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Not so secular India

Apologize for what ? 1984 ring bell for you ? what happened at Tienanmen was necessary if not we would have experienced a lost decade like russia, our ultimate goal is democracy but stability is needed first.

To China's problems, the overwhelming priority is stability. Without a stable environment, nothing can be achieved, and what has been achieved will be lost... Democracy is our goal, but the country must remain stable. ——Deng Xiaoping

O.K. so you are saying that without brutal force and subjugation ( or the fear of it in the minds of people) china will disintegrate. Why is it so? I say this is poor logic...India is more hetrogenous than China and many times more than Pakistan. But irony is that both China ( CPC) and Pakistan ( Army) is held by brutal forces...and in both cases the citizens of both the countries claim that without CPC and Paksitan Army, country will disintegrate.

And most funny think is that both Chinese and Pakistanis comment on Indian Democracy and Secularship ( something they always want to aspire but cane never have).....

Do you understand the reason for these kind of posts......:-)
The Pakistani obsession with Indian secularism is always fascinating.

Secularism is a dirty word in Pakistan. The parties and politicians use it as a word of abuse against each other. They already have a final and perfect system.

Secularism can never be perfect. Why claim so?

Then there is the simple matter of the Pakistani identity that feels threatened if the obvious fact of Muslims living in India peacefully is looked at factually.

We are fine with our imperfect secularism and democracy.

We are not blessed with the final and perfect God given Islamic system like you.
India has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the world. And their birth rate is far higher than the non-Muslim population.

The Muslims who died in communal violence in India, will have their revenge when they turn India into a full Islamic state.

Start worrying what would happen in Xingjiang then :lol:.
India has one of the largest populations of Muslims in the world. And their birth rate is far higher than the non-Muslim population.

The Muslims who died in communal violence in India, will have their revenge when they turn India into a full Islamic state.

You better stick to the Wiki links to great power and peace index. ;)

---------- Post added at 02:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

The ****** can go to Pakistan if he thinks he will be treated better there..Why waste our space continuing to live in India....Gaddar....eating our salt and questioning our territorial integrity..

Yes, this idiot is a traitor.

Should be punished for treason.
Anyone (Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Christian) conspiring against union of India should be killed and hanged on the lamp post and if that person is a Kashmiri on some external power's pay roll he should be hanged naked on the same lamp post. Rest of the world should rant day and night from mouth to a$$ against India secularism, no Indian give squat about them especially for those who are from Muslim states and China; who themselves are champions of mass murders of their own civilians.

Mind your business.

From Libya to Pakistan more Muslims have been killed than total human being killed elsewhere for last 50 years, excluding China.
Anyone (Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, Christian) conspiring against union of India should be killed and hanged on the lamp post and if that person is a Kashmiri on some external power's pay roll he should be hanged naked on the same lamp post. Rest of the world should rant day and night from mouth to a$$ against India secularism, no Indian give squat about them especially for those who are from Muslim states and China; who themselves are champions of mass murders of their own civilians.

Mind your business.

From Libya to Pakistan more Muslims have been killed than total human being killed elsewhere for last 50 years, excluding China.

... an other Hindu Taliban rdy to murder innocents.
Apologize for what ? 1984 ring bell for you ? what happened at Tienanmen was necessary if not we would have experienced a lost decade like russia, our ultimate goal is democracy but stability is needed first.

To China's problems, the overwhelming priority is stability. Without a stable environment, nothing can be achieved, and what has been achieved will be lost... Democracy is our goal, but the country must remain stable. ——Deng Xiaoping

yeah running tanks over peacefully protesting students was necessary. Why am I even talking to a barbarian ?and is your nationalism too weak that few students protesting peacefully will lead to chinese dis-integration. Such insecure little people.

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------

The question is how many will you kill and send to Pakistan? He's not the only one who has said Kashmir is not part of India. Truth is majority of Indian Muslims feel the same way as he does. He just has the balls to openly say that. Although now he has to pay the price of saying the truth. Hindu extremists are knocking on his door and calling him every day.

Why should we kill...Every day he lives in India is proof of his shameless-ness, gaddar attitude and hypocrisy. And the fact that he would not go to Pakistan even after being discriminated here tell volumes about what he thinks of Pakistan.
yeah running tanks over peacefully protesting students was necessary. Why am I even talking to a barbarian ?

it was protesters in china that were being disruptive and no distinction was made on race creed or religion. anyway thats off topic. India is not secular the state in the form of modi condoned the killing of thousands just because of religion
it was protesters in china that were being disruptive and no distinction was made on race creed or religion. anyway thats off topic.

Killing everyone peacefully protesting by running tanks over them is welcome as long as it does not discriminate on race , creed.

Holy shyt..where do you people even get these kinda logic ?

India is not secular the state in the form of modi condoned the killing of thousands just because of religion

Ok sonny. Go have a nice sleep.
yeah running tanks over peacefully protesting students was necessary. Why am I even talking to a barbarian ?and is your nationalism too weak that few students protesting peacefully will lead to chinese dis-integration. Such insecure little people.[COLOR=

First off the military wasn't sent in until it got violent, no it happened at a time when Communism was falling apart today Nationalism in China is strong even democratic china will not give tibet away, when Democracy comes it will release nationalist waves :) , why are you ?[COLOR="Silver"]
... an other Hindu Taliban rdy to murder innocents.

Innocents? Sorry only traitors, especially those Kashmiri Sunni bigots who first spread hatred against Hindus, then persecute them cowardly, and then demand freedom for establishment of some la la land religious state which doesn't exist on this earth. Union of India cannot be blackmailed by these scumbags; their global tendencies are not going to work in India.
No need to cry foul for them. If they want to live peacefully then they should become ''bande de putt'' otherwise they will be dealt with appropriate force. Stop instigating them its counterproductive for them, let them live peacefully.
Some fictional dream of establishing Islamic state and other religious blah blahs is only idiot’s food, not information age way of life. If Pakistanis are gullible to such tendencies then one should see its visible results. We Indians are not going to let Kashmiri Indian to follow the same harm's way.
Killing everyone peacefully protesting by running tanks over them is welcome as long as it does not discriminate on race , creed.

Holy shyt..where do you people even get these kinda logic ?

sonny. Go have a nice sleep.

why are you trying to derail this thread. If you want to talk about china you can open a thread to do so after 6000 posts you should know what the rules are. Back to topic indians dont like to be reminded that they are not secular at all
why are you trying to derail this thread. If you want to talk about china you can open a thread to do so after 6000 posts you should know what the rules are.

Dont mind police me. I will post what I think, not what you think. If you dont like it, learn to live with it.:wave:
I don't understand why Indian members are even responding to a troll thread.

India is a secular country that has problems at times in its IMPLEMENTATION. The law is very clear on that. But by and large the freedom to practice and be a muslim is even better than in Muslim countries themselves. Communal riots is a law and order problem. Even if India was a Hindu country, communal riots would still be wrong. Don't mix up a legal concept like secularism which is part of the law of the land to a law and order problem like communal riots.

In some central Asian secular dictatorships, Muslim women can't even wear scarves and go to schools. Until recently it was the same in Turkey. India China, anyone under 18 is not allowed to by LAW to attend to their religious requirements. You have to be a communist party member which means leaving Islam to get any govt. job. One of the reasons why East Turkistanis and Tibetans are fed up with the Chinese communist party.

The wheels of justice are notoriously slow in India, that is a failing, but the wheels do move. It was only in 2007 that the SC appointed investigation began in the Gujarat riots and the first set of convictions have started happening in 2011. About 4 years since the SC intervened. High ranking ministers like Kodani and Amit Shah have been arrested and will most likely be convicted because of direct evidence collected against them
Amit Shah arrested, sent to jail
The rise and fall of Maya Kodnani - Express India

But people should realise that the Gujarat riot incident was a decisive moment in India. I don't expect anything like that to ever happen again. Where the killing of 1000+ people was a major event that directly affected the BJP and by extension Modi as well.

Compare that with some countries were for example Mao was responsible for the killing of 30million+ people under his policies and he is STILL regarded as some great leader.

Despite all the setbacks, Indian Muslims still have better literacy rates, per capita income, higher life expectancy and less likely to be blown up in bomb blast or by helicopter gunships or F-16 bombings in South Asia.

And the Azam Khan video clip is how the e-media had taken his speech out of context when he was discussing some other issue. He is not the smartest of politicians ofcourse and for those who don't know, here is his official stand.

Azam Khan clarifies, says Kashmir integral part of India | TwoCircles.net
Commenting on the issue, he remarked: “My statement was distorted by the media. The question which I had posed was shown as answer. I reiterate that Kashmir is an integral part of India and will always remain with India.”
Where in Uganda ?? :woot:

East Turkmenistan do exist. Baluchistan also exist. :agree:

"East Turkmenistan" does exist in Indian Occupied Kashmir !
Baluchistan exist in Gujarat !

East Turkmenistan is supported terrorists so you support an terrorists state ? Free kashmir sounds better. :D


I.O.K = Indian Occupied Kashmir

I thank my stars that you agree that Human rights apply to China.

So how about granting Tibetans their freedom, stop Hanizing them, allow Muslims in East Turkestan their fundamental religious rights such as the rights to pray, stop terrorizing them, grant the common Chinese to speak freely and not censor them etc ?

Tibetans have their FREEDOM !
Muslims are ALLOWED TO PRAY !
Unlike the Indian Government, China allows her citizen to criticize her.

However, there is no freedom of speech in India that allows her citizens to criticize her :

Is there a ban on reporting bad news from India? | Andrew Buncombe | Independent Editor's choice Blogs

East Turkestan is a province under occupation from China and is oppresses by the Hans claiming some vague historical precedents.

Can you organize a pro-democracy demonstration in Beijing without being heckled ?

"Occupied" ? Like India OCCUPIES Kashmir , Northeast India and Tribal Area ?

Exactly the thing I am saying.

Lets all start with each one's homes rather than taking a trip on the moral high horse.

China must first apologize for the Tianmen massacre and grant democracy to the Chinese.

LOL. India should apologize to all the Sikh victims and Gujarati Muslims she MASSACRED !!!
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