theres a huge difference between you and us. Yes us living in the country --some of us have first-hand seen or heard the blasts....seen the car parts, broken glass and debris on the street, etc. Seen the scenes on TV constantly.
But you see, we know that life must goes on. Whatever happens, happens. It is God's will. Everything happens for a reason. Our country is facing a challenging period, a truly patience-testing period. But we know that things cant get worse, they have to get bad before they get better. And things will get better when there is leadership.
Doesnt mean our lives come to a standstill and we cant be human. Pakistanis are a very resolute and strong people I think. We dont let setbacks play with our emotions or affect our thinking the way it does to you indians.
blast goes off and people still go about their daily lives as if nothing happened. That isnt to say that a lot of lives have not been touched or affected. But neither you, nor other ill-wishers of Pakistan would care or need to know.