Then how did this happen---something failed somewhere----.
If it walks like a dog---if it barks like a dog---it is a dog----. In the history of aviation----same thing is repeated over and over in almost every nation's air force---a jock comes down to fly a measley little prop plane and want to show off his wares---it is not the first time and it is not the last time it has happened----.
This accident has 'fighter jock' written all over it---FIS or no FIS---if the pilot flew in and tried to slide into formation flight possibly was not too familiar with the aerodynamics of the air craft----.
That is why I kep telling you people---read---read books----read fiction---read something----you will learn to look at things.
My cousin brother's buddy a fighter pilot retires and goes for pia----on his test flight---that a-hole turns the passenger aircraft on its wing----just wanted to show off---could have easily killed the other pilot and couple of other people on the plane---- and then he is bragging about it----.
The reason I am asking the question what was the background of those pilots---coming from fighter sqdrn's or what----. These guys do it all the time---they want to show how good they are---and they cause accidents---buddy if you don't know these things---it is time to learn---not to patronize me.
On a side note---you can't make me unlearn these things now-----my hard drive is loaded up---maybe one of these days as I get old---it would get zapped---but till that day comes---!!!!!!
Your lack of knowledge and understanding shows in not looking into what their previous job was---it always boils down to---what made him do what he did----this question never changes----either in a murder---in an assault---a rape---or ijn an accident.
You are a man---you are an educated man---it is your job to ask the question---why did it happen---how did it happen---if you the future is not going to ask this question---then who is going to ask this question-----.
The air force has an excuse---and before they utter their excuses---you people are all ready to accept that is how it happens----and start brushing the dirt under the rug.
I keep telling you kids---you are not very literate people---GOD gave you two ears and two eyes---but one mouth----so read and learn and listen and learn more than you people want to talk---AND NEVER STOP ASKING QUESTIONS---NEVER TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED---you guys are all full of excuses for others----it is amazing----.