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No evidence of China supporting Maoists: Chidambaram

India did righ things.. it was chinese greed for land... first tibet then casting eyes on indian areas... (akshai chin and AP... )

naturally tensions were to rise, and then the chinese here on this forum conveniently forget about this part of chinese act and blame India... and also what they did is,

used stupid reasons for waging ful scale war against India... why dont u do so now again when India cleared funding for AP water projects..?? coz now the chinese know India is prepared, and at that time India was not.

The core reason for all the conflicts post 1950 is Chinese greed for land... which became eveident slowly and slowly....

i firlymy beleive India has made a grave mistake by agreeing to Tibet as part of CHina...when China has kept issues even on Indian territories..!!!!

India should have kept that as part of negotiations....India always accepts easliy others territory whereas others forget about wht they get and then start making issues about more other lands soon that are Indian...:angry:

With "IR specialists" like yourself as citizens, it not surprising that India has yet to gather the political will to resolve the issue.
Naivety? Bad planning? It is plain that Nehru was a amateur in the global stage. He acted petulantly and childishly. This is no reflection on the India people but he bungled it badly.

What he essentially did was publish a new map with all disputed Territories as India, sent troops to occupy those regions, and peevishly refused to talk about it hoping that China would just let it go.

This is not the way to settle dispute, this is what a child does when throwing a tantrum.

Can you provide some proof/evidence (unbiased, if possible) to support your statements?
Can you provide some proof/evidence (unbiased, if possible) to support your statements?

Yep. Neville Maxwell presents some of the same arguments in during a public debate with British Indian professor Dibyesh Anand at the Australian National University's Asia Pacific center. The debate is interesting and worth a listen.


The topic was Renewed Tension on the India/China Border: Who's to Blame?

Neville Maxwell was a BBC journalist who cover India from the 50's to the 70's and He was the only westerner to be allowed to view still classified Henderson Brooks–Bhagat Report

Henderson Brooks?Bhagat Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yep. Neville Maxwell presents some of the same arguments in during a public debate with British Indian professor Dibyesh Anand at the Australian National University's Asia Pacific center. The debate is interesting and worth a listen.


The topic was Renewed Tension on the India/China Border: Who's to Blame?

Neville Maxwell was a BBC journalist who cover India from the 50's to the 70's and He was the only westerner to be allowed to view still classified Henderson Brooks–Bhagat Report

Henderson Brooks?Bhagat Report - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

crap.. garbage. The whole of Tibet doesnt belong to you. thats a fact everyone knows in this world...?? do i need to say more.. when even Tibet is not yours how come areas further be yours..:hitwall:
With "IR specialists" like yourself as citizens, it not surprising that India has yet to gather the political will to resolve the issue.

I would say ur China has been unable to resolve the issue. U need to accept whats not urs is not. Its chinese greed for land.
u have already illegally overtaken a freee country Tibet.
crap.. garbage. The whole of Tibet doesnt belong to you. thats a fact everyone knows in this world...?? do i need to say more.. when even Tibet is not yours how come areas further be yours..:hitwall:

You are very confused! The whole world recognize Tibet as part of China.

Ask GOI and they will reply you formally.
You are very confused! The whole world recognize Tibet as part of China.

Ask GOI and they will reply you formally.

thats a mistake of GOI. But that doesnt mean it belongs to you. It was never yours. U know it.

but the greed is ever increasing.:hitwall:
thats a mistake of GOI. But that doesnt mean it belongs to you. It was never yours. U know it.

but the greed is ever increasing.:hitwall:

The people in the GOI should know what they are doing. After all they are running your country are they not?
Reading Rahul Indian's past post and you guys should know well enough to disregard anything that farts out of his brain.
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It is probably a good idea to disregard Rahul Indian. Chinese and Indian members are expected to disagree on a lot of issues, but we should at least be prepared to make our points across with logic and coherent argument. He certainly appears to be incapable of any of that.
It is probably a good idea to disregard Rahul Indian. Chinese and Indian members are expected to disagree on a lot of issues, but we should at least be prepared to make our points across with logic and coherent argument. He certainly appears to be incapable of any of that.

This is his stance on this subject so spare him with that respecting his POV.

What actually problem was that Chinese government never respected any lines suggested by Britishers and which they even dont trust today. This is the main reason Mao Zedong has had so much of Border related war. During 1962 war, The problem arise when China didnot accept and respected the line as suggested by China (Same which they did during Tibet accession). They build the road and advances to the our current boundary. Remember according to theory of Mao, even half of Laddakh is still part of China. When our army advances to go to those areas identified as Indian border as per constitution then Mao took it as India's aggression and started full fledged war while We were not ready for the same as we had very good diplomatic relatios. This is the reason we call it as backstabbing as this matter could be very well handed diplomatically.
im sorry but i /chinese hv a totally different story about that
india is well prepared for this war according this chinese source

Sorry buddy I dont know Chinese hence I cant read the same. May be you can present some important excerpts in English. The problem is historians always present history as per nationality and we are part of the same school of thought start believing on the same. Do you really believe even in 1962 if we were so well prepared we lost it so badly? We dont had any external intelligence agency, Mountain training or gears to fight that time. Which all happened after this war.
Neither the Republic of China nor the People's Republic of China accepted the British line. Why should the Brits have any rights on this matter anyway? China has always been going by the historic border established since the 1600s (if not earlier). Slowly advancing the Indian Army is indeed an act of aggression. You don't send troops into areas claimed by others. As for India not prepared for a war, that's simply incompetence rather than loving peace. If Nehru wanted peace he would have followed only diplomatic routes without advancing the army (a.k.a the forward policy). As for Tibet, it was claimed by both Tsing Dynasty and Republic of China, and no one disputed back then so it should never be an issue.

This is his stance on this subject so spare him with that respecting his POV.

What actually problem was that Chinese government never respected any lines suggested by Britishers and which they even dont trust today. This is the main reason Mao Zedong has had so much of Border related war. During 1962 war, The problem arise when China didnot accept and respected the line as suggested by China (Same which they did during Tibet accession). They build the road and advances to the our current boundary. Remember according to theory of Mao, even half of Laddakh is still part of China. When our army advances to go to those areas identified as Indian border as per constitution then Mao took it as India's aggression and started full fledged war while We were not ready for the same as we had very good diplomatic relatios. This is the reason we call it as backstabbing as this matter could be very well handed diplomatically.
Neither the Republic of China nor the People's Republic of China accepted the British line. Why should the Brits have any rights on this matter anyway? China has always been going by the historic border established since the 1600s (if not earlier). Slowly advancing the Indian Army is indeed an act of aggression. You don't send troops into areas claimed by others. As for India not prepared for a war, that's simply incompetence rather than loving peace. If Nehru wanted peace he would have followed only diplomatic routes without advancing the army (a.k.a the forward policy). As for Tibet, it was claimed by both Tsing Dynasty and Republic of China, and no one disputed back then so it should never be an issue.

You are absolute right No one has right to accept lines provided by Brits and started fighting to grab the lands from history whenever they were in advantage.. Do you want me and other to follw the same line and new world war to take place in the world? As according to map I have some 600 years BCE Maurya/Gupta empire was spread from Iran till Java. We should also go and attack all of them for my belief?

If we dont send any army just that understanding you as friendly neighbour then you build roads there and start accepting as defacto line and when we send our troops to examine the current situation then it is "Forward Policy". Isn't it hypocrisy??
This is his stance on this subject so spare him with that respecting his POV.

What actually problem was that Chinese government never respected any lines suggested by Britishers and which they even dont trust today.

Yep we don't like MacMahon Line as it is drawn to expand British India but we are willing to accept it as a fact of life.

This is the main reason Mao Zedong has had so much of Border related war.

China settled its borders with 6 out 8 of its neighbours right after independence through diplomacy and after China settled its borders with Russia peacefully through negotiation in the 1990's. India remains the only country left who refuse to talk about the land border.

During 1962 war, The problem arise when China didnot accept and respected the line as suggested by China (Same which they did during Tibet accession).

China didn't accept the line suggested by China?

Remember according to theory of Mao, even half of Laddakh is still part of China.


When our army advances to go to those areas identified as Indian border as per constitution then Mao took it as India's aggression and started full fledged war while We were not ready for the same as we had very good diplomatic relatios.


"By 1958, Beijing was urgently calling for a standstill agreement to prevent patrol clashes and negotiations to agree on boundary alignments. India refused any standstill agreement, since it would be an impediment to intended advances and insisted that there was nothing to negotiate, the Sino-Indian borders being already settled on the alignments claimed by India, through blind historical process. Then it began accusing China of committing 'aggression' by refusing to surrender to Indian claims."

From 1961, the Indian attempt to establish an armed presence in all the territory it claimed and then extrude the Chinese was being exerted by the Army and Beijing was warning that if India did not desist from its expansionist thrust, the Chinese forces would have to hit back. On October 12, 1962, Nehru proclaimed India's intention to drive the Chinese out of areas India claimed. That bravado had by then been forced upon him by public expectations which his charges of 'Chinese aggression' had aroused, but Beijing took it as in effect a declaration of war. The unfortunate Indian troops on the frontline, under orders to sweep superior Chinese forces out of their impregnable, dominating positions, instantly appreciated the implications: 'If Nehru had declared his intention to attack, then the Chinese were not going to wait to be attacked.'

Some stab in the back... you can't be surprised by a fight when you start screaming "I'm going to kick your ***!" What was China suppose to do, run away from an inferior opponent?

This is the reason we call it as backstabbing as this matter could be very well handed diplomatically.

It was Nehru that refused to talk. China will settle the border anytime and promptly when politicians in India can gather enough support to come to the negotiating table. However in order to do that they need to have the courage to tell its people the truth about the war.
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