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No Pakistani selected at IPL auction!

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Mr VKurian You are talking as if These Pakistani players are planners and executers of 26/11.
Sports should not mixed with Politics...
If IPL doest want Pak players to be included in it then why there were asked to go through several procedures.
This was something so cheap
I get your point bro. But pray tell me how the exclusion of Pak players (even if we believe it was under GoI pressure) is going to help matters? If history between the two countries has taught us anything, it is that negativity hasn't really solved anything. If this has indeed happened under GoI pressure that its a step backwards on the road to peace.

This is why we are called softies and people across the border have illusions that one of them is equal to seven from our side. You can't talk peace with barbarians. They always see it as an act of weakness.

Vajpayee went to Lahore and poured his heart out within months we had Kargil. How many bright young officers of our Army were lost? What history are you talking about....tell me positives from the great history of last sixty years.

Infiltration in Kashmir, Fake currency, Bombings to destroy the business and tourist confidence in our country, Mumbai attack just a few to name. Now we have survived all this and prospered they want a piece of the cake. Many of us are bending to make it comfortable for them.

I am not asking for war but should politely show them the place they belong to in our scheme of things. It is high time we stop fearing their nuisance value.
Guys, any international match scheduled for Pakistan in the months of March and April. Franchisee people are saying about Availability issues, just to check whether is true or not
I am not insensitive to the victims of 26/11. Time will heal those wounds. I can imagine myself being one of the victims. In the end it all depends on all of us. Neither am I suggesting that we invite Pakistani players against the wishes of the general public nor am I suggesting to forgive or forget the 26/11 culprits. All I am saying is that not all Pakistani's are enemies and not inviting Pakistani players or artists does not help curb terrorism. May be we need more time - which is justifiable - but eventually things will be more normal like they were before 26/11.

Let's kill the disease not the sick. Let's stop Kasab's not Afridi's.

P.S. - I am not arguing against what you have to say. Its a choice we all have to make together.

I don't know if you want to be nominated for the Nobel peace prize.

This attitude of us Indians have got us where we are. Can you walk up to the relatives of innocent people who died and say forgive and forget. Will you do if one of your near and dear ones was a victim? How many times since last sixty years have we been at the receiving end.

Why are we so apologetic of Pakistani players not being selected or are we being outright hypocrites to get some brownie points. You want to pay their players money and they will give 10 percent of the same to LET and others to kill our innocent civilians.

In spite of the all the bravado in their comments all can see the pain and anguish of the members form the other side. There is no other solution to this we have to expose their evil design and isolate them on all world forums as this is the only justified and peaceful and nonviolent reaction to their animosity. I am happy that this government is doing it very well with good results.
Mr VKurian You are talking as if These Pakistani players are planners and executers of 26/11.
Sports should not mixed with Politics...
If IPL doest want Pak players to be included in it then why there were asked to go through several procedures.
This was something so cheap

Well Hari,

I too have Pakistani friends and on a personal level we are good friends I am talking of state policy.

I am only saying it takes two to tango and if terror is the declared state policy of a country towards another then it is better to accept it as it is and respond to it. If you have a problem then recognize it only then you will be able to treat it.
Mr VKurian

If they dont want to include Pak players in IPL then why they were shortlisted for Auctions, thats what i am asking.
these Hindustani's are really something else....anyways --it's not as if its a loss for Pakistan OR the players. It's indian who in the past were always begging for our players....they let politics mix with sport, shows who is the biggest loser here.

funny thing is, Australians are bashing the hell out of indians much more than any Pakistani has lately --yet they still place bid for mr ponting.

strange realities........but then again, dissecting and diagnosing saffron psyche and mentality can be an arduous task!
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Mr VKurian You are talking as if These Pakistani players are planners and executers of 26/11.
Sports should not mixed with Politics...
If IPL doest want Pak players to be included in it then why there were asked to go through several procedures.
This was something so cheap

Pakistani player when they play with india it is not played as sports. They bring entire nation and religion into it. IMO
Mr VKurian

If they dont want to include Pak players in IPL then why they were shortlisted for Auctions, thats what i am asking.

I don't think there was a stated policy not to include them it was more of a business and public sentiment decision by the franchisees.

A sensible one I must say.
Pakistani player when they play with india it is not played as sports. They bring entire nation and religion into it. IMO

I must say that is how it should be for Pakistan or any other country.The passion must be to do well for the country.

As Pakistan has a declared state religion so nothing wrong with that also.

Friends I am not on a hate Pakistan trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only to say one reaps as he sows.


Appears to be the GoI's doing.

Not necessarily all bad though - that is is seen as an insult is good in that it opens the eyes of yet more Pakistanis to the real nature of India.

Also remember the report prepared by the FICCI - these are the people that, when in Pakistan enjoy our hospitality, talk about trade, cultural and sports exchanges, and then bad mouth Pakistan after they leave.
I feel bad for the players in that they missed out on potential income, but most of them are established any way so its not like they'll end up as paupers.

Beyond that, Pakistanis continue to see the true face of India, and the anti-military bashers and peaceniks such as Nadeem F Paracha get discredited and egg on their face.

For all the bad mouth indian do about pakistann, u have been sending Ajmal Kasab and friends for 26/11 like terror attacks on cities, on our parliament building and Hijack of airliner to release captured terrorists in exchange and last but not the least provide sasfe haven to Dawood Ibrahim.When we demand action aganist these anti indian terroist elemements of pakistan ,they are ignored without hesitation.

After all this,I'm incrediblity amazed when i see indians protesting aganist non inclusion of Pakistani players in our domestic legue cricket .If u ask me,i would never want any pakistani player in B'lore royal challenge,as i would not be able to appreciate his performance in the prevailing situations between the two countries.

All these talks about Aman ,sport and cultural contacts are okay and ppl who wants to visit relative should be allowed ,but I dont see any reason why they should be encouraged as they looks stupid when we dont find reciprocation or change in the mindset of who wields power in pakistan.We cant have normal relationship with pakistan over the dead bodies of victims who died in pak sponsered terrror attack or bomb blast and continue to die ...
these hindoostanys are really something else....anyways --it's not as if its a loss for Pakistan OR the players. It's indian who in the past were always begging for our players....they let politics mix with sport, shows who is the biggest loser here.

funny thing is, Australians are bashing the hell out of indians much more than any Pakistani has lately --yet they still place bid for mr ponting.

strange realities........but then again, dissecting and diagnosing saffron psyche and mentality can be an arduous task!

As a Think Tank member, you could have done better.

Oversight no.1-these hindoostanys are really something else
If you have studied history in school you would know that 60 years ago your ancestors too were known as these Hindoostanys. So please tone down the rhetoric.

Oversight no. 2-it's indian who in the past were always begging for our players
Pray when did that happen? In fact if I remember correctly PCB was saved by bankruptcy by India's 2004-05 tour of Pakistan. So who needs whom? And lets not go far, a few months back PCB was even ready to play its home series against India in India. What would you call that? Desperate PCB keen to play ‘home’ series in India Daily Times - Leading News Resource of PakistanIndia

Oversight no. 3 -dissecting and diagnosing saffron psyche and mentality can be an arduous task
Painting the entire country as Saffron fundamentalists? Then you wouldn't be mad if some Indian calls all Pakistanis as Islamic Jihadis?
these Hindustanis are really something else....anyways --it's not as if its a loss for Pakistan OR the players. It's indian who in the past were always begging for our players....they let politics mix with sport, shows who is the biggest loser here.
funny thing is, Australians are bashing the hell out of indians much more than any Pakistani has lately --yet they still place bid for mr ponting.

strange realities........but then again, dissecting and diagnosing saffron psyche and mentality can be an arduous task!

Sir, u sound deeply hurt for not being included.
we Hindustanis certainly cherish moments like this.
these hindoostanys are really something else....anyways --it's not as if its a loss for Pakistan OR the players. It's indian who in the past were always begging for our players....they let politics mix with sport, shows who is the biggest loser here.

funny thing is, Australians are bashing the hell out of indians much more than any Pakistani has lately --yet they still place bid for mr ponting.

strange realities........but then again, dissecting and diagnosing saffron psyche and mentality can be an arduous task!

Dont give a pathetic religious colour to this discussion.

Better understand the Green psyche of your suicide bombers first.

Back to the topic, No point in comparing Australia and pakistan here. We dont have Australian mujhahidden bombing our places.
Indians do whatever, humiliate however. BUT YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT!!!

یا ایھا الذیں اٰمنو لا تتخذوالیھود والنصری اولیا من دون اللہ

Lest we always forget:hitwall:
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