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Not so secular India

Yes, but others, like the one in West Bengal, compare the situation within a given state between Muslims and non-Muslims. Muslim villages have worse public services, including schooling. The state government doesn't even spend the funds allocated for minority betterment, so it's the worse of all worlds. Anti-Muslim groups can complain that the government has allocated so much money for Muslims, but the money never gets spent so the Muslims don't derive any benefit from it anyway.

Assam and West Bengal are special cases, due to substantial migration from Bangladesh, and the Muslim population in general being relatively poor.

Cause all the rich ones migrated to Bangladesh. Same is the case with Bihar and UP. Most of the rich Muslim families moved to the then Pakistan.
Yes, but others, like the one in West Bengal, compare the situation within a given state between Muslims and non-Muslims. Muslim villages have worse public services, including schooling. The state government doesn't even spend the funds allocated for minority betterment, so it's the worse of all worlds. Anti-Muslim groups can complain that the government has allocated so much money for Muslims, but the money never gets spent so the Muslims don't derive any benefit from it anyway.

Edit: It seems the West Bengal government has implemented measures since the Sachar Report to improve the situation for Muslims and these measures are showing results.
Protecting the identity has been the cause of their underdeveloped state, you want prosperity come join the main stream in every aspect. when I say join the main stream I am not asking them to swith thier faith, but be active in participation in all fields. you talk about muslim villages, I have not header of this word yet in my 28 years of experiance, there no village that has been communinaly demarcated. Every village, city, township has all religion.
The problem here is the insecure feeling that community has, they have to break the ice, they have to say that this is my home this is my country. "if some one can do, I can do" should be the attitude that will bring them to the forefront, if they think and live in the dillusion that I am a minority and I can not live with the rest of the majority then its his or her problem.
I have a lot of friends who are muslims, my father works for the RPF, he has a lot of muslim superiors and subordinates at office.
they became so because they found the way that i told. they developed the attitude that "I can do"
unless that attitude is developed no one not only muslims but the underprivilaged can never stand up and claim what is offered by the government.
And as far as politics is considered, you think the congress is the savior, but they are not, they just play the vote bank politics and group the minorities for a bulk vote bank, but they give a damn about the minorities neither the majority.
Compared to Congress, BJP is a lesser evil, they might represent the majority but they do not deny the minority of the rights that they have to get, not only that they promote the Muslims to compete with the majority.

if you allways have the feeling the any thing that is safron is bad then I can not do anything with that. its your problem.
On the other end, Indians will keep justifying the equal treatment of all citizens in communal strife cases as it justifies the secular tag on India.. spending time trying to change opinions there are worthless as well.

Actually india is secular because majority wants it to be.One thing the Pakistanis never understand is that civilization is not about leaving people out,its about accepting and taking everyone in.No country in the world is perfect,neither are we, but we aren't hopeless either as you always try to portray.Fact is you guys took the easier way out and are now lost while we decided to follow a path definitely steeper but at least right.
Protecting the identity has been the cause of their underdeveloped state, you want prosperity come join the main stream in every aspect.

When I wrote "Muslim villages", I meant "Muslim majority villages" or "predominanly Muslim villages" as that article states. I was just too lazy to type it out every time.

As for your other points about Muslims needing a cultural shift and Congress promoting victimhood, these are the exact same arguments in the West about their disadvantaged minorities, usually blacks and latinos. While I don't discount there is some truth to that argument, it is often more complicated. Imagine how much perseverance it would take a Muslim boy to continue going to school if he is convinced -- by others' example -- that the decks are stacked against him and he will not get a fair shot at a job anyway. The whole idea behind affirmative action and reservations is to redress the skewed numbers and put enough minorities in positions of influence that the next generation has some faith in getting a fair shot.
I am reminded by some indians here about the phrase a rose smells just as sweet whatever name you call it by. Indians can call India secular all they want but if it isnt it isnt no matter how they try to justify it or mitigate their shortcomings by bringing up pakistan etc. Truth hurts?
I am reminded by some indians here about the phrase a rose smells just as sweet whatever name you call it by. Indians can call India secular all they want but if it isnt it isnt no matter how they try to justify it or mitigate their shortcomings by bringing up pakistan etc. Truth hurts?

We don't care what Pakistanis think about us!

More Muslims get killed in Pakistan in sectarian violence, than Muslims get killed in India in communal riots. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but stop lecturing us.

If you have to debate then debate, no need for your sweeping generalizing comments. Its worth nothing.
We don't care what Pakistanis think about us!

Exactly so why do you come on to p-a-k-i-s-t-a-n-i forum. I dont care for what you think thats why im not on idf. Back on topic Indians are not only not secular they dont know what the word means. lol
I am reminded by some indians here about the phrase a rose smells just as sweet whatever name you call it by. Indians can call India secular all they want but if it isnt it isnt no matter how they try to justify it or mitigate their shortcomings by bringing up pakistan etc. Truth hurts?

Inspite of being the most culturally,ethnically and religiously diverse country in the World,we stay together,work together and manage to be one of the fastest growing economy in the World,while our neighbour pathetically fails inspite of being largely uniform.Does that hurt?
Exactly so why do you come on to p-a-k-i-s-t-a-n-i forum. I dont care for what you think thats why im not on idf. Back on topic Indians are not only not secure they dont know what the word means. lol

Ah get over it.

We Indians are here to make sure you lots don't get to peddle your anti-India propaganda. What you gonna do about it? :lol:
Exactly so why do you come on to p-a-k-i-s-t-a-n-i forum. I dont care for what you think thats why im not on idf. Back on topic Indians are not only not secular they dont know what the word means. lol

The day the webmaster declares a rule telling that the forum will not allow Indian members,we all will leave.Till then,please dont try to pose as the webmaster,you still dont have that title yet.
You can always launch a forum of your own though.Nobody is stopping you.
When I wrote "Muslim villages", I meant "Muslim majority villages" or "predominanly Muslim villages" as that article states. I was just too lazy to type it out every time.

As for your other points about Muslims needing a cultural shift and Congress promoting victimhood, these are the exact same arguments in the West about their disadvantaged minorities, usually blacks and latinos. While I don't discount there is some truth to that argument, it is often more complicated. Imagine how much perseverance it would take a Muslim boy to continue going to school if he is convinced -- by others' example -- that the decks are stacked against him and he will not get a fair shot at a job anyway. The whole idea behind affirmative action and reservations is to redress the skewed numbers and put enough minorities in positions of influence that the next generation has some faith in getting a fair shot.
See every one has to have some qualification to get a job, be it Hindu or be it Muslim, and that is the reason we have some qualifing test for every job and we have reserved seats for minorites who qualify, but the problem is that most minorities are happy about doing business rather than becoming government servents or private employess. They feel that its pathetic to work under a person of different faith and that is the real culprit here.
For such attitude what is the solution.
Does a Hindu hesitate to work under a man/women of different faith, in most cases no, what we see is a way to make a living/earning that we can use for the sons/daughters so that they do not have to suffer the way we suffer today.
Ah get over it.

We Indians are here to make sure you lots don't get to peddle your anti-India propaganda. What you gonna do about it? :lol:

I thought you didnt care what we said? Why is it that this threads still going without a single rational argument about india being secular. The maijority of you lot are coming on here and slagging off pakistan and trying to mitigate the fact that you are not secular but would like to be seen to be
We don't care what Pakistanis think about us!

More Muslims get killed in Pakistan in sectarian violence, than Muslims get killed in India in communal riots. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but stop lecturing us.

If you have to debate then debate, no need for your sweeping generalizing comments. Its worth nothing.

To be honest you see what you look for.U search for ways to divide/unite two communities u will find reasons aplenty.
I thought you didnt care what we said? Why is it that this threads still going without a single rational argument about india being secular. The maijority of you lot are coming on here and slagging off pakistan and trying to mitigate the fact that you are not secular but would like to be seen to be

Is that the problem..The answer is simple enough.The preamble to the Indian Constitution says India is Secular.So,its secular.Period....
I thought you didnt care what we said? Why is it that this threads still going without a single rational argument about india being secular. The maijority of you lot are coming on here and slagging off pakistan and trying to mitigate the fact that you are not secular but would like to be seen to be

I said we don't care what you lots think about us.

But once you start propagating that thought, thats where we come in :lol:
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