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Sep 8, 2008
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Sipahi Maqbool Hussain of Azad Kashmir Regiment was declared missing on August 20, 1965 during Operation Gibraltar in Srinagar Area, his relatives said. He was understood to be have been martyred. Forty years later, he crossed the Wagah border in exchange for civilian prisoners. A far cry from the tall, well-built soldier he once was, mentally disoriented, his tongue cut, was presumed to be a fisherman like the rest of the group who returned with him. On the homecoming of the soldier, neither his parents, nor his brother of Tarrar Khal on September 17, were in this world to receive him. In his saner moments, he kept writing "No.335139" whenever he was questioned about his identity. Weeks later, officials, realizing the significance of the number, handed him over to the military, under whose care he has been for the past two years.Now he is spending his life under the high attention and love of pak Army

I salute this man.One of the most patriotic Pakistani :pakistan: :pakistan:
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No.335139 We salute you, the brave son of Pakistan :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
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Salute for the service he did for the love of MOTHERLAND.
To indians...this shows ur justice and tolerance toward PAKISTANIS.
Shame on such hipocrites and death to those who tortured him with such barbarity.

Wow..India again :lol::lol:

Are you trying to say that your army is totally innocent in matters like these??

Or shd I post some news like these??

Shame on people who think like this.:hitwall::hitwall:
Wow..India again :lol::lol:

Are you trying to say that your army is totally innocent in matters like these??

Or shd I post some news like these??

Shame on people who think like this.:hitwall::hitwall:

whats your problim yaar he is hero here and we love him?
post some good words or just leave us alone your attamp of this flame make this thread another warzone.i will say shame on them who distroy his life:)

remember who many daed bodes and unfit men you send us back
selute to No.335139 :pakistan:
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Wow..India again :lol::lol:

Are you trying to say that your army is totally innocent in matters like these??

Or shd I post some news like these??

Shame on people who think like this.:hitwall::hitwall:

If u advocate this ur a piece of waste.
2nd the guy was a POW since 1965.his tongue was cut,nails were ripped,tortured,lost his sense and was returned NOW....After decades
Now tell me about indian pows in Pakistani jails?
Sorry to say real life isnt a indian movie.
WOW... I have tears in my eyes...
I salute you Sipahi Maqbool Hussain, May ALLAH bless you with the best of His rewards.
Who is advocating??

BTW u can read this
Indian POWs from the 1971 War ******* IN TSP JAILS! Have we forgetten them!!

You are no saint either...:sniper:

Its easy to act like a clown, but for you guys its an even bigger problem any criticism of your country and you guys go berserk with anger. You are so delusional that you start questioning them by countering it with another argument. Well while you guys return our men in the shape above remember that the person below.


He walked out of Pakistan a like healthy cow.
Condemn the act if you can, if you dont have the b@lls to do it then stay out of it rather then acting like a :flame:
It's sad, you have do be really thick not to know that it's against the Geneva Protocol that sets out treatment of POWs to cut people's tongue out, that too with pliers and no aesthetic for refusing to say "Death to Pakistan".
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