On January 1961, the decimal system of coins was introduced in Pakistan, thus Pakistan joined the list of 106 countries where the system of decimal coins was in use. These countries also included Russia, France, Germany, China and India. Due to this change, there was no impact on the value of the Pakistani rupee.
In this system, instead of sixteen annas or sixty-four paisas or one hundred and twenty paisas, the rupee was divided into only one hundred paisas. Fifty, twenty five, ten and five paisa coins were kept between rupees and paisas.
At that time all the existing coins were also continued along with the new coins. 25 paisa, 50 paisa and 100 paisa respectively. "Ana" was thus changed to the new coins.
Half anna 3 paise 'One anna 6 paise' Two anna 12 paise 'Three anna 19 paise' Four anna 25 paise 'Five anna 31 paise' Six anna 37 paise 'Seven anna 43 paise' Eight anna 50 paise 'Nine anna 56 paise' 'Twelve anna 75 paise' Thirteen anna 81 paise 'Fourteen anna 87 paise' Fifteen anna 94 paise and one rupee 100 paise.
The period of transaction of old coins was fixed for three years and after three years the process of withdrawing the old coins started. You must have seen the one paisa, five paisa and ten paisa coins on social media.