your thoughts?
Shakarparian is a jungle; but you have population all around it. Not so close but in a jet; distances are covered quite fast. Seems in the pictures the aircraft fell by some power lines; no word on if they were hit.
I felt the weather and overcast skies had a hand in this. These aerobatics are a bit too risky in populated centers. They should just stick to flybys. Very unfortunate loss of a gem of a fighter pilot and a very expensive asset. God bless and Inna lillahi wa inna alaihi rajaoun.
Aerobatics are part of training it is / was basically designed to teach how to avoid AAM and to perfect dog fights.

Because of single accident and without proper investigation we should not say any thing about the incident.
In light of the accident; just a missing man formation would do to pay our respects. Lets not pretend it didn't happen.
Losing the OC of the most elite squadron in the airforce and that too in low level aerobatics is certainly more avoidable..

Just so you guys know a US marine corps CO was fired recently just because he flew as GIBS during a flypast where he flew low and fast,might be wrong here but the only way to prevent accidents is strict accountability and not this faith that you'd get away with it.

I'm talking about all this because I've got a brother who flies fighters for the airforce and I won't want any family to lose it's near and dear ones in preventable accidents like this.

Here is the link.

Only thing that can prevent from such incidents is, stop flying at all. The risk factor is always there and enquiry isn't concluded yet. Lest not make it like an irresponsible flypast at all. Anything could happen and no one is irresponsible for not playing by the book. Be it an airshow, fly past or whatever, the risk is always there but wold does not ends at that for professionals. I really hope to see a period from this discussion.
so what should be the gameplan for PAF now? should they continue as planned or be careful. IMO they should ask Allah for forgiveness and be humble in the first place. they became very arrogant after 27 feb thing. IAF before 27 feb were very arroganat and faced the consequences and PAF became arrogant after 27 so Allah has taught both the parties to act like humans do. pride is only for Allah .coming back to PAF 's response. they should come back to the ground. ask for forgiveness. go as planned this year. put another F-16 display giving the notion that they are not afraid of death and keep up the morale of their men high . and in future reduce the number of such circuses. 4 jets lost in 3 months. its not acceptable.
What does arrogance have to do with this?

Its fighter flying and its a risky business. Don't mix two things when they are not connected. Whether 27 Feb happened or not, this aerobatic flying would have gone on in celebration of March 23rd.
Bro, is it true that he ejected in the last moment but had serious head injuries ?
We've all seen the video(s) from different angles. There was a massive fire ball behind the trees.

Had he not of ejected, I doubt his body would've been in condition of a proper burial.

He most certainly must've ejected (at a low height). That & the angle of the jet - vertical. I doubt his chute had fully deployed, (if) it even did.

I believe his injuries on impact possible led to his unfortunate death.
anything can happened to any machine . Last year F16 crash .
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To all the members who do not have the slightest experience of: flying, maneuvers, employment of tactics, have never been to flight school, are not or were not part of a air force flight training program (I dont think we have any active duty), do not know the alif baa taa of real world cockpit, evasive maneuvers, do not know and have never been in situation where it is life or death, have never even seen the eternal of the cockpit, have never been close to an active fighter jet, I please request all members who are saying "lesson was not learn" "using f-16 in an airshow was not a good idea" "flying maneuvers for f16 is risky" "only jft should do airshows" It is my humble request to please be rational, respectful and please understand that if you fly the danger is always there no matter what you do Wing commander Nauman (shaheed)is SHER AFGHAN, He was a warrior who had been train to do tasks that some people think are dangerous, he was trained to be a fighter pilot and all PAF pilots they train hard to fly and the fly to fight and they fight to kill and that is it.

I am very disappointed in attitudes towards this accident by some members (truly brings the true colors of cowardice, lack of knowledge and just sheer inhumane extrinsic school of thought)
None of the videos are clear to show the last few seconds before the crash....however it's known that sometimes the pilot is thrown clear upon impact....happened to one of our F-104 pilots during 1965 and a British Hunter pilot more recently.
We've all seen the video(s) from different angles. There was a massive fire ball behind the trees.

Had he not of ejected, I doubt his body would've been in condition of a proper burial.

He most certainly must've ejected (at a low height). That & the angle of the jet - vertical. I doubt his chute had fully deployed, (if) it even did.

I believe his injuries on impact possible led to his unfortunate death.

His body is completely intact and looks like he died of head injuries.
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