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North Korea Attacks South Korea - Latest Update

how was it legal shia ? 9/11 it was an inside job ,yea back to topic long live kim and son .
I am shia but my name is not "shia"
you don't even know what means respect
what's the matter with 9/11 stupid joke of you? i said it was legal so of course i didn't mean it was an inside job

i wish moderation delete such hatreful comment
Sorry guys I shouldn't have gone on my little tangent there(and start all this dead horse whipping). Please back to the topic at hand.
Why go for full fledge war, can we just find the location of head of NK and take him out. I think it is mostly one man verses others.
Why go for full fledge war, can we just find the location of head of NK and take him out. I think it is mostly one man verses others.

so you want us indians to take him out you kidding :rofl: leave the fighting and talking big to the real men.:coffee:not us keyboard warrior comando indians
Tensions high as two Koreas trade shelling - People's Daily OnlineNovember 24, 2010


The two Koreas exchanged artillery fire Tuesday along their disputed border, raising tensions between the rivals to their highest level in more than a decade. It is reported that two South Korean Marines were killed in the shelling.

Pyongyang warned of more and harsher military strikes if South Korea encroaches on the maritime border by "even 0.001 millimeter." Seoul also warned North Korea Tuesday of "enormous retaliation" if Pyongyang took more aggressive steps.

China has urged for the two to restrain and do their best to maintain peace and stability in the Korea Peninsular.

U.S. President Barack Obama said that the United States will defend South Korea after what the White House branded an "outrageous attack" by North Korea on its neighbor. Yet with its options limited, the U.S. sought a diplomatic rather a military response to one of those most ominous clashes between the two Koreas.

"South Korea is our ally. It has been since the Korean War," Obama said in his first comments about the North Korean shelling of a South Korean island. "And we strongly affirm our commitment to defend South Korea as part of that alliance."

Obama, speaking to ABC News, would not speculate when asked about military options. He was expected to telephone South Korean President Lee Myung-bak late Tuesday night, and he met into the evening with his top national security advisers to discuss next steps, the Associated Press reported.

The skirmish began when North Korea warned South Korea to halt military drills near their sea border, according to South Korean officials. When Seoul refused and began firing artillery into disputed waters, the North troops retaliated by shelling the small island of Yeonpyeong, which houses South Korean military installations and a small civilian population.

Seoul responded by unleashing its own barrage from K-9 155mm self-propelled howitzers and scrambling fighter jets. Two South Korean marines were killed in the shelling that also injured 15 troops and three civilians. Seoul said there could be considerable North Korean casualties, too.

The confrontation lasted about an hour and left the uneasiest of calms, with each side threatening further bombardments.

South Korea's military was put on high alert after the shelling — one of the rivals' most dramatic confrontations since an armistice halted the Korean War in 1953.

The attacks focused global attention on the tiny island and sent stock prices down worldwide. The dollar and gold rose as investors sought safe places to park money. Hong Kong's main stock index sank 2.7 percent, while European indexes fell between 1.7 and 2.5 percent. The Dow Jones industrial average lost 142 points, or 1.3 percent.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the artillery attack, and called for "immediate restraint" and insisted "any differences should be resolved by peaceful means and dialogue."

People's Daily Online
amazing that sk hasn't relocated their capital to somewhere further south

---------- Post added at 06:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 AM ----------

^^ what about quality?
Most probably south korea.

This is not an accurate picture of the military balance between DPRK and South Korea. The following is a report be Aljazeera:

North Korea has fired dozens of artillery shells at a South Korean island, setting buildings on fire and prompting a return of fire by the South.

Following are some details about the armed forces deployed on the Korean peninsula.


North Korea has 1.19 million troops in active service, and more than 7.7 million reservists. It is one of the world's most militarised countries with a population of 23.4 million.

South Korea has 655,000 troops on active duty, and about 3 million reserve forces. They are reinforced by 28,000 US troops stationed in the South.


North Korea has some 4,000 tanks and more than 2,100 armoured combat vehicles. Much of the equipment is believed to be Soviet-era procurement and in need of upgrading. The T-54, the North's main combat tank, began to be phased out by most other countries in the 1970s.

South Korea has 2,300 tanks and 2,400 armoured vehicles.

Soviet-made MiGs make up the bulk of the North's air force. However, the fleet is largely obsolete and not fit for modern combat. The South has about 490 combat aircraft.

North Korea is believed to be steadily building its submarine fleet, with its 70 vessels outnumbering the South's dozen or so. Its 420 warships also outnumber the South's roughly 120 vessels, but the South has been adding powerful destroyers to its fleet.

North Korea has limited fuel supplies, and relies heavily on China for its crude oil and gasoline.


North Korea has more than 800 ballistic missiles and more than 1,000 missiles of various ranges. It has sold missiles and technology overseas, with Iran a top buyer. South Korea is limited in pursuing missile development under a treaty with the United States but has recently deployed new long-range cruise missiles with a range of 1,500 km which can hit all of North Korea and also targets in China and Russia.


North Korea is believed to have produced about 50 kg (110 lb) of plutonium, which experts say would be enough for six to eight nuclear weapons. It has twice conducted nuclear tests but has yet to show that it has a working nuclear bomb.

South Korea, an advanced nuclear power state, does not have a nuclear arms programme, although Washington has promised protection under its "nuclear umbrella".


Its main frontline 2nd Infantry Division is armed with 140 M1A1 Abram battle tanks, 170 M2 Bradley Fighting vehicles, rocket launchers, tactical missiles, Patriot missile defence systems.

The US Air Force operates F-16 fighters, ground attack planes and three U-2 spy planes.


I doubt the authenticity of this report as well; believing that DPRK has been doing nothing to upgrade its weapons is foolish. The west is speculating that the North has around eight nukes, but when the US envoy was given a tour of DPRK's nuclear facilities he gave a different picture.
amazing that sk hasn't relocated their capital to somewhere further south

I think Pusan would be an emergency command and fall back area if they were ever attacked again.

Pyongyang has historically been the capitol for all of Korea.

Seoul is in the middle of the bright spot on the map. The south bright spot is pusan area.
NK is dark except for a blip of light where pyongyang is. Seoul area is well covered by NK artillery and rockets, not to mention that the two Koreas are connected, which is why they don't go to war easily. NK has some 13000 artillery pieces positioned along the DMZ.

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General technology balance:

North Korea:
- Air force: J-7, MiG-23, MiG-29, Q-5, etc...
- Vehicles: P'okpoong-ho, Ch'onma-ho, Type 59, T-62, T-55, etc...
- Frigates: Najin-class, Soho-class
- Navy is mostly corvettes
- Guided missiles: Taepodong-2, Taepodong-1, etc...

South Korea:
- Air force: F-15K, KF-16C/D, etc...
- Vehicles: K2 Black Panther, K1-88, etc...
- Destroyers: Sejong the Great, Chungmugong Yi Sunshin, etc...
- Submarines: Sohn Wonyil, Chang Bogo, etc...
- Guided missiles: Hyunmoo-IIIC, Hyunmoo-IIC,
Very true, I hope there are evacuation plans.

The "Seoul capital area" in fact contains around half the entire population of South Korea.

A single nuke can wipe out half of South Korea's population. South Korea should dump the US and join hands with DPRK and that will ensure lasting peace and stability.

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