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No country for brave men

Come to the point. We are not talking about Zardari here. Taseer is the subject. You may rejoice later when you have killed Zardari as well.
So Taseer is the 'Be-Ghairat' then? If so, why go in round about ways?

Also, what do you say about these two questions:
1) Was the murder of Taseer an act of terrorism to be condemned?
2) Is the assassin a blood-crazed fanatic or not?

I answer 'yes' to both.


What I am trying to highlight is that fact that Taseer is not a brave man, not even a gentleman leave alone stature.

I am trying to highlight, that whilst mourning the terrorists we end up over glorifying some one which is incorrect.

If not for the guard, Taseer deserved stick, one way or another.

Kindly do not degrade the state of Pakistan by equating people like him to the brave men we have known and honored in history.

Lastly, it really didn't matter what your answer was to any of the questions, anyway reassurance , yeah i think that monkey guard should be hanged.
Since our Pakistani member @Salman here seem to call others a 'Be-Ghairat', which in Urdu is a really nasty word for 'Without Honor', I want the world to know a brief account of two leaders, two funerals, and two elections.
Here it is:
In April 1979 PPP's founder Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was hanged as result of a 'judicial murder' by General Zia ul Haq (whose avatar graces Salman's account here); it was a judicial murder and one of the presiding judges (Nasim Shah) many years later admitted that.
Bhutto was hanged in the early hours of a rainy morning. It was Martial Law. A brutal one too. As one of the videos above (the Faiz one) will show you that it was not un-common to publicly flog and hang 'criminals' which included even lawyers and journalists. But the military dictator was so insecure that Bhutto's body was flown early morning and hurriedly buried in a simple grave, attended by a handful of people.
That was in 1979. Darkness of Zia's rule was about two years old already.
Fast forward to 1988.
Zia dies up in the air in an accident or act of sabotage. Zia is the president of Pakistan. His political heirs (Nawaz Sharif, M.K.Junejo, Ishaq Khan etc) decided to get some political mileage out of a grand State funeral. Against Islamic customs, Zia's body is not buried within two sunsets. It was more important to look toward some political gain via the funeral. Zia had the grandest of all funerals in Pakistan's history. All kinds of state machinery and electronic media were used to portray Zia as the 'Shaheed' of Pakistan.
Boy, there was at least half a million people there. I watched on live tv. I was impressed but only as one would be impressed by the discipline of some Nazi rally.
Compare so far with what Bhutto got.
So far. Two leaders, two funerals.
Now the final comparison: Two elections.
Fast forward again to 2008.
The general elections. Zia's son could not even win in his home constituency despite being part of the Musharraf regime as a cabinet member. He was beaten by Bhutto's PPP members.
Today, PPP rules from Sindh to Gilgit-Baltistan. Where is Zia's son? May be waiting for another military coup.

So, my friends, this is a tale of two leaders, two funerals, and two elections. In a space of three decades history has slapped Zia and his ideologically with a full blast through the hand of the Pakistani people.

And today, those who call Taseer as 'Be-Ghairat', pay attention to what is coming their way. Taseer was pinned to the ground for six months by Zia and tortured. Zia and his followers--which include this maniac Mumtaz Qadri-- have it coming. Yet again.

Pakistan Zindabad!

Tch Tch Tch .....

such sorry remarks,
I thought there could be logical debate, I was wrong.

I can not even begin listing the logical and historical mistakes in this emotional self lamenting outburst.

Lets let it be this way.
Care to clarify the 'logical' and 'historical' mistakes?
Oh, leave at that, as you said.

What I am trying to highlight is that fact that Taseer is not a brave man, not even a gentleman leave alone stature.

I am trying to highlight, that whilst mourning the terrorists we end up over glorifying some one which is incorrect.

If not for the guard, Taseer deserved stick, one way or another.

Kindly do not degrade the state of Pakistan by equating people like him to the brave men we have known and honored in history.

Lastly, it really didn't matter what your answer was to any of the questions, anyway reassurance , yeah i think that monkey guard should be hanged.

You are right Taseer was not a brave man. Real brave man was the man who is in your avator.

1983 during the MRD movement when in Dadu rest house in which he was staying was surrounded by the “anti state” protestors he peed in his military uniform. The then defense minister who was also a Sindhi used was an eye-witness to this “accident” of bravery of Amer-ul-momineen Hazart Muhammad Gen Zia-e-Haq. What a brave man he was hats off for him.

You are right when these types of person become a gauge for standards of bravery, Taseer is no match.

By the way I was to tell one more thing when these “brave men” were hand in hand with religious thugs, Taseer was going through a brutal torture during solitary confinement in Lahore fort.
What a coward was Taseer, he did not have courage to compromise with mafia
Taseer wasnt brave........ he never thought wat would happen to him.

His statement was politically correct but misunderstood.........

P.S=Qadri is another nut job.

Learn to love, that is the way of our great prophet, hatred is against the essence of Islam.
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Well it looks like the level of stupidity in Pakistan cannot get any lower.
There is actually a whole website dedicated to Mumtaz Qadri out there. I won't post the link because I know it's a terrorist website but if you type in Mumtaz Qadri you'll see it. Is there any way to report this website for cyber crime?
Brave people of Lahore. Imagine the kind of threat-perception they had to go through to stage even a minor Candle Light Vigil. This is not Karachi where MQM will put the fundos through hell. This is Lahore, where the ruling PMLN hardly moved a muscle or uttered a word against extremism.
Amongst the participants, I think there is Asma Jehangir and a lady Pakistani television actress toward the end--I don't remember her name anymore.

Bless these people and their courage!

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No dude he never said that. in fact he said that the one who commits such a crime should be punished but the current method of convicting a person of Blasphemy should be revised (he gave an example that currently two people and a Mullah can go to an SHO and convict anyone).

he clearly showed his discomfort when he was referring to Nawaz Sharif era or 90-93 in which death was made obligatory
he clearly showed his discomfort when he was referring to Nawaz Sharif era or 90-93 in which death was made obligatory

Yes but that was merely reiterating his point that the law is being misused. Death panelty for someone who has not comitted a crime is more unfair. While someone who is actually convicted should be hanged, the process of conviction should be amended and if proven wrong, the one who puts the blame should be hanged instead.
I also wished for good audio quality. Honestly I liked Baelvis bit more just because of their love for Sufis.

But not any more. No sufi has preached hate. I wish I could type the whole “saga” between Deobandis and Barelvis which happened a year ago. Both logged 295 C FIRs against each other but after a while after compromise they took back “claims” of 295C or I would say they compromised on Blasphemy. Here this incident is mentioned by one participant.

So what this basically means is that either the "compromised" on blasphmey meaning they accepted it or otherwise they made it up. Both of these crimes are punishable by death, why are they still alive? Why isn't their any other "Ba-Gairat" Qadri who cannot send them on their way to hell?
Yes but that was merely reiterating his point that the law is being misused. Death panelty for someone who has not comitted a crime is more unfair. While someone who is actually convicted should be hanged, the process of conviction should be amended and if proven wrong, the one who puts the blame should be hanged instead.

tell me is this the only way an innocent person is sentenced to death in Pakistan??? There are many more laws which are misused and the reason is corrupt Judges !!!!
tell me is this the only way an innocent person is sentenced to death in Pakistan??? There are many more laws which are misused and the reason is corrupt Judges !!!!

So you mean the justification for not righting something that is wrong is that because everything else is wrong. This is like saying that because we know everyone is damaging Pakistan i should too. This is a separate debate but at least you have agreed that the law needs to be amended.
So you mean the justification for not righting something that is wrong is that because everything else is wrong. This is like saying that because we know everyone is damaging Pakistan i should too. This is a separate debate but at least you have agreed that the law needs to be amended.

what i mean is that corruption should be checked. Laws to be amended? As far as death penalty is concerned no! As far as eye witness and other things yes! but not just for blasphemy but also for other. Because they are misused too

and i dont know what i was was trying to justify, i was just highlighting the corruption!
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