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'No uranium to India' - Australia

Not going to happen because of the International Nuclear Watch Dog.

If Australia sells Uranium to India without India signing the NPT then many other countries will start breaking laws as well. The world is already NOT HAPPY with USA's double standard when she gave State of the Art Nuke Technology to India but yet suppressed Pakistan and many other countries from receiving the same stuff.

yes.......the world is not happy with india not signing NPT, still Russia is supplying uranium to india and japan is closer to supply nuclear techology to india and vietnam.....but you shouldn't worry about that.....u can live in your self constructed world and continue to believe whatever you want...
India is one of the country have good sources of Uranium....:smokin:
why don't they use one of those monks who keep lighting themselves on fire.
I hear burning monks make great nuclear fuel. :angel:
why don't they use one of those monks who keep lighting themselves on fire.
I hear burning monks make great nuclear fuel. :angel:
But they're busy irradiating China! We can't get them here, can we? :lol:
No thanks, we get more that our share of burning a**es. Why else do you think we come here?

Oops! Did I just give it away? :woot:


if you are going to make a witty response at least make it coherent and clear.

are you saying you have enough a-holes in India?
Can't say I disagree.

if you are going to make a witty response at least make it coherent and clear.

are you saying you have enough a-holes in India?
Can't say I disagree.

Hehe! I guess that one just went straight over your head eh?
So funny......then please explain why India keeps begging Australia for Uranium when she has "good thorium reserves" ????

Trade. When we can get extra, why not? In business and politics, you must know something; there is no shame. There is no ego. There is no brotherliness. There is no enmity. It is all convenience. If we can go and persuade them to give us, and they give in, it benefits us. Power for all industries and our gradually maturing manufacturing base. That's the advantage.

So tell me what is better:

- Keeping a stupid ego and not nudging them?


- Being patient, making them agree at some point and get the benefit? :azn:

You need to know politics much better.
It seems Indo-Aussies rivalry is surpassing cricket thing. We outnumbered them in cricket. I thinks thats the reason.:cheesy: Kidding.
After 2030 India would not need any uranium as the nuclear fuel as by then it would be able to use thorium as the nuclear fuel, research for which is being carried on for the past 25 years. The deal would help the country bridge the gap of uranium, needed for nuclear power generation after 2020." He added that since India has the biggest Thorium deposits in the black sands of Kerala coast, we would become self-reliant in producing nuclear power.

I am apprehensive regarding our protection and security. Knowing that we've expressed our possibility of self-reliance, I am wondering that there'd be sabotage attacks to keep us reliant. Any country that gets too self-reliant is always faced with challenges to undo that. We need a masterplan and a framework on security of our nuclear assets. Every nuclear site that is needed in the country, should be protected by a battery of short-range SAM batteries like Akash. Since nuclear plants are far away from main cities and places of habitation, installing SAMs shouldn't be a problem.

This is only security from military perspective. Now coming to security from fringe elements aka "non-state actors". We will need additional manpower to be trained in nuclear procedures to be able to mobilize in the worst-come situation possible. Which means we will not just personal protection for this nuclear security force, but also NBC gear as a backup. Army cannot be called for everything and they are already too loaded with enough problems.

There is a whole lot of things I am interested to discuss on this, but won't digress from the main theme of the thread.

As for Australia's refusal, we can keep nudging them until they give in. Being a capitalist country that it is, let's see how long it can resist the charms of the lovely dollar. :D
why don't they use one of those monks who keep lighting themselves on fire.
I hear burning monks make great nuclear fuel. :angel:

Why dont you ask the taliban to do the same? It will do you some good.
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