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Next President of India Mohammad Hamid Ansari ?

Mohammad Hamid Ansari was an a career diplomat we can use his service as a president
Indian President is not more than a stamp president so does it really matter who will be next ????

Only one think matter that ruling party need president from their own party...
Not quite

The mantle of 'President' is not that important. Dr. Kalam's was a great man before he became president.

He was involved in (super top secret) ballistic missile development and nuke tech. The 'President' tag was just a bonus. We don't need to prove anything to the world (least of all Pakistan)

Agreed....The President tag to Thiru Kalam was a recognition of his yeoman service he rendered to this nation.

Also I agree with your point on this "proving-to-the-world" business.What exactly and why exactly do we need to prove anything to anyone ?

If he is a suitable candidate,his religion is worth dog poop to me and he will have my support.

But making his religion a reason for his candidacy is something I cant support and for clarity purpose this will be the same reaction to any bozo who recommends someone to the post of the President just because he is a Hindu.
But Kalam saab is not interested so its out of question.

It (Ansari saab) will benefit India in the Muslim world.

Also, it will burst anti India propaganda in Muslim world.
Propaganda will continue no matter what we do. First of all I don't understand what is so special everytime the matter comes to Muslim community. Everyone has to understand. Someone or the other from various community becomes something at national level on his own merit. This "special Muslim" mindset is very irritating and wreaks of bias.

This has to be a bilateral effort between non-Muslims and Muslims to work on individual merit basis than community basis. I don't see "Buddhists demand so and so", "Buddhists discriminated" etc topic here and there despite the fact that we are at some point in the mostly Christian northeast.

But this self-victimization thinking of Muslim community in India must stop; they are only creating invisible barriers between them and others by moving about as a community rather than individuals.

Let me give you and example; 7 years back, JFR Jacob was the first Jewish national security advisor to India; this news was never made community-highlighted.

Then why are you talking on the basis of "Muslim world"? This is sheer special treatment way of talking.

Dr. Kalam never became PM because of his highlighted "Muslim" tag. Same way neither should Mr. Ansari be. He is an Indian and not some Arab or West Asian.
I think there is truth to the fact that minorities are not treated fairly in India- that includes Muslims. As a nation_ India should have a frank and open dialogue about such misgivings. We can't just brush this under the carpet and feign outrage when such statements attributed to human rights are made.

the way we match our 9% GDP growth and soon per the Carnegie institute think tank to become the 3rd largest economy in the world in 2 decades - is to also address these human rights issues. Only good things will come out of it. I appreciate many Indians passion and defensive stance when the 'minority treatment ' issue is called out but it does not move us forward , does it?
I think there is truth to the fact that minorities are not treated fairly in India- that includes Muslims. As a nation_ India should have a frank and open dialogue about such misgivings. We can't just brush this under the carpet and feign outrage when such statements attributed to human rights are made.

the way we match our 9% GDP growth and soon per the Carnegie institute think tank to become the 3rd largest economy in the world in 2 decades - is to also address these human rights issues. Only good things will come out of it. I appreciate many Indians passion and defensive stance when the 'minority treatment ' issue is called out but it does not move us forward , does it?
For your information,in India, all minorities are treated better than the Hindu majority and if this is called discrimination, then all the countries in the world treat their minorities 10 times worse. Please don't talk without knowledge.

Most of the whistle blower cases of "riots" are false and are even at times initiated by miscreants on either community side to create some news headlines.

Why are you over-analyzing? I am technically a minority in this country (not that we consider it) and I am proud to be in India with whatever we have. You know why? Because we Buddhists don't talk, act, react as a community but as individual Indian nationals just as Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis etc do.

When certain communities act, react, behave, debate, protest "as a community", they naturally attract annoyance of other communities who think more on national level than their own religious thinking.

Come and live in India, then you will know.
I wish we could have had Narendra Modi as our next Prez.
Great leader,determined and works for one thing-growth.
We have seen that rapidly in Gujarat.

Well,its my wish.
I'd go with Ansari over Patil any day. At least the president will be of some use then.
not treated fairly in the sense?are they discriminated?

Absolutely, I mean I remember growing up in India where class , race and religious discrimination was a part of the underlinings of the society. It was not a 'riot' in every case but yeah, we would be naive to think that it is still does not exist.

Look, part of a growing democracy is to accept our shortcomings and work towards better educating the next generation. Even here in the US, racism still exists but it's people have worked hard at making it insignificant for the next generation through acceptance and dialogue. Today, we in the US are at the cusp of passing a law that gives Gays the right to serve in the US military. another step towards non demonization of its citizenry.

My purpose or contribution as a person of Indian descent is to accept at first that such discrimination exists and then to have an open dialogue to hopefully move India forward in the positive direction.
For your information,in India, all minorities are treated better than the Hindu majority and if this is called discrimination, then all the countries in the world treat their minorities 10 times worse. Please don't talk without knowledge.

Most of the whistle blower cases of "riots" are false and are even at times initiated by miscreants on either community side to create some news headlines.

Why are you over-analyzing? I am technically a minority in this country (not that we consider it) and I am proud to be in India with whatever we have. You know why? Because we Buddhists don't talk, act, react as a community but as individual Indian nationals just as Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis etc do.

When certain communities act, react, behave, debate, protest "as a community", they naturally attract annoyance of other communities who think more on national level than their own religious thinking.

Come and live in India, then you will know.

I commented on another post to further clarify my stance( hopefully that will address some of the questions you have proposed . But wanted to also reply to you here with the information that I'm a Hindu Indian, who lived in India , schooled in India, went to university in India.
I think there is truth to the fact that minorities are not treated fairly in India- that includes Muslims. As a nation_ India should have a frank and open dialogue about such misgivings. We can't just brush this under the carpet and feign outrage when such statements attributed to human rights are made.

the way we match our 9% GDP growth and soon per the Carnegie institute think tank to become the 3rd largest economy in the world in 2 decades - is to also address these human rights issues. Only good things will come out of it. I appreciate many Indians passion and defensive stance when the 'minority treatment ' issue is called out but it does not move us forward , does it?

Dont paint all minorities under one brush - Not all are complaining. :no: and the example is Vajrayudh's post.

And frankly Hindus have much more reasons to complain than any minority :lol:
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