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Non-Muslims will not have equal Humanrights - Zakir Naik

I trust actions more than words.

Muslims make up 11% of India's population, yet every single Indian company I have dealt with in the West for 30 years -- every single one -- was 99.9% hindu/sikh with only one or two muslims. Many don't even bother with the token muslims. I can pick up any local magazine for Indian expats in the US/Australia and, in more than 50 pages, there won't be a single ad or article from an Indian muslim.

It seems that the only place Indian muslims have any opportunity is in the government sector within India. Once free of government oversight, private Indian companies in the West engage in blatant discrimination against muslims. This demonstrates the widespread anti-muslim bigotry within the Indian population. No amount of smooth-talking spin can explain away the numbers I mentioned above.

According to Indian human rights groups, muslims and dalits have benefitted the least from India's economic boom. Most haven't benefitted at all.

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6jYUL7eBdHg[/media] - Non-Muslims will not have equal Humanrights - Zakir Naik

The purpose of posting the video is to show conspicuous intolerance and righdity of exhibited by the muslim scholar zakir Naik.

Here Mr zakir Naik is who supposedly very wellversed with tenants of other religions and comes from very diverse democratic country such as india,but he too cant reason beyond what the holy quran says.

As a non-muslim,I think this inherent inability to see things beyond the scope of holy Quran prevents the spread of new ideas such as democracy,secularism,individual rights even communism for that matter and also often times prepare ground for more fundamentalism in muslim socities.Not to mention the deep suspicion it create among the non believers who see such rigid interpretation of islam as threat to their way of life.

I can give so many examples of hindu spiritual leaders who take very accommodating views of all religions but hardly ever find any muslim counter part with such liberal views.

I would like hear the opinions of members out here.

What kind of stupid logic is being propagated by Zakir Naik. In his speeches he bends the truths or facts according to his requirements.
He is a pathetic soul.
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