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No automatic visa for Modi as PM : US

The twisting of words is quite visible in the statement - they say he will be qualified for A1 visa but then he need to apply for it like everyone else. The whole twisting of statements is of course confusing. What do they expect Modi to do? apply for the visa and wait for an approval - why would he do that? assuming that it would not go down well if it is not approved.

There is no twisting of words. If there is a twisting at all it is by TOI, they twisted a generic statement describing the visa procedure for foreign officials and made it sound like it was about Modi.
I think NaMo should make his first visits in country like China, Russia, Iran 8-)
I guess nobody is reading the news carefully.

NOBODY is granted an automatic US visa without application. NOONE.

All heads of state are eligible for a special category visa and Modi will also be.

The heading is stupid - No automatic VISA for Modi. OF course TOI morons, there is NO AUTOMATIC VISA FOR ANYONE, NOT FOR MODI AND NOT FOR RAHULBABA!!!!!

Gullible folks I tell ya!
First of all Modi isn't the PM yet. Secondly, clearly she was talking about the general procedure. She was asked a question in the daily press briefing I assume and she told the reporter the general visa procedure for foreign govt officials. What else could she have said?

agree . but whatever she has said has not helped her cause

at the time when US is trying to get better of baggage of its past decisions ..statements such as this which can be twisted ...can work against them .

she should have kept her mouth shut ...

Some of the state department spokesperson are arrogant and dumb at the same time ...
agree . but whatever she has said has not helped her cause

at the time when US is trying to get better of baggage of its past decisions ..statements such as this which can be twisted ...can work against them .

she should have kept her mouth shut ...

Some of the state department spokesperson are arrogant and dumb at the same time ...

She said absolutely what she should have said. The daily press briefing of the state department is for answering questions and not for keeping the mouth shut. She was obviously asked about Modi and she told the reporter what she could have said at that point, which is the general visa procedure for ANY foreign govt official.
I guess nobody is reading the news carefully.

NOBODY is granted an automatic US visa without application. NOONE.

All heads of state are eligible for a special category visa and Modi will also be.

The heading is stupid - No automatic VISA for Modi. OF course TOI morons, there is NO AUTOMATIC VISA FOR ANYONE, NOT FOR MODI AND NOT FOR RAHULBABA!!!!!

well if US invites Narendra Modi for state visit ( in case he becomes PM ) ...will they expect him to apply for visa ...or they will give visa with invitation ?

and if he gets visa with invitation ...doesn't that mean that it was not he who asked for visa but rather US which extended visa and invitation ???
well if US invites Narendra Modi for state visit ( in case he becomes PM ) ...will they expect him to apply for visa ...or they will give visa with invitation ?

and if he gets visa with invitation ...doesn't that mean that it was not he who asked for visa but rather US which extended visa and invitation ???

There is no such thing as "visa invitation". If the US govt invite him to the US obviously there will be no question about not granting the visa but he would still have to apply for the A1 visa. Everyone does.
She said absolutely what she should have said. The daily press briefing of the state department is for answering questions and not for keeping the mouth shut. She was obviously asked about Modi and she told the reporter what she could have said at that point, which is the general visa procedure for ANY foreign govt official.

Don't tell me . so many times they refuse to answer questions when they don't want to ....

They are not that stupid to answer all the contentious issues about which they are asked questions from all and sundry !

Her statement has not helped US administration ..rather has added to confusion ...

She should have rather kept her mouth shut and let diplomats do their job of mending ties ...
In any case the head of states qualify for the A1 visa automatically regardless of the purpose of his visit, so there will be no such issue at all.

Don't tell me . so many times they refuse to answer questions when they don't want to ....

They are not that stupid to answer all the contentious issues about which they are asked questions from all and sundry !

Her statement has not helped US administration ..rather has added to confusion ...

She should have rather kept her mouth shut and let diplomats do their job of mending ties ...

In this case, had she refused to answer at all it would look even worse. Don't you think? She did the right thing by stating the general visa procedure instead of being specific about someone who isn't even the PM yet.
There is no such thing as "visa invitation". If the US govt invite him to the US obviously there will be no question about not granting the visa but he would still have to apply for the A1 visa. Everyone does.

Exactly .
So now you agree that applying to via is just formal procedure ...

so now US has taken this argument to technical level.

they are very smart in finding escape ways via technical means.

having had to invite person whom they refused visa for 10 years ...is a big slap on their face .

That's it ..they may not accept that ...but it is .

In any case the head of states qualify for the A1 visa automatically regardless of the purpose of his visit, so there will be no such issue at all.

In this case, had she refused to answer at all it would look even worse. Don't you think?

so now you agree that as head of state they will qualify for visa automatically ...

Don't you think the state department spokeperson could have worded her response ..the way you did just now ...!
Exactly .
So now you agree that applying to via is just formal procedure ...

so now US has taken this argument to technical level.

they are very smart in finding escape ways via technical means.

having had to invite person whom they refused visa for 10 years ...is a big slap on their face .

That's it ..they may not accept that ...but it is .

I don't agree to their earlier visa refusal. But there is no slap on anyone's face. He would get a visa now only because he would be considered as the head of state and not because the reasons he was denied visa earlier would suddenly disappear.

so now you agree that as head of state they will qualify for visa automatically ...
Don't you think the state department spokeperson could have worded your response ..the way you did just now ...!

I think you are acting a little too over sensitive. Go back and read her statement with a cool head and you would realize that she didn't say anything controversial.
I don't agree to their earlier visa refusal. But there is no slap on anyone's face. He would get a visa now only because he would be considered as the head of state and not because the reasons he was denied visa earlier would suddenly disappear.

well India by then has forced US to welcome a person whom they denied visa for last 10 years ...
It's decision forced on them by Indian democracy ....( in case Modi indeed becomes PM )

don't you think so ?
well India by then has forced US to welcome a person whom they denied visa for last 10 years ...
It's decision forced on them by Indian democracy ....( in case Modi indeed becomes PM )

don't you think so ?

No. India didn't elect Modi so that he can get his revenge by getting a US visa. The decision to elect Modi has nothing to do with US visa.
There is no twisting of words. If there is a twisting at all it is by TOI, they twisted a generic statement describing the visa procedure for foreign officials and made it sound like it was about Modi.

This isn't some other official we are talking about here, this is a specific case because his visa was cancelled by the US earlier, the question asked was correct - the answers given were vague. As a state head he automatically qualifies for a visa and in the case of Modi, because it was cancelled earlier it's a grey area owing to the US stand earlier. If she didn't know herself she should have waited for confirmation.
I think you are acting a little too over sensitive. Go back and read her statement with a cool head and you would realize that she didn't say anything controversial.

Honestly speaking ...Yes .

I am sensitive about hypocrisies of hypocrites ...

If US has any qualms about Human rights under which pre text they denied visa to Narendra modi ..they should have remained steadfast to their decision even if he becomes head of state ...

But they can't ..do you know why ?

They are biggest hypocrites and biggest violators of human rights .

They don't give damn to humans and human rights ...they only care about their interests .
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