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Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian

Norway has rapped israel many a times for atrocities that israel commits against Palestinians and with this guys turning out to be a mason with anti-Muslim views that he has expressed online, Israel’s hand in these attacks cannot be ruled out
Notice the paradigm shift in West's attitude towards the Muslims. A month or two back, Western media / security services would have jumped in to put the blame on "Islamic terrorists".

Anders Behring Breivik, 32, who according to local media was arrested by police after the shooting in Utoeya, is seen in this handout photo released to AFP on July 23, 2011. A gunman dressed in police uniform shot dead at least 84 people at a youth summer camp of Norway's ruling political party, hours after a bomb killed seven in the government district in the capital Oslo. Witnesses said the gunman, identified by police as a 32-year-old Norwegian who they believed was also linked to the bombing, moved across the small, wooded Utoeya holiday island on Friday firing at random as young people scattered in fear.
Photos of Nowegian deadly shooting spree's suspect released
it was pointed out in norwegian news. that he was a 3rd degree member in the norwegian freemasoner lobby or something.

Norwegian news might have pointed out but the likes of English media like BBC, Sky and CNN have avoided pointing this out they are harping on other nonsense like this was not 'Islamist terrorism' , instead of saying what he was they are saying what he wasn’t .. which is kind of odd.
Reports coming in that probable there were two shooters on the island. Several witnesses reported about second shooter and police have started looking into it.
Why is this called a massacre and not terrorism? it turns out he is not MUSLIM, but a white right wing extremist christian with deep hatred for MUSLIMS, minorities and immigrants?
Norway: Terrorism in Oslo and Utoeya by suspected far-right Christian
When you threaten to deport a Mullah. Expect justice.

That's why I say that Muslims have caused more harm to Islam than have non-Muslims.

This incident proves it once again.

May the blind could see before the utter utter-nonsense. You might wanna call them Christian-Terrorist...!!! NO...!!! oHhhh I see, word "Terrorist" reserved only for muslims...

At least 91 people have been killed in two separate attacks in Norway, shocking the generally peaceful Scandinavian country.

A bomb blast exploded near a government building in Oslo, killing seven people on Friday, while hours later a gunman disguised as a police officer opened fire at a youth camp of the ruling Labour party on Utoya island, killing 80 others.

Norway's TV2 televison station reported, without disclosing its sources, that the man, who was detained by police, had links to right-wing extremism.

Al Jazeera's Jonah Hull reports from Oslo.

"The same man — a blonde-blue eyed Norwegian with reported Christian fundamentalist, anti-Muslim views — is suspected in both attacks. He has been preliminarily charged with acts of terrorism."

May they rest in peace. Norway is one of most open minded countries i know, it would be horrible if this act was done by Muslim extremists, it will damage the moderate Muslims who had nothing to do with it.

& it would NOT be that horrible if done by christian-terrorist...!!!
& NOT a crime at all if done by israeli-jewish-terrorists... Right...
Guys notice the hesitation of media to name Christian-Terrorist....

Also notice when in any attack muslim terrorists r implicated , they r reported RIGHT-AWAY as a handiwork of muslims, even before they had time to gather evidence... while when muslims r not to be implicated they take their time before announcing the suspects...

Which shows that those attacks that r to be blamed on muslims r false-flags , planned-&-planted by "them-selves" & "they" make sure main-stream media is ready to report pre-fabricated stories as well...

:) like "they" released the news of WTC-7 fall little too early, even before it fell...

"A suspect is in custody and police have said he has posted right-wing statements on the internet, but Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg cautioned that it was too soon to know the motive for the attacks."

Yeeehhh right, if u had "planned" it to blame on muslims then you'd be much-more efficient & quick to shower the word "muslim"...
I haven't seen any Norwegian mainstream media blaming Muslim-extremists, let alone Muslims.
Complaints should be adressed to other media such as Fox news and the British tabloids.
some so called experts said maybe he is converted to Islam and has been in Pakistan lol.
1 more person caught from Sundvoll hotel were all victums are staying. Police caught him without any warning. A leason for Pakistani police how to work


CNN still managed to play this tragedy as connected to Islam and of course Al-Qaida - It's no longer disgusting, it's a pathology.
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