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North Korea Attacks South Korea - Latest Update

Anyone who ever owns a dog will know that no matter how trained, the dog will be happier with a fenced yard than under a leash. The dog has much more freedom of movement in a fenced yard. Unfortunately, we cannot always installed fences to outline national borders, least of all at seas. My next door neighbor is a retired couple. Our front yards have no fences. If I wanted to, I can beat them up without breaking a sweat. I can throw trash into their front yard and there is nothing they can do about it other than call the police. But the reason we do not abuse each other is because we have genuine respect and affection for each other. The police or 'enforcer' of any law is not needed between us.

You are confused between a long leash and genuine respect between sovereign neighbors that require neither saber rattlings nor fences to keep neighbors at bay.

Right that US fences its dog SK. The problem is that when you fences your dog, you put your fence in your neighbor's yard. And worse, you let your mad dog to bite there in your neighbor's yard and you call that "respect". :lol:

In America, South Korean products are everywhere. In the semicon manufacturing industry, Samsung is my largest competitor. We do not see anything remotely similar from North Korea, do we? :lol: Between the US and SKR, it is a partnership with SKR being the junior. We do not feed the South Koreans as we compete for American consumer dollars.

China's Food Aid - It's About Strategy not Charity - GLG News

North Korean abductions of Japanese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China does not care about NKR regarding humanitarian concerns. Between China and NKR, it a man holding a leash on a dog and feeds it as needed over the long term. The mangy cur exploded a nuclear weapon and attacked its neighbors because China has been neglectful while holding a very long and loose leash.

So when US feed fat its dog SK, US starts to milk the dog... to have SK product all over US... that's ok. But now US open the fence and unleash the dog against the neighbor...

Everybody to judge just by looking at this map to see how the dog fence is made.
North Korea readies missiles as U.S.-South Korea drill begins

YEONPYEONG, South Korea (Reuters) – North Korea has placed surface-to-surface missiles on launch pads in the Yellow Sea, Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday, as the United States and South Korea began joint military exercises that have upset neighbor China.

The agency also said North Korea had moved surface-to-air missiles to frontline areas,
days after it shelled a tiny South Korean island killing four people. The North's official KCNA news agency warned of retaliatory action if its territory is violated.

"We will deliver a brutal military blow on any provocation which violates our territorial waters," KCNA said.

Officials from South Korea's Defense Ministry and the joint chiefs said they could not comment on the Yonhap report. "It is impossible to confirm the report as it is classified as military secret," an official said.

The exercises, in waters far south of the disputed maritime boundary, are being held in the face of opposition by China and threats of "consequences" from North Korea.

The chairman of North Korea's Supreme People's Assembly will visit China from Tuesday, the official Xinhua news agency said, while a senior Chinese diplomat was in Seoul for talks.

Washington says the drill is intended as a deterrent after

the worst assault on South Korea since the end of the Korean War in 1953.

Officials and journalists on the island, Yeonpyeong, were briefly evacuated to bunkers on Sunday, a Reuters witness said. The order was later withdrawn.

The nuclear-powered carrier USS George Washington, which carries 75 warplanes and has a crew of over 6,000, has joined the exercises and will be accompanied by at least four other U.S. warships, an official from U.S. Forces Korea (USKF) told Reuters.

South Korea has deployed three destroyers, frigates and anti-submarine aircraft, Yonhap news agency reported, adding the exercises were being held far south of the disputed area where the artillery firing took place on Tuesday.

"The drills have started and of course the carrier joined the exercises. But I cannot give any further details," said the USKF official, asking not to be identified.

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak has told ministers and aides to be ready for further "provocation" by North Korea during the military show of force.

South Korea's marine commander on Saturday vowed "thousand-fold" revenge for the North Korean attack that killed two servicemen and two civilians.

North Korea said that if there had been civilian deaths, they were "very regrettable," but that South Korea should be blamed for using a human shield.

It also said the United States should be blamed for "orchestrating" the whole sequence of events to justify sending an aircraft carrier to join the maritime maneuvers.

Regional giant China -- under pressure from other powers to rein in North Korea -- has said it is determined to prevent an escalation of the violence. But it warned against military acts near its coast.

(Additional reporting by Cheon Jong-woo in Seoul and Chris Buckley in BEIJING)

(Editing by Nick Macfie and Sanjeev Miglani)

North Korea readies missiles as U.S.-South Korea drill begins - Yahoo! News
N. Korea deploys SA-2 surface-to-air missiles near Yellow Sea border


North Korea has deployed SA-2 surface-to-air missiles to its west coast near the Yellow Sea border with South Korea as U.S.-led naval drills got underway in a show of force against the North's deadly artillery attack on a South Korean island earlier last week, government sources said Sunday.

"(The missiles) appear to be targeting our fighter jets that fly near the Northern Limit Line (NLL)," the source said on customary condition of anonymity, referring to the Yellow Sea border.

South Korea and the U.S. on Sunday launched large-scale naval drills off the Korean Peninsula's west coast, far south of the border where four people were killed and 18 others wounded in Tuesday's surprise attack on Yeonpyeong Island.

The Soviet-designed SA-2 missile has a range of between 13 and 30 kilometers. Other missiles on the North's west coast, such as the Samlet and Silkworm with ranges of up to 95km, have also been put onto launch pads, the source said.

"The military is preparing for the possibility of further provocations as the North Korean military has deployed firepower near the NLL and is preparing to fire," the source said.

N. Korea deploys SA-2 surface-to-air missiles near Yellow Sea border - Daily Air Force Defense and Aviation
What's happening at the moment? Just how do you think the North is going to respond to the provocation?
Artillery Heard in North Korea; U.S. Carrier Enters Yellow Sea

By Sungwoo Park and Bomi Lim

Nov. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Residents of South Korea’s Yeonpyeong island were ordered to bomb shelters after artillery shots were heard on the North Korean mainland and U.S. warships began naval exercises in the nearby waters of the Yellow Sea.

The echo of shots rang out this morning, said a South Korean Defense Ministry official who declined to be named, citing military policy. While residents were later allowed out of shelters, the aircraft carrier USS George Washington joined South Korean vessels for four days of drills.

U.S. Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the U.S. is trying to prevent the tensions over North Korea’s Nov. 23 attack on the South Korean island on the disputed maritime border from escalating into a more significant confrontation.

“We’re very focused on restraint and not letting this thing get out of control,” Mullen told CNN in an interview scheduled for broadcast on “Fareed Zakaria GPS” today and posted on the network’s Website. “Nobody wants this thing to turn into a conflict.”

Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo arrived in Seoul yesterday and met with South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung Hwan, the government in Seoul said. He is meeting with President Lee Myung Bak today, Yonhap News reported, while China’s Xinhua News Agency said Choe Tae Bok, chairman of North Korea’s Supreme People’s Assembly, will visit China Nov. 30 to Dec. 4.

‘Very Regrettable’

The shelling of Yeonpyeong, which killed four people and wounded 20 more, raised tensions that flared after an international inquiry concluded that North Korea torpedoed the South Korean warship Cheonan in March and following North Korea’s claims of advances in its nuclear program.

North Korea said that, if true, reports of civilian casualties are “very regrettable.”

“But the enemy should be held responsible for the incident as it took such inhuman action as creating ‘a human shield’ by deploying civilians around artillery positions and inside military facilities,” state-run Korean Central News Agency said yesterday.

The U.S. called the naval drills, which include four smaller warships as well as the George Washington, “defensive in nature” and said they were initially planned before the Nov. 23 shelling of Yeonpyeong.

The nuclear-powered carrier, which holds about 85 aircraft and is served by a crew of 6,500, was last in waters off the Korean Peninsula in July as part of drills after the Cheonan’s sinking, which killed 46 sailors.


Kim Jong Il’s regime warned again today that any infringement of North Korea’s sovereignty would be met with force.

North Korea “will deal a merciless military counter-attack at any provocative act of intruding into its territorial waters,” it said in a commentary published by the Rodong newspaper and reproduced by KCNA.

The Korean won was Asia’s worst-performing currency against the dollar Nov. 26 as the conflict continued. The Kospi stock index fell 1.3 percent. The tension also contributed to gains for the dollar, which rose the most since August against six major counterparts.

Shipping was warned to avoid an area of the Yellow Sea parallel to China’s northeastern city of Qingdao while gunnery exercises take place from Nov. 29 to Dec. 3, according to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Qingdao lies about 615 kilometers west of Seoul.

China’s Involvement

China’s Foreign Ministry warned against having the exercises in China’s “exclusive economic zone” without its authorization, Xinhua reported.

The Pentagon reiterated that the U.S. military notified China of the planned exercise, as it has in the past.

President Barack Obama, along with Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan and South Korean President Lee Myung Bak, have called on China to use its influence to temper North Korea’s actions. China is North Korea’s main economic and political benefactor.

China has the most leverage with North Korea and “it’s really important that Beijing lead here,” Mullen said.

North Korea’s actions destabilize the region, “and China has as much to lose as anybody in that region with the continuation of this kind of behavior,” he said.

The shelling of the island, which has a military base and a civilian fishing community, was the first attack of its kind since the 1950-1953 Korean War, which ended with an armistice rather than a treaty.

Main Enemy

South Korea is considering reinstating North Korea as the “main enemy” in its defense guidelines, Yonhap News reported yesterday, citing a government official it didn’t identify. The term may be restored in a Defense White Paper following North Korea’s artillery attack, the Korean-language news agency said.

Lee on Nov. 26 appointed former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Kim Kwan Jin, 61, to replace Defense Minister Kim Tae Young, who quit amid criticism that the military’s response to the shelling was inadequate.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi urged prevention of further escalation on the peninsula and vowed to “work toward easing the tension between the two Korean parties, as well as resuming the six- party talks” on North Korea’s nuclear program, during a telephone call yesterday, according to an e-mailed statement from the Russian ministry.

The western sea border, demarcated by the UN after the war and never accepted by North Korea, was the scene of deadly naval skirmishes in 1999 and 2002.

North Korea contends the border should have been drawn further south in order to include Yeonpyeong and four neighboring islands as part of its territory.

--With assistance from Justin Blum in Washington, Michael Forsythe in Beijing, Saeromi Shin in Seoul and Maria Kolesnikova in Moscow. Editors: Brett Miller, Paul Tighe

©2010 Bloomberg L.P. All Rights Reserved.
Artillery Heard in North Korea; U.S. Carrier Enters Yellow Sea - BusinessWeek
Right that US fences its dog SK. The problem is that when you fences your dog, you put your fence in your neighbor's yard. And worse, you let your mad dog to bite there in your neighbor's yard and you call that "respect". :lol:

So when US feed fat its dog SK, US starts to milk the dog... to have SK product all over US... that's ok. But now US open the fence and unleash the dog against the neighbor...

Everybody to judge just by looking at this map to see how the dog fence is made.
You ran out of argument for the mangy cur called 'North Korea' a long time ago. The country is backward, starving, and devoid of joy. A choice between North and South, you and the rest of the Chinese fanboys will select SKR toot-sweet...:lol:...China is a bind made by that mangy cur. If there is a war, NKR will lose and if China is foolish enough to fight the US, all that military progress China gained in the last twenty years will go down the drain. The DF-21 does not exist and China does not have lasers that can blind satellites. North Korea will go away the same way East Germany did. Taiwan and Tibet will be emboldened once they see cartographers scrambling to remove NKR from their products. Wikipedia will be edited to put NKR in the past tense. Time for China to pull on that leash before further face is lost.
You ran out of argument for the mangy cur called 'North Korea' a long time ago. The country is backward, starving, and devoid of joy. A choice between North and South, you and the rest of the Chinese fanboys will select SKR toot-sweet...:lol:...China is a bind made by that mangy cur. If there is a war, NKR will lose and if China is foolish enough to fight the US, all that military progress China gained in the last twenty years will go down the drain. The DF-21 does not exist and China does not have lasers that can blind satellites. North Korea will go away the same way East Germany did. Taiwan and Tibet will be emboldened once they see cartographers scrambling to remove NKR from their products. Wikipedia will be edited to put NKR in the past tense. Time for China to pull on that leash before further face is lost.

We know your country is full of joys like 'faggotism' and 'lesbianism' but how could you be so sure that others see those as joys? If what you say was true uncle sam would not wait to wipe out DPRK from the face of this planet. DPRK is going to shell the South again and uncle sam will watch and whine as usual.
We know your country is full of joys like 'faggotism' and 'lesbianism' but how could you be so sure that others see those as joys? If what you say was true uncle sam would not wait to wipe out DPRK from the face of this planet. DPRK is going to shell the South again and uncle sam will watch and whine as usual.

USA has huge power and might.They can take down any country when they want to.Admit it. USA is a THE ONLY super power.
USA has huge power and might.They can take down any country when they want to.Admit it. USA is a THE ONLY super power.

Yeah, the way they're taking down the Talibans! I wonder what would happen if it was China? Anyway, keep dreaming about it, it'll only make things easier for the good guys.
USA has huge power and might.They can take down any country when they want to.Admit it. USA is a THE ONLY super power.

Hey Stop licking USA feet like a pet.... US never ever indulge with anyone who can hit their mainland.... Look at the history...

US attacked Vietnam because it was sure that they will never hit them back in mainland...

They attached Afghanistan because they can never hit them back again(Actually northern alliance won the war US initially just provided air support)

They Attacked Iraq only after they made sure that Saddam didn't had anything to fight back... there were around 29000 CIA agent in Iraq.

They will never attack DPRK, Iran and Argentina because these country can make sleepless night for people in mainland....

Look at Cuba a small island country compare to super power... they didn't had guts to attack and remove Castro....

They are just sipping away Korean people's hard earned money
I would welcome any argument on my point !!
You ran out of argument for the mangy cur called 'North Korea' a long time ago. The country is backward, starving, and devoid of joy. A choice between North and South, you and the rest of the Chinese fanboys will select SKR toot-sweet...:lol:...China is a bind made by that mangy cur. If there is a war, NKR will lose and if China is foolish enough to fight the US, all that military progress China gained in the last twenty years will go down the drain. The DF-21 does not exist and China does not have lasers that can blind satellites. North Korea will go away the same way East Germany did. Taiwan and Tibet will be emboldened once they see cartographers scrambling to remove NKR from their products. Wikipedia will be edited to put NKR in the past tense. Time for China to pull on that leash before further face is lost.

home before christmas
bay of pigs
"we destroyed that village in order to save it"
mission accomplished
You ran out of argument for the mangy cur called 'North Korea' a long time ago. The country is backward, starving, and devoid of joy. A choice between North and South, you and the rest of the Chinese fanboys will select SKR toot-sweet...:lol:...China is a bind made by that mangy cur. If there is a war, NKR will lose and if China is foolish enough to fight the US, all that military progress China gained in the last twenty years will go down the drain. The DF-21 does not exist and China does not have lasers that can blind satellites. North Korea will go away the same way East Germany did. Taiwan and Tibet will be emboldened once they see cartographers scrambling to remove NKR from their products. Wikipedia will be edited to put NKR in the past tense. Time for China to pull on that leash before further face is lost.

Poverty and starvation are not the guilty of the country but the crimes left by foreign imperialism and invaders. Even many countries adopting Western democracy are poor, backward and starving. In addition, only a fanatic extremist like you would equal richness with joy.

Behold, NK has literacy rate 100%, higher than that of USA!

If bvffoons in US and SK of your type are stupid enough to launch 2nd Korea war, with “Home by Christmas” offensive (see Appleman, Roy (1989), Disaster in Korea: The Chinese Confront MacArthur, 11, College Station, TX: Texas A and M University Military History Series, ISBN 9781603441285), maybe they'll realize it once again as they did before, but with deadbodys only.

Perhaps true that China will go backward 20 years or even more. It is also true that USA will also go back 20 years, provided that nuclear conflict does not happen. US companies in China all bankrupt and Wall Street alligators' investments in China evaporate. Without made in China, US inflation will be 100000%.

Should nuclear war happen, 95% of China will be traded with 85% of USA. Russians will gleefully cross the Baring Straits and claim Alaska theirs once again, Only the sub-human who nurtures the deepest hatred against human being will therefore be chuckling in the darkness when this happens.

At that time, DF-21 or laser blinder are both secondary important, pop-up of submarine may only serve to scare the sh!t out of warlords' pants. But the Chinese immigrant workers and peasants numbering in 800,000,000 or more, during the nuclear winter, will thus form a vast volunteer army to unify the Korea peninsula once for all, and cross the Strait/Ocean to Canada/USA, penetrate the whole Europe. Perhaps that is the true way that the Chinese conquer the world in a meaningful sense.

While bourgeois (e.g. Wall Streeters, Warlords, SK etc) has everything to lose, the proletariat (e.g. NK and Chinese migrants/peasants) has nothing to lose except its shackles. This crystal ball is well understood by rulers of all countries, but lunatic fundamentalists like you and Darth Vader the Dick Cheny and his followers. :tdown:
You ran out of argument for the mangy cur called 'North Korea' a long time ago. The country is backward, starving, and devoid of joy. A choice between North and South, you and the rest of the Chinese fanboys will select SKR toot-sweet...:lol:...China is a bind made by that mangy cur. If there is a war, NKR will lose and if China is foolish enough to fight the US, all that military progress China gained in the last twenty years will go down the drain. The DF-21 does not exist and China does not have lasers that can blind satellites. North Korea will go away the same way East Germany did. Taiwan and Tibet will be emboldened once they see cartographers scrambling to remove NKR from their products. Wikipedia will be edited to put NKR in the past tense. Time for China to pull on that leash before further face is lost.

lol now now, gambit no need to troll so hard, not sure about the DF-21 but the pentagon certainly thinks china has the capabilities to blind at least temporally satellites, and really you think the same people that fought the US to a stand still will for some reason go down overnight in this next fight? cause if i remember correctly the US was a superpower in the 50's too and china back then was some backwater country that just barely manged to build its first domestic cars., and erasing NKR what? are we talking nuclear cause no wins then.

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