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No hurdle in resuming defence ties with India: Says China

“The last time the Chinese came, they stayed a thousand years. The French are foreigners. They are weak. Colonialism is dying. The white man is finished in Asia. But if the Chinese stay now, they will never go. As for me, I prefer to sniff French for five years than to eat Chinese for the rest of my life.”—Hồ Chí Minh, 1946

Amazing to see what a visionary like Ho Chi thought and felt about the Chinese...
One question that I had in my mind was 'Why didn't China hold on to AP in 1962? Why did they go back?' They could have held on to to AP and parts they claimed. Anyone? I would love to hear facts and not mere assumptions.

The reason is very simple, logistics. China's lines of communication had become too long and tortuous. By the time, they crossed the Se la pass and reached Bomdilla, the lines of communication had become totally untenable and there was no option but to withdraw. The road and rail communications in Tibet were not what they are today, The Chinese Army could not sustain their forward elements any longer. With all the improvements in Tibet post 1962, the situation is different today.
“The last time the Chinese came, they stayed a thousand years. The French are foreigners. They are weak. Colonialism is dying. The white man is finished in Asia. But if the Chinese stay now, they will never go. As for me, I prefer to sniff French for five years than to eat Chinese for the rest of my life.”—Hồ Chí Minh, 1946

Amazing to see what a visionary like Ho Chi thought and felt about the Chinese...

We are your "boogeyman". :D

Every time you guys need a little bit of extra national unity, or a reason to increase defence spending, it is always either the "Evil Chinese" or the "Pakistan Army".

China could attack India by 2012 - NDTV.com

Indian Army fears attack from China by 2017 - Hindustan Times
“The last time the Chinese came, they stayed a thousand years. The French are foreigners. They are weak. Colonialism is dying. The white man is finished in Asia. But if the Chinese stay now, they will never go. As for me, I prefer to sniff French for five years than to eat Chinese for the rest of my life.”—Hồ Chí Minh, 1946

Amazing to see what a visionary like Ho Chi thought and felt about the Chinese...

Yup, Vietnam was a Chinese colony in ancient times.
The reason is very simple, logistics. China's lines of communication had become too long and tortuous. By the time, they crossed the Se la pass and reached Bomdilla, the lines of communication had become totally untenable and there was no option but to withdraw. The road and rail communications in Tibet were not what they are today, The Chinese Army could not sustain their forward elements any longer. With all the improvements in Tibet post 1962, the situation is different today.

Ummm..yeah! This seems to be the most logical answer. On topic, I still believe that the Chinese have no intention of fighting. They are using Pakistan as a leverage to keep India on its toes. The COMPETITION as we call, is fierce. One has to edge the other. In the eastern sector, the Chinese are maintaining pressure by bringing in the border issue. Just my opinion though! :undecided:
You should able to figure it out your answer from this cartoon picture.
India had the support of the two sole superpower at that time.

You are also confused. On one side talking about superpower supports and other side China attacking India!!! Neither US nor USSR helped or supported India. If they were than China couldn't back stab. The same China is doing as of now. First staple visa, face some strong word and backtracks. lol
You are also confused. On one side talking about superpower supports and other side China attacking India!!! Neither US nor USSR helped or supported India. If they were than China couldn't back stab. The same China is doing as of now. First staple visa, face some strong word and backtracks. lol

The Sino-Indian relationship broke down in 1959, not in 1962. The backstabbing came from your side first. :azn:
Ummm..yeah! This seems to be the most logical answer. On topic, I still believe that the Chinese have no intention of fighting. They are using Pakistan as a leverage to keep India on its toes. The COMPETITION as we call, is fierce. One has to edge the other. In the eastern sector, the Chinese are maintaining pressure by bringing in the border issue. Just my opinion though! :undecided:

Precisely my opinion too. (#7)
The Sino-Indian relationship broke down in 1959, not in 1962. The backstabbing came from your side first. :azn:

Thats because China's sudden claims on Indian territory. Its been discussed that there were no war situation like China attacking India at that time. That was back stabbing.
We are your "boogeyman". :D

Every time you guys need a little bit of extra national unity, or a reason to increase defence spending, it is always either the "Evil Chinese" or the "Pakistan Army".

China could attack India by 2012 - NDTV.com

Indian Army fears attack from China by 2017 - Hindustan Times

HAHA ....the same way you justify yours with the big, bad USA
Its amazing though he really admired China though, but just wanted his country to be free and independent.....I think what China missed......it would've had a stronger relationship if it courted Ho Chi wholeheartedly.....But times have changed and relations have moved forward....good for you guys.....I want the same for us..
......but we wil be prepared to fight to the death "MORTAL COMBAT"........(the last line was only for humor lol)
Precisely my opinion too. (#7)

Oh yeah, missed that!

On a lighter note:

India doesn't need defence ties. India needs more of table tennis and badminton ties!

On topic, Defence ties aint necessary at the moment. But people to people contact can be a welcome move. :)
Thats because China's sudden claims on Indian territory. Its been discussed that there were no war situation like China attacking India at that time. That was back stabbing.


In 1959, India hosted our largest separatist group (Tibetan government in exile), immediately after they failed to violently overthrow the Chinese government.

This was DESPITE Nehru's red-faced lies of "Hindi Chini bhai bhai", which was a phrase that he invented, not us. So yes, that was the first backstabbing. Before 1959, there were no serious problems in Sino-Indian relations.
HAHA ....the same way you justify yours with the big, bad USA
Its amazing though he really admired China though, but just wanted his country to be free and independent.....I think what China missed......it would've had a stronger relationship if it courted Ho Chi wholeheartedly.....But times have changed and relations have moved forward....good for you guys.....I want the same for us..
......but we wil be prepared to fight to the death "MORTAL COMBAT"........(the last line was only for humor lol)

LOL I think we both know that China and India will remain geostrategic rivals.

There are not enough resources on Earth for all the developing countries to become developed.

Sad but true. In an ideal world, all the poor people would have the same living standard as the Japanese or the Americans, but its not going to happen.

In 1959, India hosted our largest separatist group (Tibetan government in exile), immediately after they failed to violently overthrow the Chinese government.

This was DESPITE Nehru's red-faced lies of "Hindi Chini bhai bhai", which was a phrase that he invented, not us. So yes, that was the first backstabbing. Before 1959, there were no serious problems in Sino-Indian relations.

When Nehru agreed to so called 'one China' policy and take initiative to have friendly ties with China sheltering Tibetans for humanitarian issues should not taken as war. If they were not sheltered Mao must have killed them all.

What happened in 1962 as you are saying there were already war like situation? here it goes.....

"Border disputes resulted in a short border war between the People's Republic of China and India in 20 October 1962. The PRC pushed the unprepared and inadequately led Indian forces to within forty-eight kilometres of the Assam plains in the northeast and occupied strategic points in Ladakh, until the PRC declared a unilateral cease-fire on 21 November and withdrew twenty kilometers behind its contended line of control."

Its like France suddenly attacking Germany tomorrow and after few days declaring ceasefire!!!! :tdown:
LOL I think we both know that China and India will remain geostrategic rivals.

There are not enough resources on Earth for all the developing countries to become developed.

Sad but true. In an ideal world, all the poor people would have the same living standard as the Japanese or the Americans, but its not going to happen.

I agree with the resources, but that's where our brilliant Asian minds need to come together ....we need to really start the colonization of space....and start mining the Moon or Mars for resources..

On a different note.....Chief of the General Staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, Liang Guanglie....do any of you know this guy? I met this guy when I was in Bangalore back in 1999, I think . I was trying to get some more background info....
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