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Norway to Buy Four F-35 jets

i understand that you think norway don't need them, but if you remember WW2 they were brutally attacked by germans! the only reason we couldn't protect the country was because the government didn't use enough money on the armed forces!

it is a well known quote in norway: never ever 9. april 1940! (the day norway was attacked by germany)

beside norway is a nato allie, and i agree they don't need such toys! sweden offered saab jas grippen to them, even a contract between them where norway could be a co-partner on it! but no, the stupid government has to buy some toys just like saudis. idiotic but still nice to see! :D

---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 PM ----------

i hope you know that norway is a very rich country, if not the richest in the world! thanks to their oil. :D

The Norwegians believe that they could repel Germany or England?
The incident with the tanker «Altmark» demonstrated the real balance of forces (the one that was the last argument in the occupation of Norway). Germany and Britain have held sway in the territorial waters of Norway at home. Germany was the quicker of England.
F-35 is overkill for Norway. However, they have enough money for expensive toys, so Norway and buy F-35 (for the sake of the prestige of the fifth generation).
F-35 is overkill for Norway. However, they have enough money for expensive toys, so Norway and buy F-35 (for the sake of the prestige of the fifth generation).
You think F-35 is overkill vs. Su-35?
You think F-35 is overkill vs. Su-35?

Su-35 fighter 4 + + generation.
F-35 strike aircraft generation 5 or 5 -.
Who will win the battle eagle or a wolf? Sometimes in mortal combat wolf wins (if a miss eagle). However, the hunter is always an eagle (not vice versa).

Су-35 истребитель поколения 4++.
F-35 ударный самолёт поколения 5 или 5 - .
Кто победит в схватке орёл или волк? Иногда в смертельной схватке выигрывает волк (если орёл промахнётся). Однако охотником всегда является орёл (не наоборот).
Su-35 fighter 4 + + generation.
F-35 strike aircraft generation 5 or 5 -.
Who will win the battle eagle or a wolf? Sometimes in mortal combat wolf wins (if a miss eagle). However, the hunter is always an eagle (not vice versa).
So why do u think its overkill?
The Norwegians believe that they could repel Germany or England?
The incident with the tanker «Altmark» demonstrated the real balance of forces (the one that was the last argument in the occupation of Norway). Germany and Britain have held sway in the territorial waters of Norway at home. Germany was the quicker of England.
F-35 is overkill for Norway. However, they have enough money for expensive toys, so Norway and buy F-35 (for the sake of the prestige of the fifth generation).

as of right now, the norwegian army mainly excist because of russia. it is going to act like a force that will push the russians a bit untill the backup nato allies comes and rescues, at least in my eyes!

apart from that norwegian soldiers participate in peacekeeping forces around the world and in afghanistan!
as of right now, the norwegian army mainly excist because of russia. it is going to act like a force that will push the russians a bit untill the backup nato allies comes and rescues, at least in my eyes!

apart from that norwegian soldiers participate in peacekeeping forces around the world and in afghanistan!

NATO will help Norway in the event of conflict with Russia?
I would especially never expected this. Russia is a little different from Libya.
In a pinch, 200-300 thousand coffins for a few weeks sober anyone.
If you listen to Scandinavian or Eastern Europeans formed an opinion. Russia has no other business except occupation of these countries. Maybe they are trying to establish themselves in this way. Norwegians are entirely "white and fluffy."
1. Using the civil war in Russia. From 1921 to 1932. Norwegians sent hundreds of their ships poaching in Russian territorial waters. In 1922. Norwegians in the White Sea have killed more than 900 000 seals (killing against the international laws of females and calves). After that, "White Sea seal" has been steadily disappearing. Attempts of small and poorly armed border courts confront this predation. Suppressed fire Norwegian Navy. Norwegians brazen to the point that began to attract to his actions battleship coastal defense with 210-mm artillery. Outrages Norwegians continued until 1933. In 1933. The Northern Fleet has received several destroyers and submarines. After that, the Norwegians were quick to disappear.
2. During the Cold War with the Norwegian side, constantly violated Soviet air space (reconnaissance aircraft and NATO ships have always "grazed" at our borders, occasionally breaking them).
3. Using the weakening of the boundary of the fleet of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Norwegian Navy engaged in harassing Russian fishermen. Russian Navy was forced to bring to patrolling major warships. Then the Norwegian Navy again evaporated.
These countries are distinguished by one feature. If they have a chance. They tend to nip off a piece of meatier. After receiving-clicking on the nose, they start to complain about its big neighbor.
NATO will help Norway in the event of conflict with Russia?
I would especially never expected this. Russia is a little different from Libya.
In a pinch, 200-300 thousand coffins for a few weeks sober anyone.
If you listen to Scandinavian or Eastern Europeans formed an opinion. Russia has no other business except occupation of these countries. Maybe they are trying to establish themselves in this way. Norwegians are entirely "white and fluffy."
1. Using the civil war in Russia. From 1921 to 1932. Norwegians sent hundreds of their ships poaching in Russian territorial waters. In 1922. Norwegians in the White Sea have killed more than 900 000 seals (killing against the international laws of females and calves). After that, "White Sea seal" has been steadily disappearing. Attempts of small and poorly armed border courts confront this predation. Suppressed fire Norwegian Navy. Norwegians brazen to the point that began to attract to his actions battleship coastal defense with 210-mm artillery. Outrages Norwegians continued until 1933. In 1933. The Northern Fleet has received several destroyers and submarines. After that, the Norwegians were quick to disappear.
2. During the Cold War with the Norwegian side, constantly violated Soviet air space (reconnaissance aircraft and NATO ships have always "grazed" at our borders, occasionally breaking them).
3. Using the weakening of the boundary of the fleet of Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Norwegian Navy engaged in harassing Russian fishermen. Russian Navy was forced to bring to patrolling major warships. Then the Norwegian Navy again evaporated.
These countries are distinguished by one feature. If they have a chance. They tend to nip off a piece of meatier. After receiving-clicking on the nose, they start to complain about its big neighbor.

well, i didnt say norway has a chance against russia! and beside norway is a nato member, wich means that if russia attacks norway nato is stricted to help! and the only reason that i believe the norwegian army is for is exactly that, to be able to give some resistans untill the backup arrives.
Russian Army might over come Norwegian Army with its surface to surface weapons Norwegian boots might be wiped off well before help arrives but unlikely. Wars and Weapons of Wars are real and smart but unlikely because any such danger that exist NATO would already have covered that air space and support for ground troops.

HROBOS...russians still have soviet era mentality to take over lands had they been smart they would have retained their SP status.
Russian Army might over come Norwegian Army with its surface to surface weapons Norwegian boots might be wiped off well before help arrives but unlikely. Wars and Weapons of Wars are real and smart but unlikely because any such danger that exist NATO would already have covered that air space and support for ground troops.

HROBOS...russians still have soviet era mentality to take over lands had they been smart they would have retained their SP status.

i also heard that norway has the newest and the best technological warfare systems in the world, and other military stuff!

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