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North Korean Rocket Said to Fail Moments After Liftoff

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Mar 15, 2010
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Defying weeks of international warnings of more censure and further sanctions, North Korea launched a rocket on Friday, an act that the United States called a cover for developing an intercontinental ballistic missile that one day might be able to carry a nuclear warhead. But the three-stage rocket appeared to break up and collapse moments after the launching.

Officials from the United States, South Korea and Japan called the launching a failure, and the Japanese government said the rocket had disintegrated into several pieces while still in North Korean territory or over South Korean waters.

“We believe that the rocket fell apart in several pieces and plunged several minutes after the takeoff,” said Kim Min-seok, a spokesman for South Korea’s Defense Ministry. He said the assessment of both South Korean and American intelligence monitors was that “the North Korean missile launching has failed.”

The rocket, called the Unha-3, blasted off from the Soehae launching site near North Korea’s western border with China, about 7:40 a.m., the South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman said.

In Washington, a senior Obama administration official said the United States would follow through on its threat to suspend a recent agreement to supply food aid to North Korea. The official also said the failure had proved the effectiveness of sanctions already in place on North Korea, which had deprived the country of access needed for a successful program.

There was no immediate announcement of the launching from the North.

In Tokyo, Japan’s government spokesman, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura, said that an American satellite had detected a launching at 7:40, but the object appeared to break apart soon after takeoff. He said the Japanese prime minister convened an emergency meeting of his national security advisers, but that nothing had been detected approaching Japanese territory.

Mr. Fujimura called on the Japanese people “to go about your daily lives,” saying there was no reason to panic.

North Korea had said the rocket would fly southward, carrying its Kwangmyongsong-3 communications satellite, and had insisted that the launching was for peaceful purposes.

The North’s two previous attempts to put versions of Kwangmyongsong into orbit — one in 1998 and the second in 2009 — both failed to reach the required altitudes, according to experts, and the payloads fell into the sea. The North has rejected this version of events. To this day, it still boasts that a satellite is in orbit, broadcasting patriotic songs.

South Korea, Japan and the Philippines — the countries near the North Korean rocket’s projected trajectory — were on heightened alert in case the launching went awry, potentially endangering their citizens or property. Airlines and ships had been ordered to stay away from the rocket’s trajectory and the splashdown zones of its debris.

The North’s decision to proceed with the launching came despite a rising chorus of warnings, led by the United States.

The United States and its allies also warned that they would take the country to the United Nations Security Council for a censure and probably further tighten sanctions already imposed after previous missile tests.

At the same time, monitors were checking for signs the North might be preparing to conduct its third nuclear test. South Korean monitors recently had warned of seeing activity that suggested preparations at a site near the northeastern tip of the country where its other tests were conducted.

The launching was a belligerent statement by North Korea and its new leader, Kim Jong-un, that he intended to follow a path laid by his father, Kim Jong-il, and his grandfather, Kim Il-sung.

The North said it was launching the rocket as part of national celebrations honoring the centenary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, the country’s founder. But the United States and other countries said they suspected that the satellite program simply offered a pretext for work on intercontinental ballistic missile technology that might someday enable the North to deliver nuclear warheads.

Choe Sang-hun reported from Seoul, South Korea, and Rick Gladstone from New York. Martin Fackler contributed reporting from Tokyo.


I guess India is not alone.
sorry buddy nk is not our frnd. u better check ur missiles, they could fail in case of a war with india after they also come from same country.

All Russian, North Korean, Chinese, and Indian missiles derive from the Soviet Union. While Russian and Chinese missiles enjoy great success, Indian fails epically.

USSR - 2589 successful, 181 failed, 93.5% success rate
USA - 1152 successful, 164 failed, 87.5% success rate
EU - 117 sucessful, 12 failed, 90.7% success rate
China - 56 successful, 11 failed, 83.6% success rate
Japan - 52 successful, 9 failed, 85.2% success rate
India - 7 successful, 6 failed, 53.8% success rate

Space Launch Vehicle Reliability

Do not deny fact. Half of all Indian rockets fail and such is the quality of Indian scientists and engineers.
All Russian, North Korean, Chinese, and Indian missiles derive from the Soviet Union. While Russian and Chinese missiles enjoy great success, Indian fails epically.

USSR - 2589 successful, 181 failed, 93.5% success rate
USA - 1152 successful, 164 failed, 87.5% success rate
EU - 117 sucessful, 12 failed, 90.7% success rate
China - 56 successful, 11 failed, 83.6% success rate
Japan - 52 successful, 9 failed, 85.2% success rate
India - 7 successful, 6 failed, 53.8% success rate

Space Launch Vehicle Reliability

Well, this is some old a$$ data, our success rate is in fact more than 94%.

List of Long March launches - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The rocket deployed, barley made the first stage of the Earth's atmosphere. In 2009, the North Koreans reached the third stage. People are speculating that this rocket was not actually intended for space, but rather a test for a nuclear ICBM that could reach North America.
All Russian, North Korean, Chinese, and Indian missiles derive from the Soviet Union. While Russian and Chinese missiles enjoy great success, Indian fails epically.

USSR - 2589 successful, 181 failed, 93.5% success rate
USA - 1152 successful, 164 failed, 87.5% success rate
EU - 117 sucessful, 12 failed, 90.7% success rate
China - 56 successful, 11 failed, 83.6% success rate
Japan - 52 successful, 9 failed, 85.2% success rate
India - 7 successful, 6 failed, 53.8% success rate

Space Launch Vehicle Reliability

it depends on which vehicle ur talking abt. i dont care abt the figures u have put up. our new gslv mk3 rocket can take 10-11 tonnes into space leo orbit, making india a space power. u can cry and be jealous but it wont change pakistans destiny which is nowhere in space. mk4 could put 18 tonnes into space is also a follow on of the mk3 adding 2 starp boosters.

get at india baby.
All Russian, North Korean, Chinese, and Indian missiles derive from the Soviet Union. While Russian and Chinese missiles enjoy great success, Indian fails epically.

Nope, our rocket technology partially derived from USA thanks this guy who was one of the key persons of the Manhattan Project.

All Russian, North Korean, Chinese, and Indian missiles derive from the Soviet Union. While Russian and Chinese missiles enjoy great success, Indian fails epically.

for ur kind info when we developed rockets when we were under sanctions. we developed our own vikas engine and own own fuels, indegeneous seekers and proved the technologies. yes u do learn from the world experiences but not derive 100% from them.
A Pakistani was also a member of the Manhattan Project. :cheers:

These guys were all pure genius with a super brain, i think Siddiqui must provide Pakistan a strong foundation on its nuclear technology.
Delete this thread... One other already exists...
This is a troll thread. What has India got to do with NK's rocket launch failure?
Stupid people!
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