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No Type 052C for the North Sea Fleet?

I read some place that Chongqing Metropolitan Area has a Population of 36 Million People and an Area of 36000 Sq Km , Not to mention the various industries around the area
So shouldn't it be better suited to be capital than Bejing

If you look at India , National Capital Region of Delhi or DELHI-NCR has an area of 30000 Sq Km , and a population of 22 Million People , it is also the hub of Auto Industry and IT industry as well as Entertainment Industry of Northern India apart from being home to the Head offices of 25% of MNCs in india , compared to southern India where
Mumbai is the Financial and Entertainment Hub , Chennai is the Auto Hub and Banglore is the IT Hub
Chongqing was actually set up as a temporary capital for the KMT when Nanjing fell in second world war. It was also heavily bombed by japanese airforce.
off topic: the capital should be moved back to xi'an


the capital should be somewhere in the heart of china, not right on the coast where it is easily threatened.

Pointless. Washington is located near the coast. In the age of missiles, it doesn't matter where the capital is located.
Pointless. Washington is located near the coast. In the age of missiles, it doesn't matter where the capital is located.

Yes it does. If your capital is located on the coast and you don't happen to be a global superpower, a sub can go within a low trajectory firing range and bomb your capital with very low warning time and possibly even being undetected. Also, it means that more air defense can be put between your capital and your border.
its pretty important. if a nuclear submarine sneaks close to your capital and launches a low trajectory nuke at it, you're finished.

i think beijing is OK because the Yellow Sea is China's lake, while Shanghai is not so ideal for the same reason. However the safest place would be Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Chongqing or Wuhan.

No conventional army can take down Beijing.

However, if you talk about the nuclear attack, then nobody is safe. :coffee:
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