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No middlemen in Rafale jet deal, French President Hollande assures India

@Abingdonboy I just said Fast Investigation and More strict rules and Supervision so that this won't happen.

Timesnow told about this 11 months ago. Indian govt. didn't do anything. Italians then caught CEO of that firm.

Read some news, see the revelation by Ex AF Chief that He has met A Middlemen.

The defense ministry in New Delhi yesterday issued a notice giving AgustaWestland, the Anglo-Italian unit of Finmeccanica, seven days to explain why the Indian government shouldn’t terminate the agreement for 12 aircraft under a so-called integrity pact included in the deal.

Finmeccanica Chief Executive Officer Giuseppe Orsi was arrested Feb. 12 on accusations of corruption and tax fraud as authorities probe alleged illegal payments tied to the contract for the sale of 12 AW101 helicopters to India in 2010. The company has denied wrongdoing. Three of the craft have been delivered.

India Moves to Scrap Italy Helicopter Deal After Bribery Arrests - Bloomberg

Sorry, you guys hate Media too much and too much love for these 12 helicopters that you are now attacking me. Read the articles.
@KRAIT what you don't seem to understand is that the corruption in this deal is said to have taken place on the Italian side and it is only the Indian media that has jumped to the conclusion that there are Indian officials implicated by this matter. The entire nonsens has started as a result of an INTERNAL Italian investigation.

Yes TIMES NOW reported this back then but so what? There was nothing to say back than and nothing to say now- what can the GoI do when they've done nothing wrong? Believe me if if I thought the Goi had a case to answer in all this I'd be calling for this but the facts seem to point directly at the Italians and somehow the Indian media has gotten the Indian side mixed up in all this.

The media and you are letting personal predujices lead you to wrong conclusions. You seem to agree with the media who has already closed the book and decided the GoI is guilty.

What happened to due process?

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

The fact is that on the defence front it is nowhere near as easy for corrupt practices to take place these days and your assumption that there is prevelant corruption on the defence front is simply false.

Yes there will be isolated occurrences like in any nation but it is not the norm by any stretch if the imagination.

@KRAIT I think you are letting your own personal feelings about corruption as a whole and past corruption cases by the GoI lead you to unfair assumptions in this particular case.

You do realise that the Indian media is having a very real and very dangerous affect on the modernisation efforts of the Indian military and thus a very serious detrimental affect on the national security if your nation.
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12 helicopters is nothing but we can afford delay of 12 helis to give a Most Emphatic Example.

People are saying that let Kick Back continue and keep this deal going even if it is found guilty.

Today this company, tomorrow Being, Dassault, who knows.

Don't delay or scrap this deal but allow it to continue.

Chalta hai, India hai. :eenjoy:

Even i am in favor of deal.. Do the invi. Punished the culprit HARD. But don't dealy rafale.otherwise no.of sqdnt will fall like anything. You can scrap the deal of aw101 we are least intrested in vvip.
@arp2041 Investigation has been started after Political Pressure.

Swiss authorities to probe case-News-Exclusives-TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

Watch this.

8 nations across 3 continents - that's the reach of the Armsgate scandal. One of the crucial links is C Edmonds Allen. A U.S attorney & a middleman in one of AgustaWestland's chopper deals revealed exactly how easy it was for AgustaWestland to penetrate into Indian system and how the Intalian co even tried to influence the Home Ministry in another chopper deal.

Exposed: The New York link-News-Exclusives-TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

Allen guy told it.

@Abingdonboy Watch these. Guys, you are bashing media instead of reseraching about it.

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+ @KRAIT I think I speak for @arp2041 when is say neither he nor I have much love loss for the GoI or these AW-101 helos for the VVIPs in general. But the issue we have is we can see that these unfounded aegations have pose a very serious threat to other,more important, Indian defence deals. Tommorow the Indian media could conceivably turn their attentions to the MMRCA deal or the C-17s or the MiG-29Ks or the AARs or the next-gen assault rifles or the N-MRH etc etc

And then when we start going down this road it is a slippery path to the point where all major defence deals are under investigation of are on the verge of being scrapped purely based on baseless allegations. And the. You are left with a military whose modernisation momentum is gone at a time when India's neighbours are upgrading their military capabilities. And if there worst were to happen it would be these poor cr@ply equipped men who's be expected to fight with sub-standard and outdated equipment.

This is a very real threat. Look at the lasting damage the Bofors scandal has had- bit a SINGLE arty peice procured in over TWO DECADES!!
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NHR Versus: Much more than choppers - 2-The Newshour-TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos

Why was Agusta given 'clean chit'?-1-The Newshour-TIMESNOW.tv - Latest Breaking News, Big News Stories, News Videos
@Abingdonboy What should we do ? Let it happen ?

We SHOULD carry on the other deals and investigate this. Yaar its basic Administration.

Bofors wasn't used to make an example, that's why this case. It will happen again.

Why can't you see that if we don't make an Example, how they hell can we stop this ?

Just tell me one thing ? What you want ? Let it continue or investigate and then scrap the deal.
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Just read the description of these videos to see there is no balance or sense of fair play. The description proves these fools have already passed judgment without even bothering to wait until either the Italian or even Indian investigations are complete.

How can you trust a journalist who doesn't even indulge in the most basic of journalistic practices-BALANCE?!!
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Even i am in favor of deal.. Do the invi. Punished the culprit HARD. But don't dealy rafale.otherwise no.of sqdnt will fall like anything. You can scrap the deal of aw101 we are least intrested in vvip.
Bhai, that's what I am saying. Now French and Indian govt. will check this so that this doesn't happen in Rafale.

What if after we receive 18 Rafale and then we see an another revelations with proof, won't we have to take action ?

Just read the description of these videos to see there is no balance or sense of fair play. The description proves these fools have already passed judgment without even bothering to wait until either the Italian or even Indian investigations are complete.
How can you trust a journalist who doesn't even indulge in the most basic of journalistic practices-BALANCE?!!
They are asking who did the Inquiry ? What's the state of Inquiry ?

Leave the anchor's point, Just listen to Govt. representatives.

We didn't learn from Bofors, we won't learn now.

Think about future deals. Follow on orders.
@arp2041 Do you believe in Subhramaniam Swamy ?
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@arp2041 Do you believe in Subhramaniam Swamy ?

I only believe in myself, i listen to both sides of the stories & than make up my mind with Rational arguments, seeing just one side of the story & becoming one in all i.e. Judge, Jury & Executioner all in one is pure BS.
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I only believe in myself, i listen to both sides of the stories & than make up my mind with Rational arguments, seeing just one side of the story & becoming one in all i.e. Judge, Jury & Executioner all in one is pure BS.

Then don't pass judgement on me like I am like typical TRP media .because you are doing the same. Gave your verdict and if I say otherwise you make comparisons of me and Media. :lol:

Be rational, and most importantly Unbias. Over and Out. :D
Antony is a stupid and selfish mother F--ker. He doesn't give two hoots about anything but protecting his own "clean" image even if it comes at the detriment of the Indian military. It has been shown again and again that Antony has to do is exercise his discretion but no, he would rather be considered a "saint" than a saviour to the military. Just look at the LUH fiasco- all Antony had to do was act with some b@lls and take a decision but instead he deferred and deferred and let others make the call for him.

When, not IF, a IA or IAF Cheetak or Cheetah next crashes and kills Indian servicemen will we see this same media outrage?!! Will we f**k. People are going to die because of Antony's selfishness and will be be held accountable? Will he be prosecuted for manslaughter?

This man is not serving his nation he is serving himself.

Why doesn't the opposition pick up on this?

The article clearly states Antony is acting on his own authority without discussing the ramifications of his decisions with anyone who knows what they are talking about.The article points out that no thought has been given to what will now happen to the existing AW-101s that are now in service and are not fit for purpose as the fact that only 1/4 are in service means the operational capabilities of the entire SQD are compromised. No thought has been given to spares- this is somthing that will be highlighted in future CAG reports no doubt. And no thought has been given to what replacement will now be sought out as the IAF still has a requirement for 8 more helos.

So if the PM of India or president are killed in a air crash flying on one of the aged and decrepit Mi-8/17 will Antony be tried for his hand in killing them?

What kind if MORONIC IDIOT acts in this manner without formal probes HE HAS ORDERED even come back with a verdict?

Antony is making India look like a complete joke where due process is irrelevant to the powers that be.

When the truth comes out that the AW-101 deal was clean on the Indian side what will Antony do then? Will the helos be delivered as normal?

Mark my words Indian tax payers are going to end up paying heavily for Antony's rashness borne out of his selfishness.
You will now hear a lot of cacophony ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. The fact, however, remains that Finmeccanica, a publicly-listed company, is now in the docks & there’s no way the European Union or the EU Parliament will let go of this scandal. Unlike the Bofors & HDW scandals, this time the truth will come out in the following 30 to 90 days since it not only involves the national prestige of Italy, but also of the UK. In the end, therefore, Finmeccanica will most likely have to fork out a sizeable sum of money as liquidated damages & pay back the Govt of India & it will be pressurised to do so by the Govts of both Italy & the UK. This is then likely to lead to a substantial easing of the domestic political pressure that the present-day Govt of India is now facing, & will probably lead to the remaining nine AW-101s being delivered later this year. So far, the MoD has made the right moves in terms of issuing a show-cause notice to AgustaWestland, meaning if no credible answer is forthcoming, then & only then will the contract be abrogated after the next six days, & the MoD will then be legally entitled to claim ownership of the earnest money & encash the bank guarantee that Agusta Westland was reqd to deposit with the MoD at the time of contract signature. I personally believe that the contract should not be cancelled & instead financial damages should be sought through legal means. This is exactly what Taiwan had done when a major scandal had broken out more than a decade ago regarding its acquisition of six La Fayette FFGs from DCNS & THALES. Taiwan did not cancel this contract nor did it surrender its ownership of the FFGs. Instead, it sued THALES & ultimately in a case filed with the International Court of Arbitration, Taiwan won the case & THALES had to pay back US$950 million to Taiwan as damages. Now that is what is known as a win-win solution.
The ‘desi’ mass-media is still missing the woods for the tress. While the headless chicken at TIMES NOW are trying in vain to link Abhishek Verma with the AW-2101 deal, HEADLINES TODAY has already proclaimed former CAS of IAF, ACM S P Tyagi, as guilty without any credible evidence. As the 64-page investigation documentation from Italy clearly reveals, Abhishek Verma was involved in a totally different deal involving the future sale of eight A-109Ps for the Delhi State Govt. Similarly, what is true is that some Indian State Govts (like those of Rajasthan, J & K & Andhra Pradesh) that had bought AW-139 executive transport helicopters from AgustaWestland were actually fleeced by these Switzerland-based Italian middlemen. Nor can anyone fathom exactly how & why HEADLINES TODAY is trying to link the AW-101 scandal with the upcoming firing trials in Nyoma, Ladakh, of the various contenders that are bidding for supplying VSHORADS/MANPADS for the three armed services. All in all, therefore, these ‘desi’ journalists are one helluva confused species whose arses need to be hauled to the courts & be sued for defamation.

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