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Newest German Frigate Baden-Württemberg again in Yard after tests


Feb 24, 2017
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Leadship Baden-Württemberg of the newest F-125 firgate family is again in Yard.
During tests German Navy found structural faults and faults in FüWES the ships integrated weapons and command system.
The repairs will begin 19. January 2018 at Blohm+Voss yard Hamburg, after an already delay of 3-years.


Leadship Baden-Württemberg of the newest F-125 firgate family is again in Yard.
During tests German Navy found structural faults and faults in FüWES the ships integrated weapons and command system.
The repairs will begin 19. January 2018 at Blohm+Voss yard Hamburg, after an already delay of 3-years.



I read somewhere that this ship is already weakly armed for its size. If it turns out to be unreliable, the Germans would have a white dinosaur on their hands.
I read somewhere that this ship is already weakly armed for its size. If it turns out to be unreliable, the Germans would have a white dinosaur on their hands.

Yes, it has no VLS or ESSM. Obviously for anti piracy and patrol missions.
As long as weaknesses are identified

And programmes developed to enhance the shortcomings THIS is none issue

I HABE FAR MORE FAITH in any German System short and long term over 99% of worlds ship builders


I actually think Indias very own Shivailk class Frigates are better looking and defo better armed

I read somewhere that this ship is already weakly armed for its size. If it turns out to be unreliable, the Germans would have a white dinosaur on their hands.
Yes, it has no VLS or ESSM. Obviously for anti piracy and patrol missions.

It only operates 2 RAM block II CIWS launchers (21 cells each), 8 Harpoon Anti-ship missiles (later to be replaced by RBS 15 MK4) and a 127 mm gun. For a 7200 tonnes displacing ship, I think it is poorly armed (it doesn't even have proper air defence), even if it was designed for peacemaking/peacekeeping missions in mind.

For comparison you have the Braunschweig-class corvette (1830 tonnes displacement): it also operates 2 RAM block II CIWS launcher, has 4 RBS-15 mk3 anit-ship missiles and a 76mm gun.


Braunschweig-class corvette; from Wikipedia
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