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No Pakistan artists on Indian soil: MNS, Shiv Sena

This is a really a BS attitude from our political parties. Talent from all over the world should be invited irrespective of nationality.....Our movie industry needs to grow...Even I have a desire to see Pakistan director Shoaib Mansoor to come to India and direct one Bollywood movie. He is really a talented director..
Bravo! A Pakistani barks and you are first in line to pat it and go "good doggy"!!!

You know less that zilch about what the Shiv Sena means to Mumbaikars and what they have done for Mumbaikars.
Both of whom happen to be Indian btw. Hindu and Muslim.

Hey Doc, even I don't know what Shiv Sena means to Mubaikars and what they have done for Mumbaikars? :)
So enlighten me, fill me in on the details.
Hey Doc, even I don't know what Shiv Sena means to Mubaikars and what they have done for Mumbaikars? :)
So enlighten me, fill me in on the details.

Cant say about others, but for me personally those 48 (to be precise) Shiv sainiks who saved my friend's family from marauding mobs during 92 riots will always be heroes and I cant come to dislike them. Similar stories abound.
Cant say about others, but for me personally those 48 (to be precise) Shiv sainiks who saved my friend's family from marauding mobs during 92 riots will always be heroes and I cant come to dislike them. Similar stories abound.

Tell me some more stories.....:)
Cant say about others, but for me personally those 48 (to be precise) Shiv sainiks who saved my friend's family from marauding mobs during 92 riots will always be heroes and I cant come to dislike them. Similar stories abound.

Or for the thousands of Muslims from low lying areas worst affected during the great floods of 2005 who were saved, sheltered, and fed, often at great personal risk by Shiv Sainiks all over Mumbai.

Its a fashion to bash Shiv Sena and MNS, regardless of what they do.

Well my point is, give them the credit where its due. They are not foreigners or from another planet. They are ultra-nationalist and proud Indians like you and me.

I find it disgusting to find Indians bashing them when Pakistanis crib and whine (understandably so - they have never professed any love for Pakistan or Pakistanis and their stand on that is unambiguous and clear).
Tell me some more stories.....:)

Its always a story until it happens to one :)

I find it disgusting to find Indians bashing them when Pakistanis crib and whine (understandably so - they have never professed any love for Pakistan or Pakistanis and their stand on that is unambiguous and clear).

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