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North Korea US Tension - News & Discussion

Trump should order some prunes and look out for some nice fibre rich meals , war is beyond a 70 year old grandpa
Tupe , wearing blondie , old 70 year old guy needs to focus on retirement not sure who suggested him to stand in election

Korea is bordering China and Russia who are supposedly allies, US won't do anything in this region. China and Russia are just too big a factor for him to bear.

I think North Korea is expendable to China. The closer than teeth and gums days are gone :D

how much trade do you think China does with U.S,South Korea, and Japan?? and compare that to North Korea

China kills U.S in trade.
$-350 billion dollars a year, and that's going up every year.

China owns $1 trillion in U.S debt

so tell me who is China going to back?? surely not the isolated and backwards North Korea that threatens to nuke China's largest trading partners......surely China isn't that stupid

Trump should order some prunes and look out for some nice fibre rich meals , war is beyond a 70 year old grandpa

Trump could order the nuking of Pyongyang and China,Russia, and the rest of world wouldn't lift a finger.
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Negotiations on N. Korea are 'only right choice': China
AFP April 28, 2017

Stressing the need to avoid "chaos" on the Korean peninsula, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said dialogue and negotiations were "the only right choice" to address the threat from North Korea's missile and nuclear programs.

"Right now, the situation on the Korean peninsula is under grave tension and at a critical point," Wang said ahead of a Security Council meeting aimed at agreeing on a global response to North Korea.

World powers must work to "uphold peace and stability on the peninsula and not to allow chaos to break out on the peninsula," he said.

"Peaceful settlements of the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula through a dialogue and negotiations represent the only right choice that is practical and viable."

His comments came after US President Donald Trump said he would prefer a diplomatic solution, but acknowledged the stand-off was highly dangerous and could lead to military action.

"There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely," he told Reuters. "We'd love to solve things diplomatically, but it's very difficult."

Wang said China's long-standing proposal for a freeze on Pyongyang's military programs in exchange for halting US-South Korea military drills was "sensible and reasonable."

The United States has rejected the Chinese proposal and insists that North Korea first take steps to show that it is ready to abandon its military programs.

Trump has called for stronger UN sanctions on North Korea, but the administration wants China to take the lead in diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis by using its leverage on Pyongyang.

No resolutions will be adopted at the UN meeting, but it will allow the United States and its allies to put pressure on China.

North Korea is seeking to develop a long-range missile capable of hitting the US mainland with a nuclear warhead, and has so far staged five atomic tests, two of them last year.

China, Pyongyang's number one trade partner, has repeatedly called for a return to talks on denuclearization but has been reluctant to use economic pressure that could destabilize North Korea.

Negotiations on N. Korea are 'only right choice': China
AFP April 28, 2017

Stressing the need to avoid "chaos" on the Korean peninsula, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said dialogue and negotiations were "the only right choice" to address the threat from North Korea's missile and nuclear programs.

"Right now, the situation on the Korean peninsula is under grave tension and at a critical point," Wang said ahead of a Security Council meeting aimed at agreeing on a global response to North Korea.

World powers must work to "uphold peace and stability on the peninsula and not to allow chaos to break out on the peninsula," he said.

"Peaceful settlements of the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula through a dialogue and negotiations represent the only right choice that is practical and viable."

His comments came after US President Donald Trump said he would prefer a diplomatic solution, but acknowledged the stand-off was highly dangerous and could lead to military action.

"There is a chance that we could end up having a major, major conflict with North Korea. Absolutely," he told Reuters. "We'd love to solve things diplomatically, but it's very difficult."

Wang said China's long-standing proposal for a freeze on Pyongyang's military programs in exchange for halting US-South Korea military drills was "sensible and reasonable."

The United States has rejected the Chinese proposal and insists that North Korea first take steps to show that it is ready to abandon its military programs.

Trump has called for stronger UN sanctions on North Korea, but the administration wants China to take the lead in diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis by using its leverage on Pyongyang.

No resolutions will be adopted at the UN meeting, but it will allow the United States and its allies to put pressure on China.

North Korea is seeking to develop a long-range missile capable of hitting the US mainland with a nuclear warhead, and has so far staged five atomic tests, two of them last year.

China, Pyongyang's number one trade partner, has repeatedly called for a return to talks on denuclearization but has been reluctant to use economic pressure that could destabilize North Korea.


I always thought North Korea is China's guard dog and China has a strong leash on this dog, but now I just don't know about that.

China so far has seem powerless.
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US-North Korea tensions: Will the US use military option to deal with North Korea?
Global Village Space |

Dr. Muhammad Ali Ehsan |

Before leaving the White House, former US President Barack Obama warned the incoming US (Trump) administration that ‘the most urgent threat to US national security would be North Korea’. Was he correct in his political and military assessment? Considering the fast deteriorating political and military relationship between North Korea and the USA it seems President Obama was absolutely correct when he pointed out North Korea as the immediate threat.

The most troubling question confronting the Trump administration today is “How close is North Korea in completing an intercontinental ballistic missile that can target US States?”

The cause of Obama’s concern was North Korea’s nuclear program and the 24 missile tests that North Korea had conducted (in defiance of UN security council resolution) in the year 2016 (one of them was from a submarine). The most troubling question confronting the Trump administration today is “How close is North Korea in completing an intercontinental ballistic missile that can target US States?”

Being unable to find a suitable and true answer to the question Trump and his security team is now in a deep huddle to figure out what to do and how to deal with Kim Jong Un, the 30-year-old North Korean leader whose displaying more nationalism and protectionism than President Trump himself does. The leadership of both countries, it seems, is ready to play ball and the world sits with its fingers crossed to witness the unfolding of one of the most dangerous political and military situations. While North Korea is throwing a direct challenge at it would, America find a way to combat this challenge? In the process, can it strengthen and emphasize the very idea of a world being a dangerous place if the ‘absolute policeman of the world’ is no more?

Read more: Back room deal between Trump & China over North Korea?

US concerns regarding North Korea
What are the options that the US government has at its disposal to deal with North Korea? Can a military option such as a preemptive strike against North Korea be a serious consideration? The answer to this question is an emphatic no. Such a choice would be an extreme end of a US policy that, although, will carry a taste of public satisfaction and assurance but the flames of war it will fan, will only gift a state of chaos in an already unstable world.

North Korea ruling party wrote that “our revolutionary forces are combat-ready to sink US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a single strike”.

The threat i.e. North Korean KN-08, is an ICBM (under development stage) and is credited to have a range of 10000 to 13000 KMs (6200 to 8000 miles) – a range that puts the US East Coast including New York and Washington DC in the cross hairs of the missile’s aiming sight.

Read more: China & U.S Alliance to restrain North Korea’s Nuclear ambition?

Chinese protested claiming ‘this deployment undermined the Chinese nuclear arsenal’.

Read full article:
US-North Korea tensions: Will the US use military option to deal with North Korea?
we should have nuked Pyongyang on April 15th. cut the head off the snake in blinding flash of light.

guess we gotta wait til NK nukes Seoul,Tokyo, and I pray San Francisco before hitting them back.
The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson leads the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyers JS Ashigara (DDG 178), left front, and JS Samidare (DD 106), left rear, the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers USS Michael Murphy (DDG 112), center rear, and USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG 108), right rear, and the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Champlain (CG 57), right front, during a transit the Philippine Sea.
anything can be expected from the the fool with biggest military power in white house. but he should keep in mind that russia of today is not the russia of 2001. putin has already created lot of problems in ukraine and syria and they will not compromise.
Russia backs China's proposal at UNSC on suspension of N. Korean nuclear tests in exchange for termination of military drills near N. Korea - Russian Foreign Ministry (Part 2)
China & U.S Alliance to restrain North Korea’s Nuclear ambition?

But how?

Korea del Norte is openly selling Lithium-6 - a hydrogen bomb boosting material.
That also from its Beijing embassy, which is just 4 Kms away from Xi Jinping's residence.

Please note, Tritium & Lithium 6 are the two super boosters for a thermonuclear devises.
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