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No proof of Indian involvement in Balochistan: Hillary to Pakistan

What blogs? I don't have any blogs.

I meant the messages that you are typing in favor of your argument..

Also, what you're calling 'improper' is your own interpretation because it does not agree with your beliefs and thus that's something I don't care about.

C thats why i said improper..It is very easy to say i dont care about but did i???
because i am trying to argue with you and not just making plane statements like RAW is involved in helping TTP...TTP is not india's enemy blah blah...

Also care to reply back for post no 32...
You know the weapons found by the army... much more powerful than AK-47s. Anti-aircraft guns, 12.7 and 14.2, heavy machine guns, and the list goes on. AK-47 is a really basic weapon for them.

As I understand even anti aircraft guns were not that difficult to get. I have heard about stinger missile and there is a video on that of ex ISI DG. Let me pull that out for you.

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Missed the post.

It will make sense if you honestly want to read what i am saying. What i mean is that there has to be a problem that someone can expolit..I get the impression that people here just put every wrong doing on India..US pressure..Israel..Zinoist ideas etc etc..This is what i meant by denial mode...
That's actually a very good point. Since Pakistan turned against Taliban, india can take advantage of the condition and help the taliban (TTP in this case) to help the denuclearize Pakistan.

Now you are contradicting yourself...Last time you made me apologize for putting words in your mouth related to US help for TTP..Now letting india arm TTP and kill hundreds innoncet Pakistani's and also not allowing so called puppet govt. to do anything about it is not helping TTP than what is??? So please clarify your point..as per you who all is helping TTP..once you are clear we can continue discussion..

By helping TTP, I mean providing them logistical support and sponsering them. I do not believe US is doing that.

Doesn't matter weather they are sponsoring terrorism or not.. They are letting India kill pakistani's whom they are representing and doing nothing about it...If that is your stand than it basically saying GOP is india's agent...Though all this is rubbish yet let me ask why your Army is letting this happen to PAK?? Are they also under US pressure??? Please be careful when you reply to this one...as i have no doubts about the patritism of armies on both sides...

No, basically GoP has no balls under american pressure and is notgoing public with the proof. Should be easy to understand instead of spinning my words. The army has few options because it is in no position to initiate a coup. It did create some noise as seen in Pakistan's war forum but ultimately its the government that has to go public with the proof.

I am sorry...You seems to be a person with hands on classified information and then you come up with something like this??? How come Pakistan will get de-nuclearize if TTP rule Pakistan...If that happen(i know it wont) dont you think nuclear bombs would be their trump card from anyone overpowering them...Give a few nukes to Afghan Taliban and you will understand what i am talking about...
The US or rest of world community will step in and take nukes away from Pakistan. That's not too hard to derive from what I said.

Now since you have agreed their ideology is to implement sharia in Pak..let me try and explain the india's angle...As per these fanatics india is considered as unislamic..a country who is oppressing muslims be it Kashmir..GUjarat...Babri masjid etc etc..Now tell me how can anyone just abandone its own ideology and join hands with someone who as per them is enemy of islam??? Do you see any logic in it???

Afghan Mujhaideen took help from USA even though I am sure you know the reputation of US in muslim world. Simply put, if two entities' have similar goals, regardless of their differences, they tend to join forces.

Are you serious about what are you saying??? TTP is carrying suicide bombs every other day at will...Is that what you call effective intelligence gathering?? Let me give you an example of effective intelligence gathering..CIA...how many attacks have happened in US after 9/11...and they are dealing with Al-Qaeda who is dad of all these organizations...

It's very simple to understand what I said. The number of attacks being planned are extraordinary. ISI warns the government about many of them and as you can see several of them have been foiled in October and November so far. Catching them all is very tough if not impossible. CIA has a much lesser number to deal with so they can do it more effectively.

Just consider these two posts of yours...Sounds a bit hypocritical...Anyways i would appreciate if apart from making just plain statement argue..counter argue my points...for example why you think RAW only use if spread terrorism and it has nothing to do with intelligence gathering..sometihng that intelligence agencies are meant for... :cheers:

Lack of english clarity here. If I am getting you right, you're asking I think RAW is only good at spreading terrorism. Answer to that is it's the only thing RAW has effectively. Intelligence gathering is something they lack at.

Additionally, you guys are taking too much of my time here and I have more work to do on other things. So any reply wont be responded to until a few days.
Missed the post.

That's actually a very good point. Since Pakistan turned against Taliban, india can take advantage of the condition and help the taliban (TTP in this case) to help the denuclearize Pakistan.

This is one argument I am hearing for long now. I do not think anyone even USA can achieve demilitarization of Pakistan. So my belief is people are spreading rumors to garner public support, no weight in this argument.
To reply to your original post with the video (I will reply to your #49 later on). The video is a nice diversion from the point. I doubt the existance of anti air-craft guns and more importantly brand new weapons. Additionally, what I forgot to add was that these thugs also need to make a living. So they have to earn their money somehow. I know where that is coming from.
Indian lies about ISI are baseless. India started supporting and training terrorists in East Pakistan in 1957 when ISI did not even exist, so this talk about RAW trying to counter ISI is also a big black lie just like the entire nation of India. The Moaists will teach India a lesson and not in one Indian state, but in each Indian state. India created terrorists in East Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and now creates them to create problems in Pakistan, China, Bangladesh and Nepal. India will also learn that too many enemies surrounding it will crumble it grains of sand over the years. India is the biggest democracy and biggest terrorist creating country.:pakistan::sniper:
Well how do you define terrorist. Do you mean to say that mukti Bahani were involved in terrorism. Now can you also let us know what acts of terrorism were they comminted. How many innocent people they killed, site some examples. About srilanka can you provide any srilankan source of your claim. If SL does not claim you have no right to accuse us.
That's actually a very good point. Since Pakistan turned against Taliban, india can take advantage of the condition and help the taliban (TTP in this case) to help the denuclearize Pakistan.

Read my post again..I have clearly explained why denuclearization of Pakistan is not possible even if TTP have control on Pakistan...

By helping TTP, I mean providing them logistical support and sponsering them. I do not believe US is doing that.
Thanks for the clarification...If i get it right you are saying

- Its india who is physically involved(providing logistics support and sponsoring them)
- US is morally helping India in doing so(Since they are pressuring GOP to not to do anything about it)
- GOP is a puppet government and even though Army and ISI have provided them tons of proof they are not doing anyting under american perssure
- Pak army cant do anything about it because they cannot do another coup.

I hope i got it right...Correct me if i am wrong because my replies are based on above understanding...

No, basically GoP has no balls under american pressure and is notgoing public with the proof. Should be easy to understand instead of spinning my words. The army has few options because it is in no position to initiate a coup. It did create some noise as seen in Pakistan's war forum but ultimately its the government that has to go public with the proof.

I am not spininig your words...I am just making plain interpretations of your comments...How hard is to understand that if GOP is not going public about it then they are doing nothing but letting India kill its own citizens...what does that imply - they are party to the crime...
The US or rest of world community will step in and take nukes away from Pakistan. That's not too hard to derive from what I said.
This makes no sense at all...Can you please tell me how will they do it??? Any reason they cant do it right now?? Are you saying pak army can even defeat US and other world powers and thats why US is scared of doing it right now???

Here is how your message can be interpreted

US is allowing india to support TTP and defeat Pak army and then go for the kill...All the drone attacks, financial aid is an eye-wash to cover up for the bigger game...not only that US is also able to pressure GOP for not doing anything about it and virtually forced Pak army to not go for a coup...

Man its honestly too much for me to take...
Afghan Mujhaideen took help from USA even though I am sure you know the reputation of US in muslim world. Simply put, if two entities' have similar goals, regardless of their differences, they tend to join forces.
Last time i heard CIA used ISI for this purpose..Secondly i know that enemy's enemy is a friend but this does not imply here as TTP is an enemy of India...It is like saying US joined hands with Russia to take off china..Now why TTP is anti-india read my previous post again and tell why you think what i have said is not correct rather than just saying TTP and India have joined hands against Pak with US not minding it at all...

It's very simple to understand what I said. The number of attacks being planned are extraordinary. ISI warns the government about many of them and as you can see several of them have been foiled in October and November so far. Catching them all is very tough if not impossible.

Its very simple to understand what i am saying as well..Doesn't matter how many plans are being made questions is how this situation arise and why are they able to hit pakistan at its will(almost every day and u r saying ISI is doing a good job..shame)...Thats what effective intelligence gathering is about...

CIA has a much lesser number to deal with so they can do it more effectively.
Are you kidding me...You have just one TTP to deal with..they have every fanatic to deal with.. Your presence is Just in pakitan there presence/interests are in the whole world...They are at war in Iraq..Afghanistan...anti-palestine...In short their reputation is pretty bad in Islamic world and every one wants to take on them and teach them a lesson

Lack of english clarity here. If I am getting you right, you're asking I think RAW is only good at spreading terrorism. Answer to that is it's the only thing RAW has effectively. Intelligence gathering is something they lack at.

Lack of english or lack of understanding...I was showing you the hypocritical attitude of yours...When you planely said in the last post RAW only job is to plant terrorist and on other hand you say Indians are the one's who are suffering from "My country is a saint and yours an evil" attitude...

Additionally, you guys are taking too much of my time here and I have more work to do on other things. So any reply wont be responded to until a few days.
Yeah sure..Please reply when you have time...Till then good luck..
She is wrong. We have all the proof. We will give it to the world when the time is right. Inshallah.
Hillary said in 2009, when she wanted to be Presidential candidate and she will say again something like this, because she is still wishing to contest up coming election.
Trying to gain popularity for the upcoming election. Lol.
She had always anti pak sentiment which is getting out even more history of clinton family is always pro india
I think by now even Hillary would have forgotten that when did she utter these words ... lolz
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